
: Treason

The doors opened and soon entered a tall yet handsome young man who held a noble temperament. Lila stared at the mans familiar build.

His wavy brown hair which she used to touch.

His high cheekbones which she used to kiss.

His rough hands which she used to intertwine with hers.

His lean body which she used to embrace and feel an endless warmth.

His everything which she grew to love.

"Sir Felipe Welkins!" when the steward announced Philip's name that was when Lila's thoughts came to a halt.


Just why?!

Why are YOU here?

As she stared at the man's face, memories of their time together flashed before her eyes and she felt her heart ache as if someone was constantly gripping it.

Don't tell me that even YOU plan to banish me?!

The King spoke, "Do you, Sir Felipe Welkin's solemnly swear that what you will say today is nothing but the utmost truth?"

Felipe glanced at Lila's shaken eyes as he responded, "I swear by my honor."

"Sir Felipe what is your relationship with the suspect?" An official asked.

"We- we used to be engaged."

"Used to?"

"Yes, that is because when I knew about Lila wrongdoings I immediately broke off the engagement."

What does he mean by he broke off our engagement? That is not possible! To break off an engagement the approval of both the bethroed should be used! And I don't remember giving approval nor signing any papers for the abolishing of our any engagemen--

Lila then remembered that Felipe made her sign her seal on a paper claiming that it was for their upcoming wedding ceremony.

Then realization hit her.

Ah I see now...he tricked me.

Lila snapped out of her shock as she glared at her former fiance. "Oh is that so? And may I ask what wrongdoings I have done because I can't seem to recall doing such deeds?!"

"I saw that very letter placed on top of your desk!"

"So? For all we know it was planted there to throw me suspicions!"

"But-but the ink used on the letter is a very rare ink that is exactly like yours!" Lila stared at Felipe as if she was looking at someone foolish.

"If we are talking about similarity of ink, then are you stating that everyone who uses the same ink as was used in the letter is considered a suspect? If so there may be hundreds of suspects other than me yet oddly only I am being questioned."

Felipe fell silent with Lila's rebukes.

It was clear as day that Lila was being framed yet somehow no one is bothering to come to her defense. Information rolled inside Lila's brain as she tried to find out as to who would benefit from her being banished. She glanced at the furious crowd of citizens, then she glanced at the anxious looking nobles right below her father, and lastly she glanced at the King.

Then finally everything made sense.

Classified information about the kingdom was almost found out by the enemy kingdom, and the sole people who was supposed to know about those informations are upper class nobles — however as stated this information was found out therefore there's a mole within the kingdom and that mole is a noble! .... and that certain mole is using me as an escape rat knowing that I am merely an unwanted princess that is easily replaced.

Lila grew shocked at her own realization.

Who? Just who could the mole be?

Lila's chain of thoughts was broken when she heard the Kings final decision.

"I, King Lima Midon Florence IX, hereby charge the offender named Lila Hiram Florence as guilty for the crime of treason! She shall pay for her crimes by eternal banishment at the Forest of Damnation!"

Lila froze in shock and disbelief at what she heard.

Me? Guilty?

Angcon who remained silence behind Lima fell down to her knees when she heard the Kings decree. "Your Highness! I have been with Princess Lila for a very long time and I can truthhfully vouch for her innocence and say that she is not someone who will commit treason! There must be some kind of mistake! She must have been framed!"

"Your Highness, I believe that this woman is doubting your decree." Duke Welkin's added fuel to the fire by saying this, making Lima throw him a stare down filled with hatred wishing that she could separate his head from his body.

"Is that so? Then she shall be jailed for going against royalty!" The King decreed.

Two soldiers walked towards Angcon but before they could reach her, Lila pulled on her arm and hid her behind her back.

"Cease what you are doing!"

"A traitor dares to act impudent!"

One soldier lunged forward with his sword held in his hands.

Lila shut her eyes close and braced herself for an upcoming pain but strangely she felt nothing. She slowly peeled her eyes open only to see a familiar womans figure shielding her with her arms spread wide as if protecting her.

"Princess Lila are you alright?" Angcon voiced as she glanced behind to see if Lila was fine.

Lila's eyes travelled down towards Angcon's stomach. It widened in fright when she saw a now-dripping in red sword tip pierced right through it.

"No, Angcon!" Lila caught Angcon's fallen body as she immediately applied pressure on the stab wound to stop the bleeding. However her actions were useless to no avail. "Angcon stay with me!"

Angcon felt her eyelids grow heavy as she felt a stabbing pain on her stomach-- literally.

But what bothered her most was Princess Lila's crying face.

Never in her life has she seen Princess Lila cry, because as a Princess she was taught to show no weakness.

Angcon reached out her bloodied hands to wipe away Lila's tears.

