
Chapter 43

On his fourth day in the settlement, Emeric woke sluggishly. Sleep had been shortcoming with his injured ankle. The constant ache of the limb kept him awake through the entire duration of the evening.

He swung his legs out of the bed and made special care to keep his injured foot off of the ground. Although it had started to heal, the swelling remained and the pain hammered on relentlessly. He took hold of his crutches and made for the door.

Fewer people gazed at him as he walked through the area. They had all grown accustomed to seeing him limp around. However, a certain set of eyes never seized to gaze at him wrathfully whenever he stepped out of his cabin. Sarthen.

The sour faced man had made an appeal to the council of the small village. He had tried explaining to them that Emeric was a spy and couldn't be trusted. However, the council couldn't make major decisions, such as deciding whether someone should be kicked out or not, without the presence of the village chief. He was out on a rescue mission, and until he returned Emeric had been permitted to move around in the village, he just wasn't allowed to leave the perimeter.

As Emeric made his way through the cabins, he reached the open central area where all the children were playing with a ball. They had put out two posts on either side of the field. The goal of the game was to get the ball through either of the posts. Emeric grinned as he watched the kids play. He had played similar games with his parents in his childhood years before the fateful day of his mother's death.

Emeric's smile faded away as his eyes landed on a familiar figure sitting hunched next to the playing field. He wasn't making any attempt to join the game and he was a rather mournful sight.

Emeric hobbled over to Kedo. As he approached, the young kid raised his eyes to Emeric and smiled faintly in greeting. Emeric sat down next to his friend with some effort and then let out a sigh of relief. They sat in silence for a while as they both just watched the proceedings of the game. One of the elder kids kicked the ball between two of the posts with extreme force earning a cheer from his teem when the post keeper couldn't stop the ball.

As the Etreshian youngsters ran back to the center of the field to start a new round, Emeric gazed down at Kedo. "Why aren't you up there playing with them?" Kedo shrugged, "I don't know any of the kids." he replied. Emeric gave him a stern look. "You didn't know me either, and now look at the pair of us." Kedo grinned slightly, "In that case, I just don't want to play right now."

Emeric raised his eyebrow, "And you call me the lazy old hag?" Kedo couldn't hide his smile in time.

"Come on." Emeric said as he struggled to his feet, taking hold of his crutches, "Let's go show them how it's done." Emeric turned away and started making his way to the field before Kedo could protest. He heard Kedo's footsteps following and sighed with relief.

The other kids stopped playing as they saw Emeric approaching. The eldest appeared to be only a few years younger than Emeric and he stepped forward as Emeric reached them. "Mind if we join?" Emeric asked cheerfully. The juvenile in front of Emeric seemed a bit confused as he took in Emeric's foot and the crutches, but then smiled and replied, "Sure, you know the rules?"

Emeric shrugged, "I'm sure we'll catch on soon enough." The juvenile grinned, "Alright then, let's get going." With that said, he kicked the ball down the length of the field. Instantly the other kids ran after it. It was blocked by the post keeper and then kicked back up the field to a teammate. Emeric elbowed Kedo softly, "What are you waiting for squirt? Go get it." Kedo glowered up at Emeric, but then ran off with the other kids.

Emeric rarely got the ball, considering his intense lack of speed, however, when he got it he kicked it with all his might. He stepped forward with his crutches and then swung his whole body forward, kicking the ball all the way to the other end of the field. His team cheered rejoicingly as the pounded after it. All the youngster wanted to be in his team and he was forced to take turns to prevent fights breaking out between the two groups.

As nearly an hour passed, Emeric was racing up and down with his crutches. He nearly matched the speed of the kids and got the ball quite frequently. As he chased after the ball now, Kedo reached it and passed it to him with a well measured kick. Emeric stopped the ball and then turned to face the post, which was only half a dozen paces away. With a skillful swing and kick he sent the ball soaring into the post, earning another point for his team.

Cheers broke out and Emeric couldn't help but grin. It had been years since he had thoroughly enjoyed himself. The juvenile came up to Emeric and gave him a fist bump, "Now that's what I'm talking about." He said happily as he retrieved the ball.

However, before the game could continue, a horn blew over the settlement. For a moment a red haze covered Emeric's vision as he was taken back to the Dome. He shut his eyes and calmed his breathing. When the horn fell silent he opened his eyes again and saw a party of horse-riders entering the village.

The occupants of the village rushed forward to great the men as the approached. Wives welcomed their husbands and father's rejoices in the safe return of sons.

Emeric turned to the juvenile standing next to him, "Who's that?" He asked softly. The kid turned excited eyes up at Emeric. "It's the chief. And it looks like the rescue mission was a success." He pointed at the men riding at the back of the group.

Emeric watched the chief as he laughed along with a younger man riding next to him. The sight reminded him of the days with his father. He remembered their never-ending jokes and teasing.

