
Chapter 1

Welcome, To a story that will never end until the end of time. I have been known for never getting stuff done so I made this story with different little story's in it so I will not get bored of writing(I hope) but no matter what I will try and get this done. This story is all about a little Fox past, a Fox that lies to get out of stuff.

No matter what the Fox did the always come back to lying to everyone. I find this Fox interesting to say the most in this story of the Little Fox.

Now then let's get to the little First story "The First Friend"

As the Fox was on the way to there home from hunting and gathering the meet a wolf, the Fox agreed with the wolf to share it's home for a little while for the wolf to recover from getting lost from it's pack(there was a pack fight).

The spent everyday like it was the last until the wolf found it's pack but the had so much fun together that the fox didn't want the wolf to go back. It was already to late to say there mind to the wolf, the wolf left the little fox without letting the fox say it's finale goodbye's it left the little fox in sadness. Leaving the fox, the fox thought over and over about the fun the had and not to soon after that... the meet again.

The little Fox seen how happy the wolf was and fell in tears thinking that could be him and the wolf but he was to scared to say his mind.

Now then How was it good or bad? It was short so I will tell you another one sound good? I hope so let's get started then "The Family"

As you would think I call the Fox some times little Fox because it is still a child right now in the story but let's jump a little forward in time, the little fox did not like it's family. I know what you are thinking the did nothing that wrong but the fox just hated them and he could not figure out why. He didn't like going to the Family meet up not at all he complain about stuff that weren't even true he just didn't want to go. The family is like how do I say it.... I can not find words so I will just say this it's that one kid dream of a family that is curled up in a corner if you understand what I mean hopefully you do.

The Fox never wanted to go and so he never got close didn't want to deal with family drama only leaving him more lonely than you can think( I bet you can think more lonely than the fox but let's just pretend it's more). He trusted his friends more than family... oh my I forgot to tell you about his friends how bad of a writer I am let's get to it then pretend theirs a pause button on the little story. First we have a Squirrel, Sloth, Rabbit, and another fox that's his friends alright no more pause it's now a play. He wanted to be with them than with his family that will only just fall apart in a spit of a second, now then let's just say someone in the family didn't die in a honorable way and the fox didn't even know them leaving him with only a name.

Well then the concludes chapter 1 I will only do two to one story in each chapter but like I said this is a never ending story( I honestly don't know when I will get chapter two up).

Hopefully you enjoyed this little Fox story so Far do take note this is my first story in a long time what I mean please don't do to much hate if you don't like it.

Gothyou2creators' thoughts