
Compassion and Strength

Her stride paces fast, as she slips her dark grey robe back on, heading into the long main halls to an elevator to reach the Archives. She sits down with a sigh feeling at ease, looks at the screen in front of her, and scans through reading files finding one which she draws an interest towards.

"One about space battles." she chuckles at the irony of what is happening above and the file of space battles. Half way into it she falls asleep and soon falling into a dream. She senses a quick pain and witnesses Obi-Wan being thrown by Count Dooku then being knocked out from an impact to the ground. She jumps up with a loud yell making others quickly look her way. She shifts around and lifts a hand.

"My apologies...continue..." she gulps and heads out stopping close to the elevator and heads up further to the training room reaching the end of another hall soon hearing Yoda's voice with children responding turn after turn.

She quickly turns and smiles wide with arms out. The children look up to her as if she were their mother and mentor. After a year of being away they stand still and Yoda steps aside. Smiles spread across each of their faces with lightsabers at their side from Force training, they head all her way just after she kneels down arms open wide.

"Ohhh how I missed you all my little warriors." she grins bright as little arms reach around her warming her from the inside out.

"Master Rohou!" they yell, she jerks back and her smile fades.

"You all expect to much from me...I'm not a Master but just a Knight of the Force. Now children...what was it that Yoda was teaching?" she stands letting some children go and ruffling the hair of some.

"We were learning to be one with the Force to use it's physical power." one says low and Yoda nods slow.

"Perhaps insight you will give, yes?" he asks holding out his hand to small crates and pillows.

"Why yes...of course. Well for some it is easier to close your eyes and envision the object flowing or feel the Force around it. While some can just reach a hand out to it and move it. Once you can feel it and bend it with the Force you will be very intrigued with what you can do with it. Now I need to ask one of you to volunteer and I ask one thing of you. Do you trust me?" she stands slow giving what knowledge she knows. They all nod in sequence. "You all trust me then?" she smiles wide and then crosses her hands behind her back and steadily looking amongst them. "Well I guess all of you can be a volunteer." they soon look amongst themselves.

One of them speaks out "How can you possibly lift us all?" just as he finishes a sudden lightness to them makes them laugh in greatness.

All of them float in place. Naona's eyes looking at each one of them and the crates and pillows float also. Some float above them making them chuckle.

"She is powerful, yes? She has spent a long time with the Force in the forests of Felucia. What do you remember of Felucia, humm?" Yoda asks the children once they are settled to their feet.

"It has the strongest connection with the Force due to the ecosystem having to live together as plants and animals." a girl answers Yoda, Naona can not help but nod and chuckle.

"You are absolutely right young one..." she smiles at her proudly.

"Alright young ones class dismissed." they all bow to Yoda and to Naona in steadiness they leave giving her a quick hug as they exit the shadowed room.

"Title of Master, you deserve." Yoda states randomly as the shades open.

"I would be ready, but not fully prepared." she answers quick and looks toward him.

"The Council will. New title you will have." Yoda states and walks out with his staff tapping.

Naona stands for a while over looking the city through the shades. A happiness uproars, an unsuspected gift bestowed upon her gives her hope to lead on to greater things in pushing back evil off it's path. She faces the doors and heads out of the temple a sudden flash of light in the distance of where a broad expansion of a base resides. A ripped part of a ship up in flames is being tamed by planes spraying water. She witnesses it land and head down steps feeling a sudden relief of a safe arrival. She gazes back and returns to the temple waiting patiently by looking at more files and she passes out once again. Moments later she awakens to a small soft shaking on her shoulder. She lifts her head up quick and looks to an old woman.

"Oh Jocasta Nu.... I'm sorry. It is time isn't it?" Naona asks her.

"I'm afraid it is. Have you gotten much sleep?" Jocasta asks while keeping a soft hand on her shoulder.

"Yes....well no. I haven't I was worried about someone, but they are alright now. I should be off to bed." she mumbles and the librarian chuckles lightly while helping her up to her feet.

"Yes it is night out and tomorrow is a big day for you I believe so." she states and Naona's eyebrow rises.

"Everyone knows hum? Heh....that's something." Naona smiles wide and stands tall. "Thank you and good night ma'am." she bows and exits the Jedi Archives.

She feels along the wall and passes doorway after doorway. Looking out through tall windows to the night sky. She steps into the elevator and heads out of the Jedi Temple's formal entrance. The night sky illuminates the statues of the Four founding Jedi Masters. Her eyes keep gazing over the glowing city. She sits on the steps feeling at ease, soon she closes her eyes to feel around her. A sudden heart beat sound echos in her ears. Her eyes fling open and turns swiftly to look back at the temple.

"A...Sith shrine...it has been masking our vision." she feels the Force flow around her as if shielding her.

Her feet drag but she rushes to the back entrance leading to the Jedi dorms. Her robe seem to fly back behind her with the speed she paces with and her hands tremble as she slips over her hood.

"I have to tell someone...anyone...no...wait till morning just to make sure it isn't from sleep deprivation." she thinks and focuses on getting to her room she passes the meditation chapel and mutters low, "I'll visit you first thing in the morning..." and she takes the elevator up to her room.

She passes along the way feeling a familiar presences behind a door. Her hand softly rests on it and she calmly breathes trying to not give off so much energy. Her overwhelming thoughts scatter and makes her tremble. She lifts her hand quick to keep from making anyone uncomfortable in their sleep. She dashes down the hall seeing her room to the left. She slips in and undresses to feel the cool air against her skin and sits down at her window once she settles down. The city's lights gleam in a reflection of her eyes never once wavering. She lifts her hand waving her hand over the shades for them to lift up and stay in one place as she strides around in her under clothes. The sway of her hair gives her shoulders an itch. A smile sneaks it's way to her lips and she looks at the door of her room. She the waves her hand down letting the shades drop as she proceeds to her warm bedroom. The bed is greeted with a flop and a groan of tiredness she soon falls asleep. Outside her door Obi-Wan presses his forehead against it along with his hands while staring down at his feet. His eyes troubled he turns for his back to press against the door and he slides down with pressing his back against it to sit.

"It is forbidden..." he debates his words and has his head drop down to look at his hands. His dirty blonde hair dangles in his sight he lifts his head back up shifting his left hand's fingers through his smooth hair.

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