
Sudden Invasion

She steadies herself feeling that she is coming in too fast she flinches but then slides onto the landing port feeling gravity pressing the weight of her back onto her feet.

"Much better..." she muffles past the breathing tool.

Her cold fingers grips the tool and she hides it away and turns back to look at the familiar ship stopping just a distance shorter than the meeting platform she came from. Her shoulders shiver feeling something off and worrisome. Suddenly, a brown fluttering robe catches her gaze to her far right. She notices a panicking look on Obi-Wan's face. His difficulty in landing and maneuvering shows. Her chuckle leaks out as she holds out her right hand toward a nervous shaking hand. As soon as his feet pass the vacuum her hand firmly grasps his left and the speed of him swings her behind him while they both slide along on the surface spinning them in a circle their eyes catching each others, but Naona stops them by lifting out her free hand to manipulate him to a floating state then to a soft placement back onto his feet. While her right hand is still grasped onto his their eyes never leave each others. Obi-Wan lifts his left hand to his breathing tool and holds it firm as he takes it out of his mouth. Before he could say anything she takes the first words.

"So you actually are coming along on this mission. I thought you'd be right behind me." he lets go of the warming grasp and smiles with a compassionate gaze.

"I announced that I was. Well let us get to work shall we?" she cups her hands together in a hollow clap.

He clears his throat and says low "Let's." he then takes the lead to steps leading down to another smaller docking for city transportation.

"We are finding Gunray and capturing him...but I feel that he just a decoy to a much greater threat." Obi-Wan mutters as he steps into the seated compartments of one of the transportation's carts.

She follows behind taking his words in "It has to deal with the Invisible Hand doesn't it?" her voice wanes while looking at her boots. She stands by Obi-Wan holding onto a handle above her.

"Yes...I have the upmost confidence in our skills." he states and looks up at her from a seat noticing her blank gaze looking to her feet.

"Master...I have become much stronger with the Force within the year we have been apart. That final training I did by isolating myself in the most jungle parts of Felucia. It...it was wonderful I felt peaceful despite the dangers around me. I remember sitting atop a plant looking up at the two moons." her voice calmly fascinates over a planet she would never see again after a year spending there connecting with the Force being permeated in it's ecosystem.

"I only stopped by caverns Felucians occupied, to eat. I never indulged in their culture, only socialized and had insight to the most serene places." she finishes and looks back down to him as if it was his turn to confess what he had done for the year they had been apart.

"I have been keeping the peace and maintaining balance. As of today there is a chain of events. Perhaps tomorrow you shall not join me on a new role. I sense that Anakin and I will be aboard that ship." his voice deepens.

She stays silent knowing what he means.

Her gaze turns away from him and she smiles "I'll ask of it to Master Yoda. I can't quite see the future as brightly as you two." she gives a small laugh as the slight stop moves her.

"Well we are here. After this short search we will return to Coruscant." he states low and she holds put a hand.

"We should return now..." she states feeling nothing out of place once the doors open. "I feel nothing that needs to apprehended here in this city." she states and looks to him for conformation.

He looks past her and closes his eyes for a moment then flashes them open "You are right we will take a Coruscant Freighter to Coruscant. I want you to stay there until I return." she nods to show she understands but is also worried at the fact that Gunray was in fact used as an distraction.

They stand by another docking point awaiting for their transport.

"Master Windu..." Obi-Wan interrupts the silence as a hologram zips up into Windu's image.

"You have information concerning Gunray?" he asks.

"He was a decoy for something more sinister. No threats are sensed here. We are returning to Coruscant." Obi-Wan answers.

Naona's eyes peer at him over her left shoulder and looks back at the freighter arriving. The hologram then closes and he slips it away and he looks up to her gaze. Her eyes widen and she turns quickly away with a flushed face. The doors open with hisses and people flood out and in. She steps forward first trailing Obi-Wan behind her. They wait in individual silence each thinking about the other no gazes are given or received. The doors soon close and off to their destination. Her attention draws to one of many windows peering to the outside of the Mid Rim. Her gaze sees the Invisible Hand flying further toward Rimma Trade Route in the direction of where Thyferra is. Her left brow arches upward. She sits down at a near by table leaving Obi-Wan standing alone. She pulls out a map hologram and examines it. A service drone soon comes to her table as if programmed to offer anything to a person when they sit.

"No thank you. Perhaps later..." she says while keeping a blank expression toward the map and waving along at the droid.

"Very well Ma'am." the robotic voice rolls off and away to speak to other people.

