
Not again

"Pestilence! What the hell are you doing?!" Death screamed and stormed into his brother's room.

The room was extremely dirty with dirty dishes, take out boxes and old newspapers strewn around. The air was stale and smelled like something had died in the corner.

Pestilence sat up on his bed and looked at Death. "What do you mean?"

Death crossed his arms over his chest and replied angrily "I mean that fucking virus. You moron! Do you have any idea how much work I have because of it?!"

His brother just shrugged his shoulders. "How should I have known that that thing would mutate? I mean humans know that wild animals have a tone of parasites and illnesses right?"

"Ofcourse they know that but you should have known that those things eat literally anything. I even saw on tv how a woman ate her dead husbands ashes. They are worse then pigs." Death replied with a frown.

Pestilence nodded "Yeah they are." Both of them stayed quiet for a bit but then Famine walked past the door and commented "Well if you were dirty poor and also starving you would probably also eat anything even if it makes you sick."

Death turn around and leaned out of the doorframe. "Wait does that mean it's your fault?!"

Famine shock his head. "No it's a combination of bad luck, horrible living conditions and ofcourse the stupidity that the humans seem to have perfected."

"Yeah it kinda reminds me of the plague back in the middle ages. Only that the world is now way more connected so it spreads even further." Pestilence mussed.

"Don't forget that even though humans now understand what a virus they still don't get how to wear a mask properly." Famine edited with a grin.

Death sight "Yes also some of them still think that it it's that bad even though there are mass graves and millions of people are ill."

"I don't get why you complain about it. There behavior makes our jobs way easier." Pestilence said while pulling out a bag of chips from under his bed.

Death rolled his eyes "Maybe your jobs but mine gets increasingly more difficult when so many die."

"Well we could help you." Pestilence tried to suggest.

"Definitely not! You guys already did enough!" Death yelled while walking away. "And Pest if you start an academic again in the next fifty years I will rip you head off and feed your body to the demon hounds!"

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