
Inner Lesson

A sigh is lengthened out, from the cause of annoyance, from her. Her light brown hair pulled behind her in a messy bun shakes as she tills her head to her right while glaring at Nute Gunray from over the shoulder of her Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. A string of hair flows over her line of sight and she crosses her arms while she shifts her weight to her left foot giving her hair sway to the left.

"Naona..." he mumbles with a strict deep tone that makes her expression turn neutral with such quickness before Master Windu peers back at her with a serious stare.

"Why did you bring her along? She is no longer your Padawan to be called upon." Windu states with a hissed whisper towards Obi-Wan's right ear while shifting his eyes to him.

"She decided to come along herself. She wouldn't take 'No' for an answer. Besides she needs to get the hang of things as a Jedi Knight." he smiles at Windu then peers over his left shoulder at Naona.

"Jedi Rohou is fine without coming here. The tension is high enough. After this we will meet outside this lone city." Windu mentions and faces back towards Gunray listening and staring at unusual looking battle tanks.

The ships glide along the wide flat rock landing area. The most strange thing that catches Naona's attention is that they seem to be alive and thinking on their own. The hugeness of them makes it the ration of a Armored Assault Tank that droids normally pilot for Gunray. They are the shape and built of a giant scorpion. Four eyes blink within it's middle and the pincers move as if it is indeed a living species. The curve of a stinger is sharp and movable just as a real scorpion would have. At the base of the curve of the tail is an opening where a tank shot is demonstrated.

"As you can see we out date your Naboo Starfighters." Gunray's red eyes stay unblinking.

The twin guns placed by the left and right side of the eyes shoot red lasers out of each twin barrels. One nearly skins Naona, leaving a burn mark on her upper arm through her white sleeve, which makes her twinge. Her left hand holds out and a shake ripples through the left of the plating of the set of twin barrels making it crush inward and chatter off and fling far left away from it. Surprisingly a loud shriek echos from the living machine, or cyborg scorpion, causing everyone to shroud their ears with pulsing hands. It's eyes blink rapid and the pincers squirm. Naona looks to the far left at the yellow and silver Naboo Starfighters then back at the brownish shade of red and glimpses of green and blue on the scorpions side shift constantly until it halts and begins to hover backwards.

"I shall...go...now." a hint of fear wavers in Gunray's voice as he and his fellow Neimoidians behind him shift away with their robes trailing behind them like mice tail's.

The Jedi Masters turn back to look at her with totally opposite looks. Windu with an angered but shifting to a settled look. Obi-Wan with a deviant smirk suddenly shifts to a worried gaze toward her left arm. She looks down seeing no blood but just burnt skin.

"Nothing I can't handle Master." she mumbles and steps back with a widened smile.

He just shifts his gaze to her grey eyes and smiles back making her heart flutter. Naona had always had a love no one knew about. Only her sister had known before she had been accepted as another Padawan to train under Obi-Wan. Her sister had never accepted the love she had for her mentor, ever since he had taken her from home. That was 9 years ago. Now Naona stands ready and head strong, at age 19, for whatever is to come after her action of using the Force.

Quickly and steady Master Windu and Master Obi-Wan make their way to a ship and they head toward the massive opening on one side of the city. Towering buildings have vehicles flying by and around like flies. The dome like environment fascinates her as it seems to be an opened place as a planet is. The metropolis is in fact a huge floating merchant city along a magnetic pull keeping in place along the Rimma Trade Route. It is quite isolated but easy to spot. Its massive entrance and exit to trading ships, merchants and Coruscant freighters. Brownish ships hover in and stop at docks near the vacuum opening at towering stations. She smiles toward the opening leading to outer space and into the the never ending night sky of the galaxy. She takes a step forward to begin her walk to the meeting that is to take place in a private area just outside the merchant city. Her thoughts re-run over what it looked like when they arrived. It was another floating place only by it's own magnetic machinery reserved for leaders and head merchants to gather and debate. It was a large platform surrounded by a vacuum bubble easily see through with three chairs promptly placed but enough room for others to bring more things for a required meeting. This meeting would only take those chairs.

Naona lifts her hand to her inner robe and slips out a hologram soon silencing a noise omitting from it. She opens it quick to Obi-Wan's figure.

"You'll have to cross with no ship, for discretion. Use the breather I supplied you with. Master Windu, Master Yoda and I will be awaiting your arrival please be swift." she nods and begins to close it but he quickly says "Do be careful...I...we would hate to lose you to the lack of oxygen." a worried look shows across his face in the hologram making her chuckle to his last statement. "No worries Master. I'll be there momentarily." she states and closes it she then quickens her pace.