She flicks her wrist to move the map into a better zoom to the place they left near by Naboo. She then looks through each planet in the direction of where that ship was aiming for. Her lips curve into a smile evidently showing her detection was correct then it fades.

"What would be in Thyferra...unless..." she looks at the Rimma Trade Route and where it ends.

She notices Thyferra is close to the end of the Route and keeps thinking where it could be going but then rethinks on the guns it had and how strong it looked.

"Coruscant...that must be where it is going...it has to..." she quickly looks up to Obi-Wan lingering over her, amongst the number of people chatting over food and drink, all her attention turns to him.

"What worries you Naona?" he asks and slides into the booth in front of her.

The same servant droid returns and he nods then names out what he wants for both of them and the droid speeds off.

"This..." she flows her finger along the Route.

She lets her hand rest in her lap as he observes it. Grey eyes examines his lips that tenderly rest against his bent right hand's index finger. She suddenly turns away to find warm soups being placed in front of them and a blue glowing drink catches her softened gaze. A sudden noise of something powering down make her turn to her map hologram as it flickers off. He seems distracted as he closes his eyes and pushes it away back to her.

"It'll be nothing we Jedi can't handle. All we have to do is hope we get to Coruscant in time." he finishes and flicks his eyes open to align with hers.

She takes a shallow swallow and nods thinking more on the kiss she gave to him out of no where. To be honest she did not know why her mind automatically had done so and that it felt right at the moment. She sips on the Gizer ale and keeps looking down to her robes. The dark grey hood robe shadows over half her hands. The under clothing's grey soft fabric keeps her at the comfortable temperature and the black sash around her waist reveals the curves of her body. The leather tool belt, a glossy black, shines under the dim lighted cafeteria. The black pants tight against her sun kissed skin match perfect with her shined black boots keeping her a bit more stylish than others. Her eyes wonder around avoiding Obi-Wan's eyes as much as possible. She leans her left cheek into her left hand when she takes a spoonful of womp-rat stew, a Tatooine favorite. She could never remember her home planet, not that she wanted to or even bothered to look in the Archives, only her life as a Jedi was more memorable. She dazes off, staring at a near by counter, while taking slow bites and slurps. She soon places the spoon down and just wonders. Obi-Wan quietly watches her while he eats. He suddenly stops the empty spoon at his lips once he eats off of it.

"Her lips..." he thinks and closes his eyes suppressing his feelings and tries to find something else to focus on.

"Obi-Wan..." she mutters but her eyes never leaving the counter across from them. He swiftly opens his noticing her intense blank stare.

"What is it?" his voice wavers and he resists the urge to reach his hand to her right hand which is laying flat on the smooth white table.

"When will there ever be peace..." she turns to him, her chin still cupped in her left hand. Her eyes glimmering with some hope and some sadness.

"'All we can do is wait, protect what is right and have faith within the Force.'" he says smoothly restating what Qui-Gon had once told him before when he asked the very same question.

"Well put Master Kenobi." she chuckles and smiles as if she had put on a fake frown.

Her lungs take in a deep breath and she stretches out her arms above her then she returns to eating. She takes sips on her ale giving out a cough and puts it down then raises her hand high and slightly waves.

The droid zooms quickly to her side "Just some water please." she asks and the droid answers immediately, "Certainly ma'am." it zooms off and it is back quick and easy.

"I'll pay. Imperial Credit?" Obi-Wan asks and Naona smirks keeping a smart thought to herself but she hides her smirk behind her crossed fingers. The smoothness of her lips pressed against her fingers keeping back a laugh. The droid just pauses as if thinking, or searching for that matter, for confirmation.

"Yes sir, we can accept Imperial Credit." it says as he slips out Imperial Credit coins.

"That should do." he states and the droid nods just after it places down the water.

The coins then are swiped up by a small brush off the table and into a small compartment of the droid. It zooms off and Naona straightens up.

"Thanks for the food what I really need is sleep." she mutters and leans her head back to rest on the booth.

She then notices her hair ribbon dangling from her shoulders. The iris blue, matching the blue of the sash to her light saber, drops down to her lap.

"You are most welcome. I sense we will go through the hyper space of the Corellian Trade Spire to merge into Corellian Run any moment now." he settles his breath while lifting his right hand to raise her ribbon in the air using the Force.

She nods in understanding and grips her sash and gazes around seeing if anyone saw.

"Do not worry everyone who is on their way back or visiting Coruscant know of Jedi." he states and places his hand back into his lap.

