
chapter i

that night

in the West at the Dragon kingdom, Sun Jain walked into the room, Cao Jain walked into the castle, " okay my queen? asked, Cao Chin, " not the king doesn't want to rule beside me or be in my company, Hou Long, Xiong An, Zhaun Zhaun, Hong Yu, Li Zan, Weiyoung, Xailou, Ren Hang and Cao get your horses we going to find the king, said. Sun Jain, " Sun why to borrow he hurting you, I can see it it's ticking me off, you know how I feel about you, I am madly in love with you, if you end it with him, I will never leave your side, I will never stop loving you, I will always be by your side, said Cao Chin, he poured out his heart to her, " I always love you Cao, I send you the invite why you cme, " my freaking parents, they told me to go hunt by the time I got home they gave it to him, I desert you, not him, said, Cao Chin, " you are the one I pick as my king andhudband, time the wrong one go back to his parents, I taken back the crown tonight, we are getting tied in the East and blessed by my family, let'sgo, they walked out of the castle, got on their horses andleft, Bao Chin is in a tavern kissing on bomd maidens, " my queen let us handle this, you shouldn't get involved, said, Hou Yu, they got off their houses, and walked inside, " I am involved Hou, bring his ungrateful ^ss to me, said. Sun Jain, they walked inside the tavern, and all eyes turned, " my queen what can I get for you, asked the innkeeper, " you can tell which room the king is in answered, Sun Jain, " to the left upstairs, " go and get my crown, after you give him my message, said. Sun Jain, all five walked up the steps, Zhaun Zhuan kicked in the door, and they jumped out the bd and ran out of the room, " where do you think you running to, Cao Chin grabbed him and tossed out the room at the wall, " we can kick his tail outside, you hurt my lazy king let me help you up, Hou Long grabbed him then he punches him hard in the face, he falls backward down the steps, they walked down the steps, as she walked up. " stand-down captians, I get you will never love or want me Bao, I not what you wanted, what you and your parents thought you have been flavored to be a king wrong I decide who should be my king not your parentswho will be dealt with their conprancey to the clan and crown, asfor you are not allowed back in the west, you are not the king of the west, she took the crown from his head and walked up to Cao Chin, " my heart, and love and the west mint to be yours, captain Chin after you finished given him my message return to the castle , come on, {mother father, do we get theclan blessing to get married after ending it with him?] asked, Sun Jain, "[ yes, go the East Sun, we hand the Chins, all Chins will be banished from the West never to return, } said, Wu Jain, they got on their horses and head to the East, Wu and Yuan Jain landed in the kingdom, Shao and Songwalked out, " you have every right to be terrible what you darn to pull, you darn will know that invite was for Cao not Bao, you give to him anyway, he has hurt my child for the last time you did your last treesom you and your clan is banish out of the west and never to return, get out now! roared, Wu Jain grabbed their stuff and walked out the gates, the Hengs dissolved the marriage between Sun and Bao and remarried Sun and Cao, after endless waiting to be together, they finally got their wish, and they kissed each other, Xao took Sun last name as his own, he picks her up, " thank you, my king and queen, said, Sun Jain, " about time Sun you married the right brother, said. Xiao Heng, carried her out of the castle and they got on their horses and returned to the west, he got off his horse and her off, Hou Long, Zhaun Zhuan, Xiong An, Hang Yu, Weiyoung, Xailou, Li Zan, Ren Hang bowed to them, " long live the queen and the rightful king, they all side, fat and wide the Dragon clan roared out and blew out the fire to rejoice, even the Great Dragon is pleased, they walked into the castle, he carried her into their room, they made love to each other, that whole night, as the sunrise and the night turn into the morning, the castle advisors brought the reports of the kingdom, and the servants was setting the tables, he strokes her arm, " morning my queen, I will never hurt you break your heart, I waited so long for this day to happen, " me to, I can tell you speaking from your heart Cao, you are telling me the truth, they go out of bed and their armors appeared on them, they walked out of the room, Hou Long, Hang Yu, Xiong An, Zhuan Zhuan, Li Zan, Weiyoung, Xailou, and Ren Hang walked in sat down, " Coa you know our captians, question in min you still want to remain a captain or pick one to take your spot? asked, Sun Jain, " I was hoping our son or daughter take it open day until he or she is thought of or born Lu Bo, " he is a fine soldier, we make our heir or heiress captain of the dragon defensive, go get your choice captain my king, said, Sun Jain, they walked back in the castle, Lu Bo bowed to her, " thank you for this chance my queen and captain Chin, " Lu it my king, they are finally married, said, Li Zan, " this is a Dragon cancel breakfast, each captain has their on territorial sides west, east north and south, were the see to the resource fields which is Hunting, Fishing, lumbering and mining, captain r\be seated, and we shall begin, the cooks bring out Wontons, " thank you, they helped their plates, Hou Long hand her his folder first, " we got few problems that a couple want to address the crown, he ate some of his wontons,