Suddenly, Emeric felt his throat turn dry as he realized that Sarthen would confer with the chief as soon as possible about his suspicions. For a second Emeric felt fear rush through him. What if the chief believed Sarthen's accusations, what would they do with Emeric?

As Emeric watched the chief, the older man turned his head and his eyes landed on Emeric. A shiver ran up Emeric's spine. Something about the chief felt oddly familiar, but they were too far apart to make out facial features. The chief kept his eyes on Emeric, evidently realizing that he was a new arrival. However, soon he was cut from view as the horses and riders disappeared from view behind some of the cabins.

The kids all made their way to their homes and parents, the game was evidently over. Emeric waited a few seconds before he started heading for the cabin that had been provided for him and Kedo. However, he didn't get far before he saw Sarthen rushing towards him. A few of the rude man's followers were right on his heels.

"You're coming with me." Sarthen instructed harshly before grabbing Emeric by the elbow. The young Rogue nearly fell over as Sarthen dragged him away. He limped desperately to keep up as one of his crutches fell from his grip.

Emeric's throat closed when he was ushered into a small room at the back of the village. He had expected to be taken to the chief, but the room was empty apart from him, Sarthen and his goonies. "What's going on?" Emeric asked as he gazed wearily between the men. Sarthen sneered at him. "You're going to confess. That's what happening."

Emeric frowned, "Confess to what?"

"That you're a spy." Sarthen spoke in a deadly tone of voice.

"But I'm not..." Emeric couldn't finish his sentence as hands shoved him back against the wall with enough force to knock the air from his lungs. He grit his teeth as two of the men held him by his arms, preventing him from moving away from the wall. He was cornered...

"Who sent you?" Sarthen asked. Emeric's brow furrowed, "No one sent me..." He grunted as a fist struck him in his torso.

"Who...Sent...You?" Sarthen repeated slowly in a threatening manner. "No one..." Another fist came and struck Emeric across his cheekbone this time. His head snapped back against the wall and stars exploded across his vision. He blinked a few times to clear his head. Sarthen was glaring at him with hate.

He continued repeating the question, but Emeric had stopped replying, knowing that he was going to receive a beating no matter what he said. After a dozen minutes, Emeric was hurting all over, but he refused to show his pain in front of his tormentor. A trickle of blood ran from his nose and he feared that it might be broken once again.

He expected more blows, but Sarthen was watching him in a studying manner.

"Fine, if you're not going to talk. We'll just have to loosen your tongue a bit." Sarthen sneered. Then he turned to one of his men, "Go get the kid." Emeric's eyes grew wide and he tried lunging at Sarthen, but he was being held firmly against the wall.

"If you hurt him..." Emeric let the threat hang allowing Sarthen's mind to come up with a multitude of scenarios.

Shortly after, Kedo was roughly lead into the room. He fearfully looked at Emeric's bleeding face and then turned to Sarthen, with fury shining from his eyes.

"Let him go." Emeric said demandingly, yet his tone of voice was soft and threatening. Sarthen smirked, "If you confess, I'll let him walk out of here without a scratch. However, if you remain stalwart, things might get a bit nasty..."

Emeric considered doing as he had been told, but if he was labelled a spy, then Kedo might also be put under the blame. They might both be killed because of the false accusation. Making up his mid, Emeric decided that he would never confess and give in to Sarthen's accusations.

Sarthen raised an eyebrow, "So? What will it be?"

Emeric met his gaze defiantly and remained silent.

"Very well..." Sarthen raised a hand to strike Kedo. The young boy tried cowering away, but he was being held by a firm hand.

Emeric acted so fast that no one could do anything to stop him. He knocked the men, who were holding him, down with two expect strikes rendering them unconscious. He lunged at Sarthen and tackled him to the ground with a ferocious dive. Sarthen gasped with shock before the air was knocked from his lungs.

The two men struggled. They struck out whenever there was an opening. Emeric was blinded by pure hatred for the man who had tried to hurt Kedo. He punched at Sarthen with mighty blows that kept the man knocked down. Sarthen's goony who had been holding Kedo stepped forward and pulled Emeric off of the cruel Etreshian with a savage jerk.

Sarthen instantly jumped up and slammed Emeric's head into the wall. Emeric grunted as cut opened on his forehead and blood ran down into his eyes. In his half blinded state he went after the man who had interrupted the fight. He knocked him down with a knife hand strike to the throat. The large man crumpled, gasping for breath.

Emeric paid him no mind as he turned back to Sarthen. Without his men to back him up, Sarthen was suddenly hit by a wave of doubt as he watched the determined ex-Dome fighter. Before he could react, Emeric tackled Sarthen to the ground and pinned him down. He raised a fist to strike out at the bully when the door burst open.

"What the hell is going on here?" A loud voice demanded. Emeric was grabbed from behind and hurled across the room. He came down with a crash and winced as his ankle hit the ground. Sarthen clambered back to his feet, wiping his nose as blood ran over his lips. He glared at Emeric.

