

"Sir, I can't pull the ship up, crashing is inevitable, i suggest that you secure and hide your son now so that they have a chance of escaping from the Irsatzul."

Coldar Halmark knew that his time had finally come, after running in space from the Irsatzul demon race for months, it seemed in the end he wouldn't be able to escape, but that didn't mean he couldn't save his only son, his last remaining family member.

Reaching for the microphone for the ship Coldar prepared to talk to his faithful crew.

"Crew of the SSE Vanguard, unfortunately we have been completely cornered by the Irsatzul and have no way out, thank you for your faithful service, the federation will surely honour all of you and provide for your families... In the next minute we will be crashing onto an unknown planet, the ship has scanned the planet and found that the atmosphere is similar to earths, in order to survive the crash you will all need to eject, good luck, and hopefully we can meet again."

The crew already knew at this point that there was essentially no hope of survival, as they would be hunted down by the demons once they hit the ground and prepared themselves for a fight to the death.

Coldar also knew this, but he had other plans for his son. Grabbing up his son's hover pod while he was still in it, he went to his personal ejection pod and hit eject, flying many kilometres away and landing in the middle of a forest on the planet. Turning around he saw his ship crashing and exploding on the surface of the planet, with many Irsatzul ships following closely after sending out countless pods of warriors to scour the surrounding area and eliminate the last survivors.

Seeing many making their way towards him, Coldar showed a small sad smile and then looked down at his son, he then took his necklace off and hung it around his sons neck before preparing his final move.

Coldar put everything he had into gathering as much of his energy as he could and putting it into his next spell, a warp spell.

Coldar was a user of the extremely rare spatial magic, an incredibly deadly and formidable magic, however Coldar was still only 22 years old, thus he hadn't had nearly enough time to come into his own and fulfil his potential to become an incredibly powerful person.

Finally having gathered all the energy he could, Coldar got ready to send his son far away so that the Irsatzul wouldn't be able to find him.

Goodbye my son, hopefully fortune will smile on you and give you a path to survival.

Next chapter