She notices mix messages in his actions. They would always play jokes on one another when the other was stressed just as she grew up. Most of the time he was serious as a friend and teacher. She can not help but smile anyways staying unworried about the future.

"HYPER SPACE JUMP WILL BE IN EFFECT IN THE NEXT COMING ANNOUNCEMENT." a intercom robotic voice announces and Naona reminds herself that the jump will be a smooth one like it has always been for each of her rides.

"Coruscant will be right around the corner." he says.

Naona rolls her eyes in the obviousness of that statement. Then the intercom notifies everyone aboard that hyper space will be in effect after the announcement and soon a slight jerk is felt and seconds later everything is calm. Her eyes soon catch a hold of the planet through the window to her left. A flood of adventures and travelers all flock to the left of the freighter to look through the windows while none come close to the Jedis' table. She raises her shoulders close together feeling her shoulder blades press close as she feels a bit crowded despite the avoidance from the crowd. The calm eyes of her's turns to the planet and she focuses. A smile soon spreads across her face feeling at home once she sees the planet she has, for so long, yearned to fit into and to feel one with the Force. Then her head turns away to gaze at Obi-Wan and her smile slowly fades. The ideas and thoughts of her not fitting in becomes reluctant. Ever since she had become a learner others had shunned her for her quick ability to catch onto lessons she had noticed but did not let it bother her. She always loved people and every planet. Her personality was always calm and loving but she adapted to let nothing drag her down into a darkness only to be outward and positive. Lately, memories flood back to her as soon as she catches a glimpse of the planet which mesmerizes her. Obi-Wan feels something off once her eyes look towards him. He holds still until she smiles again, his response to it warms her. The wrinkle of the sides of his eyes show slightly when he returns a happy smile. Moments pass when they keep their gazes strong and unwavering as if reading each others past, present and future. Soon they realize they are at the docking point on Coruscant when people pick up bags and sacks and start heading toward the sunlit opening of the doors. Her eyes wince and peer at the doors soon she springs to her feet. She pushes through people and heads towards the opening now being able to witness towering buildings.

"Finally....I'm back." she mutters and gazes on the far horizon to familiar five spear shaped towers.

Her hand leaves the edge of the doors and finally letting a foot be placed forward. She takes a breath in and she slips her dark grey hooded robe off and slips it onto her forearm to feel the cool air better through her clothing. The sash of her lightsaber flows through a breeze which calms her from the inside out.

"As soon as we arrive. I'll have to leave in a hurry with Anakin." he states while quickly shutting his hologram call.

"What ever is the matter Master?" she asks low with a smile after she turns around to him while walking backwards toward another transport.

"The Chancellor has been kidnapped." he mumbles and sees her pause.

"I knew it was to happen. Grievous has him?" she asks instantly thinking of the ship, the Invisible Hand.

"Yes, along side with Count Dooku." he states.

A smile forms but the worried look in her eyes stay. A small breath is heard from her and she proceeds to the Jedi Shuttle Bus and Obi-Wan follows close behind feeling aware of her emotions. Neither of them breaks the silence. They step up into the shuttle to head to the Jedi Temple. Moments pass under a silence Naona occupies her time by gazing out at the windows looking at buzzing vehicles from a comfortable cushioned seat. Obi-Wan sits with crossed fingers feeling a flutter within him but changes his thoughts onto the matter at hand.

"I'll be off. I will return." he reassures her and she pauses to gaze in his direction.

"I know Master. I'll be awaiting to see what the next move will be. Until then I'll dive myself into the Archives or seek advice for something." she states with a smile, keeping a small secret behind it, just before she catches eye of the temple.

The look on her face glows happily to see the life she always knew and loved. As soon as they dock on a landing bay she sprouts up and leaps out the door. She takes in a big breath and continues along and looks back.

"See you....Obi!" she smiles and giggles at the short name she had once said to him when she was younger.

He looks out the window but soon rises from his seat and toward the door. She then fully pauses and looks intensely at him making sure his gaze is on hers.

"Come back in one piece." she says sternly, "I mean it." a smile then fades over her serious look and she continues up the steps and into the temple leaving behind a space between them that leaves him in place, unsure of what to do.

He soon makes it to a stationed Republic Venator-class Star Destroyer and takes it into the stratosphere soon fighting along side Anakin in ETA-2 Jedi Starfighters. Naona remembers when she in fact was assigned to one of her own. Her creative side soon took hold and crossed blue with red paint giving it the name of Blight.

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