Obi-Wan closes the hologram and slips it away.

"You are worried for the young Jedi are you not?" Yoda states while curiously looking at the soft breaths that moves Kenobi's shoulders.

"I am, Master Yoda." he glances up and his smile fades and a swift shift sways his short auburn bangs.

His hazel eyes look toward Yoda and then to Windu. He senses something off, something that none want to mention, something they all know is forbidden. He shallowly swallows keeping the tense atmosphere from bothering him. He soon stands and walks to the edge of the platform and looks briefly at the city some distance away as if looking at her. His fingers interlock one another behind his back. Moments past as he stands there then he sits crossed legged to meditate feeling worried gazes aimed at his back.

Naona stops at the edge of the endless black looking above her seeing the shadows of ships fly by and their humming rumbles her ribs. Her focus quickly looks toward the floating platform quite a distance away. Her right arm digs through her robe and she grasps onto a flat metal plating and lifts it out she examines it and the pieces that will help her breathe while on her way to the meeting. The device is quickly placed into her mouth and it clicks in place at the roof of her mouth and a lighting up rod is diagonally resting against her lips. Her first shaking move is a slow one. She lifts her right hand and through the suddenly feeling of nothing. No wind or warmth is felt. She then steps back, sprints and leaves the familiar ground of the city to a floating weightless atmosphere. Her eyes widen feeling as if she is flying, her robe trailing behind shifts quickly once she holds her hands out and palms pointing to her sides. It is no small feat to control her body with the Force. Yet she ushers her body pushing forward and maneuvering over and under oncoming ships. A iris blue sash catches her eye sight the sash tied around her lightsaber hovers past her to her right. She holds onto the sash and clings onto it pulling it back to her.

"That would of been bad." she thinks and lets out a light nervous chuckle while returning it to her right hip.

Her body lifts up to where she could place her right foot on the silver edge of the platform. Feeling the difference in gravity she holds out her hands behind her to let out a push of Force to heave her through the force field from the empty dark. She stands stern as her grey and black robe settles at her sides. Her light brown hair unties and falls to her shoulders showing the fluff of her feathered hair. Grey and calm, her eyes first notice Obi-Wan peacefully meditating.

"He will join us soon, as for your action..." Windu is interrupted by Master Yoda. "It was brave, yes? You are strong enough to peacefully end this." his voice soothes her nervousness. "She is strong and powerful but reckless." Windu blurts. "All the more reason for her to join my side in capturing Gunray." Obi-Wan states while walking to the chair in front of her.

The warm smell of spices radiated to her, a smell that always melted her into peaceful relaxation. Soon she looks to the left "Well let's be on our way beforehand." she lifts her hand outward to a ship stock piled with guns and surrounded with escorting fighter star ships stopping far beyond the city's limits and detection.

She smiles wide and shows an excited expression for her mission while gazing towards the city with glee.

"Master Yoda, Master Windu..." she bows and comes close to the back of Obi-Wan pressing herself against his upper back as her chin rests on his right shoulder. "Master...Obi-Wan..." as soon as he turns his head to have his right green eye gaze into hers she quickly jerks forward and around resting her warm smiling lips on his.

The feeling of his beard and mustache lingers on her upper lip and chin as soon as she gives out a chuckle and quick pace toward the empty space. She quickly slips the breathing tool into her mouth before her leap launches her flying toward the city.

"She knows what path she is going down may lead her to..." Windu is then silenced by Yoda's hand.

His eyes closed and peaceful "Succumb to the Dark Side, she will not. Her will is stronger than it, hum?" he raises a brow toward Obi-Wan who is quite stunned.

"Y-yes Master Yoda. Her...will is unbending in the Jedi way." he stumbles on his words.

"But she is bending towards you...Obi-Wan Kenobi." Windu states but can no longer hold in a small laughter.

The tension lifts and Obi-Wan sighs knowing that Naona will not slip away towards the Dark Side. Even though her way goes against the Jedi Code she is highly respected by all of the Jedi Counsel.

"Even if she finds what she is not looking for, within you, she will not waver in sadness or anger, continue along side you, she will." Yoda states all while knowing what events will unfold.

"As for this threat we have felt a strength that is on the very familiar ship. We shall be there at a moment's notice. If we are needed call upon us." Windu states with an edge in his voice.

Obi-Wan stands quickly "I shall arrive unnoticed then...if it is who I think it is, Naona and I will be able to handle him. She uses the Force expertly." he notes and gives a bow to them just before he leaps into the starry emptiness.

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