"P-princess, forgive me for leaving quite ahead of time."

"No! No! I wont allow it! Angcon as your mistress I order you to stay awake!" Lila turned towards her father.

"Someone call a doctor! Please anyone!" Lila roamed her eyes to plead for help but no one dared to return her gaze. When she looked up her eyes met with familiar green ones that shows their relation. "Father, I beg of you! Please save her! " However the King looked at her as if he was looking at a stranger.

Angcon mustered the last bit of her strength to slowly shake her head. "Princess....please it is of no use...before this humble servant go can you please grant me a favor?"

"No! I told you no one is going anywhere! You are going to be just fine so stay with me!"

"Please promise me that you'll live through this...and be happy." and with those words her eyes grew droopy and unfocused till its light grew dim as she held her last breath.

"...No.....please....Angcon? Angcon?! Open your eyes!" Lila could feel her maids body grow could as her ooened eyes looked dull and lifeless.


Much pain

Extreme and overwhelming pain that she doesn't know what to do with it.

Lima held Angcon's lifeless body as she looked up and glared at her father, "Why didn't you save her?! She had nothing to do with this!"

"Why should I bother saving a mere servant? She was of no use to me."

"You—" Lila gritted her teeth in anger as she held Angcon's cold body, close.

"Someone take that servants body away and feed it to the dogs." The King said as he looked at Angcon rugged body in disgust.

"No!" Lila yelled in desperation.

Two servants walked close towards Lila and tried to pull Angcon's body out of her embrace but Lila held on tighter, she had zero plans on letting go.

"Don't you dare touch her! You animals! Let go!" One guard held Lila down while the other tried to pry off Angcon's body. Lila bit the hand of the one holding her down making the guard screech in pain but still he did not unhand her and continued to hold her down.

"No! Let her go! Let her go!" Lila screamed like a madman as she struggled to get out of the guards hold to save Angcon. Her noble elegance for the first time ever, was broken.

One of the guards dragged Angcon body on the ground like a ragged doll.

Whilst watching this scene happen before her eyes massive tears fell down Lila's face as she turned to her father for help out of sheer desperation and hopelessness.

"Father please! Please make them stop!" She begged. The kings thick eyebrows furrowed in anger. "You dare call me father?! No daughter of mine is a traitor!"

"No! Please, I am not! Angcon!" Lila ran to chase after the guard who dragged Angcon's body. The guard holding her down grew irritated at Lila actions so he knocked her on the knee and made her kneel.

Lila drew a sharp breathe when she felt pain on her knee caps. She gritted her teeth and endured the pain as she was now kneeling humiliatingly on the ground.

"Parade this offender on the Circle of the central town then throw her towards the cliff of the Forest of Damnation!" The king ordered and his voice traveled all around. Hearing the final verdict the crowd cheered.

The hall was filled with noise yet all Lila could hear was this ringing sound as she feel her world grow slow.

Heavy steel like shackles held down Lila's hands as she was dragged out of the Penance Hall and was soon paraded on the circle of the capital as ordered.

She walked with lifeless eyes as the guard continuously pulled on her shackles to make her speed up her pace as if she was a pet.

"Walk faster!" the guard in front bellowed as he once again pulled on Lila's shackles causing her to trip down and fall.

The citizens found this as a chance to kick her while she was down as they muttered curses, threw stones and various things towards her.

Lila felt numb.

Why? Why is this happening to me? Just what did I do wrong?

After Lila was paraded she was dragged towards the edge of a cliff and the wide eerie landscape of the forest of damnation became visible from down below and entered her eyes that was loosing its original vitality.

Recalling everything that Lila had done just for the acknowledgement of her father, for the love of her fiance and for the benefit of the kingdom, only to receive this in return made her feel extremely laughable foolish.

The guard that led her towards the edge of the cliff was bewildered when he heard a giggle escape from Lila's mouth.

Why is she laughing? Has she gone insane with all that has happened?

Finally the soft giggles turned to a loud booming lunatic-like laughter that caused chills to crawl down the guards spine.

"Haha! Hahhahahahaha! Foolish! Terribly foolish!" Lila laughed as painful tears slid down her cheeks. Lila looked down towards the forest of damnation.

So this is how I'll reach my end? How unlike me.

The guard behind Lila was about to push her down but he grew frightened when Lila suddenly turned to him and stared at him with lifeless eyes.

She stared at the guard for a few seconds memorizing his face. This was the man who dragged Angcon's body on the ground.

"I'll remember you..." her gaze trailed down towards the guards and citizens that was stationed behind. " I'll remember all of you." She spat with venom laced on her voice as her face contorted to that similar of a demons: filled with hatred and anger.

She then maniaclly smiled and without any hesitation she jumped towards her end.

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