A shattered sky, a mortal god, a decomposing sun, all problems that did not concern Mercer, a highly renowned demon hunter. What should have been a simple job to kill a Demon turned out to be more than what he bargained for. ____________________________________
In a dark forest 400km west of Kleo
In a camp site surrounded by trees a man sat on a fold-able chair as he fed the flames, a cigar on his lips and two revolvers on his hip, the revolver on his right seemed to shine in the night sky.
He threw a stick to the flame as it roared to life, he stared at the flames as he waited patiently a look of cold indifference on his face as he waited.
Time seemed to pass by slowly a he waited and fed the flames the moon seemed to be brighter than it had in years.
He gazed at the moon as a crack formed right beneath it shattering the night sky, a light smile playing on his lips as it fixed itself.
"Odd" he muttered to himself as he gazed at the moon, shaking his head he breathed out a puff of smoke and put out his cigar, a cold feeling was felt on the back of his nape. The dragon wrapped around his right arm trembled.
He smiled to himself as he felt the familiar feeling of a barrel against the back of his head
"Who are you" an old strained voice belonging to a man asked behind him no doubt the owner of the revolver.
"It took you long enough" He told the old man ignoring his question his voice indifferent to the situation at hand as he got up from the floor ignoring the gun pressed against his head
"Don't fuck with me he said in anger" as he pushed harder, he gazed at the dragon tattoo
"I have been watching you Jonah" he said mockingly"You've been a bad bad man" he chastised the old man as if he was a disappointed parent shaking his head.
"Who are you, I'm not playing" The old man cocked the hammer, people not scared of guns pressed against there heads usually meant bad news, whether they were crazy or the fact that they knew guns couldn't harm them, he started to get nervous.
If it was up to him he would have killed this man immediately not asking any questions but, he needed this mans horse, if he had one which he figured he did, he was probably a hunter sent by the association to come find him. Which he wasn't worried about he had killed plenty of members, novice hunters trying to make a name for themselves.
They would usually beg and cry before he'd execute them and took his spoils, his instincts were telling him to run, even if he had his gun pressed against this mans head, every cell in his body was screaming at him that he was in danger, his throat dry he swallowed some saliva that was building in his throat.
The man turned around grabbing the barrel of the gun holding it to his forehead.
His golden eyes met his black eyes a tiny smile playing on his lips.
The cylinder shifted loading in a new round.
the man laughed as he let go of the gun.
Jonah wasn't stupid, shooting would obviously alert anything with ears in this forest opposite of what someone wanting to hide would do, albeit he would admit he shouldn't have lit the fire. With the gun pressed against there heads he'd take out his knife and slowly dragging it across there throats savoring his kill, the fear of the gun was enough he only had one chambered round which would be his last shot in case of emergencies.
The golden eyed man punched Jonah in the nose with his right arm his left arm guarding as he took a stance for a fist fight.
Crunch !
The gun fell to the floor blood trickled down Jonahs face as he stumbled back holding on to his broken nose with one hand the other grabbing his knife hidden in his boot. Hatred welling up inside of him, today was not the day he would get arrested he had killed far to many to be granted leniency he was surely gonna be put to death. An ugly sneer formed on his face as his gray long beard was stained with blood.
The golden eyed man looked at the knife an amused smile was on his lips as he took of his scarf and wrapped it around his hand.
His eyes seemed to mock Jonah to come over
Was this a joke, were the cosmos messing with him? Should he have begged the old man to spare him after he defiantly cried out his inhumanity, he never understood why 'humans' were so braggart when it came to heinous deeds. He laughed lightly gazing at Jonah his eyes looking into his soul.
Jonah charged at The golden eyed man
The old man swiped angrily at the Golden eyed man as he deflected the knife with the scarf wrapped hand, punching him again in the face ,Jonah recoiled as he swiped again he parried as he uppercut the old man grabbing Jonahs head and slamming it into his knee
"Come on Jonah that cant be all you have" he taunted after his knee collided with Jonahs face
Locking his arms over head as he brought it down knocking Jonah to the floor
"Wheres that joy, wheres that vigor"
The taste of dirt filled Jonahs senses.
Poor old Joe he had just graduated from school and got his license, he paused grabbing Jonah by the hair "But he had something you wanted" Bringing his other arm up and slamming in into Jonah knocking him back into the ground.
"A shirt" he laughed mockingly "You killed your first man over a shirt" he continued to laugh and mock him "I have never met a human as prolifically stupid as you" he looked at him in disdain.
"You condemned your soul to hell, over a shirt" He laughed at him mockingly
The sentence from earlier was playing back in his head, 'I have been watching you Jonah' a frown played on his lips.
A sense of fear and dread filled Jonah, he raised his head to spit some blood and teeth as he tried to get up.
The golden eyed man didn't interrupt him, only looking at him with disgust.
The man was relaying details only he would know or someone that was there would know, but that was over 50 years ago, it was his first kill when he was only 16 years old, and this man didn't look like he was past his 20s.
"What! Who are you?" he screamed at the golden eyed man, fear welling up inside of him, stories from his childhood circling in his head.
"No one of consequence" he replied indifferently, a frown playing on his lips as if he couldn't stand the sight of Jonah. Raising the gun from his hip as he pointed it towards the forehead of Jonah.
Seeing the mans intention a plan formed in his head, A chance, he always gave his victims a choice, the corners of his lips ever so faintly curled.
"Wait, wait I give up" he huffed as he bent over to seemingly to catch his breath.
The golden eyed man shrugged as he took a lasso off his belt and threw it at the man.
Jonah sneered as he took advantage of the man throwing him the rope on the floor as he dived towards his revolver grabbing it.
A twisted smile formed on the golden eyes face as a shot rang through out the forest.