"Sarthen, what's going on here?" A strict voice questioned. Sarthen pointed a crude finger at Emeric, "I was simply asking a few questions when that one came at me." Emeric pushed himself to hands and knees. He spat out blood and shot a deranged look at the lying man.

"Why were you questioning him. I've been told he arrived a few days ago. Shouldn't the interrogation have taken place right after he showed up?" It was the chief who spoke.

Sarthen nodded, "I did question him then. But you see, chief, he's a spy," Sarthen turned his eyes at Kedo, "And this one's in on it." He grabbed Kedo and pulled him closer to the chief.

They all froze when an animal like roar filled the room, "LET HIM GO!" Emeric tackled Sarthen down once more as fury beyond imagination surged through him. "You liar!" He accused the sour faced Etreshian.

Emeric felt hands grip him once more and before he could resist, he was jerked upright and the chief slammed him hard against the wall. The experienced leader grabbed a handful of Emeric's hair and jerked his head back. Emeric struggled under his vice grip, however, he froze when he felt a familiar cold sting against his throat.

"Emeric!" Kedo cried with concern. Emeric turned his eyes to the young Rogue, afraid that someone might hurt him. But when he saw that the Etreshian juvenile was unharmed, he turned his eyes to the chief. Now close up, Emeric could make out his features for the first time.

Emeric distinctly felt all the color drain from his face as he met the eyes of the rebellion leader. The face didn't have any frightening features that might have caused the stunned reaction. The shock that ran through Emeric was because of the familiarity in the face a few centimeters away from his own.

It was the face that had comforted him in his childhood years. The face of the man who had trained him to become a skillful warrior. The face of a man who he had believed to be dead...The face, after all, belonged to none other than Rayhan...Emeric's father stood alive and breathing right in front of him.

Emeric opened his mouth to speak, but no words came. His eyes started to tear up as emotions flooded his mind. 'How?' he asked himself over and over again.

He tried speaking once more, "D...Dad?" The words were barely louder than a whisper. Emeric watched Rayhan's face as a frown crossed his brow. Emeric didn't understand why Rayhan hadn't recognised him. Then it came to mind that his face was beaten and bloodied. "Dad." He repeated fearfully as he felt a trickle of blood run down his neck where the blade had penetrated his skin.

Rayhan's face also drained to a deathly white color, "Emeric?" The shock was evident in his voice. Emeric shut his eyes as tears threatened to spill over his cheeks. He took a deep relieved breathe when he felt the blade disappear from against his throat as Rayhan dropped it from his vice grip. He also released the hold he had on Emeric's hair.

For a second father and son gazed at each other in disbelieving wonder, and then Emeric threw himself into his father's arms. They both fell to their knees as they clutched at each other. Neither looked as if he would ever let go. Emotions overcame Emeric and he allowed the tears to flow. They drained into Rayhan's shoulder.

"How?" Emeric asked with a shaky voice, "How did you survive?" Rayhan clutched his son closer. "Don't underestimate the old goat in the herd." Rayhan replied, reminding Emeric of the last joke they had made before their capture. Emeric chuckled wholeheartedly between tears. Rayhan slowly released his grip on Emeric and stood up.

Emeric followed suit, but his ankle gave way under him. He would have fallen, but Rayhan grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet.

He held Emeric at arms length and examined him. As Rayhan looked at his son's beaten face, hatred flared up inside of him. He turned his deadly gaze at Sarthen. The bully took a step back as fear washed through him. "I'll deal with you later." Rayhan promised threateningly. Sarthen swallowed nervously, knowing that Rayhan would stay true to his promise.

Rayhan turned to face the men who had entered with him. "Hunter, fetch the physician." The young man, Hunter, nodded and then left the room.

Emeric recognised Hunter as the young man who had ridden in with his father. He felt a pang of jealousy.

Rayhan turned back to Emeric. His eyes landed on the thickly bandaged foot. Emeric also gazed down and spotted blood staining the bandages. He winced as he realized that one of the wounds had reopened. "What happened?" Rayhan asked with concern. "Steel jaw trap." Emeric simply replied. Rayhan winced.

"Let's get you out of here." Rayhan said as he gestured towards the door that lead out of the stuffy little room.

Emeric nodded in agreement. Before he took a step, he turned to find Kedo. The young Etreshian hurried over to him with Emeric's crutch in hand. "You dropped this." Kedo said softly as he got to Emeric's side. Emeric ruffled Kedo's hair and took the crutch, "Thanks squirt."

As they left the room, Emeric pinched himself to check that he wasn't dreaming. The impossible had happened, he had been reunited with his father. They had both believed the other to be dead, yet now their whole lives still lay ahead of them. Emeric put his arm over his father's shoulder as they walked out of the building.

For the first time in years, Emeric's life felt accomplished. He had stayed true to his father's last wishes. In the Dome, he had done whatever necessary to stay alive. And now all the pain and suffering had payed off...

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