

Isabella is the daughter of Rebecca, a beautiful maid who worked in the great palace of king Ragnar, a werewolf. The king loved Rebecca, even though she was just a maid. But One day, Rebecca suddenly died, and the next day, the king tragically died. Astaroth, the king son, became the new king of the kingdom Astaroth began harassing and unfairly judging Isabella, leaving her feeling hopeless and isolated. However, her situation changes when she meets Mick,a werewolf from a different park. Their love blossoms, and Mick becomes her pillar of support during her tough times. Yet, their love is forbidden, forcing them to contemplate their next steps. As their hearts unite in a love deemed unacceptable, they grapple with a pivotal choice: either to sacrifice everything for their affection or to adhere to society's rules. Will they bravely challenge the norms and embrace their love despite the risks, or will they succumb to the pressures of a world that seeks to separate them? As Isabella and Mick delve into the king's death, they unearth a shocking revelation: Isabella's mother wasn't a victim of natural causes but was poisoned by Astaroth. Their quest forces them to confront the risks of unveiling the truth, acknowledging the potential danger to their lives. Yet, fueled by their deep love, they stand resilient, supporting one another in their pursuit of justice. Ultimately, they face a crucial decision: to prioritize their love and pursuit of truth despite the peril, knowing it could jeopardize their safety. The fate of the kingdom hinges on their choice between personal safety and the greater good.

Otunola_Abiodun · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


Echoes of Destiny

**Mick POV**

The morning sun blessed the day. It was a bright day for me. After years of dedicated service as a sergeant in the night watch, today marked a significant milestone. I was to be appointed as a lieutenant. 

Despite my youth, I had fought numerous battles for the kingdom. My parents had always envisioned a different future for me, a life centered around farming. But my heart yearned to be on the battlefield, fighting for the honor of our land.

While others were transformed into werewolves, I was born as one. It remained an enigma to me; my parents, both humans, couldn't provide an explanation for my unusual heritage. Concealing this secret had been my burden for years.

Today, as I adorned myself in my finest attire, I stood before the mirror, checking my appearance. Each piece of clothing meticulously chosen, I aimed for a look that would command respect and admiration. 

Gazing at my reflection, a sense of confidence surged within me. I looked every bit the part I aimed to portray.

As a man of striking looks, I meticulously examined myself in the mirror, ensuring every detail was impeccable. With my sword at my side, I strode out purposefully.

Meeting my parents outside, I greeted them warmly. 

"Are you off now?" 

my mother inquired.


I replied, a hint of anticipation in my voice.

"You look absolutely dashing, my handsome boy," 

my mother praised, prompting a smile to grace my lips.

"Just make sure you bring a wife with that attire today," 

my father chimed in, his persistent desire for me to marry at an early age resurfacing once again.I made my way to the military office. 

After much celebration, we were finally appointed as lieutenants. Everyone got their new assignments, and typically, as a night watch member promoted to lieutenant, you'd get transferred to the palace. 

But to my surprise, I wasn't. I remained posted elsewhere, feeling stunned and puzzled by the decision to keep me away from the palace, a place I had always longed to serve without understanding why.

As I made my way home, a sense of worry clouded my thoughts. Being appointed as a lieutenant to watch over a small village my own village. struck me as odd. It dawned on me that this might be my father's doing. He was a farmer, unlike me, I had wealth and connections, and he happened to be friends with my general.

The realization hit hard; it seemed my father's influence might have played a role in this unexpected assignment, leaving me grappling with a conflict between my aspirations and the perceived interference of family ties.

After a considerable walk towards home, nearing our house, I spotted a man exiting. He rode a white horse, and my father was respectfully seeing him off, bowing as the man departed. The man obscured his face, likely someone affluent or of high stature, considering my father's deferential gesture.

Upon arriving home, I approached my father. Frustration and confusion swirled within me. 

"Father, why must you make me suffer this way? I've always dreamt of serving in the palace. Why assign me here?" 

I questioned, seeking answers.

He glanced at me and abruptly left, heading towards the farmyard, clutching something tightly in his hand. His departure, without a response, left me unsettled and yearning for explanations, adding to the growing tension and uncertainty surrounding my situation.

**Isabella POV**

I woke up to find my mother already gone, likely off to attend her duties. Struggling to shake off my drowsiness, it took me a moment to remember my own responsibilities. I had to report for my duties as a maid in Prince Astaroth's chambers.

Rushing to get ready, I hastily dressed, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness about the day ahead, knowing that my duties in the prince's chamber demanded my utmost attention and dedication.

I made my way towards the palace and arrived just in time to witness the king dismounting from his white horse. His early morning arrival intrigued me. Where had he been?

Once he disappeared into the palace, I followed suit, heading towards Prince Astaroth's chambers. The chief maid guided us through the area, outlining the rules and protocols we were to follow while serving in the prince's chamber. It was a moment of both excitement and apprehension, as I prepared to embark on my duties in this new and prestigious role.

As the orientation concluded, my thoughts turned to my mother. 

With a mix of concern and curiosity, I ventured towards the king's chambers, hoping to find her there. The anticipation and worry swirled within me as I approached, eager to confirm her whereabouts.

**Astaroth POV**

I woke up, dressed myself, and headed towards my father's chamber. Upon entering, I found him in the midst of undressing.

"Good morning, Father,"

I greeted.

"Morning, son," 

He replied, his back still turned to me.

"I came by yesterday to speak with you, but you weren't here," 

I mentioned, hoping for a moment to ask him some pressing questions.

"I was attending to official duties," 

He explained.

Just as we were about to continue our conversation, the door swung open. Rebecca, the maid, entered carrying food. My father turned to her, directing her to place the food on the table and help him with his attire.

Astaroth's thoughts raced as his father redirected his attention.

"Astaroth, I want you to handle the farmers' complaint meeting with the counselors today. I need to rest," his father instructed.

"Okay," I replied, a mix of surprise and excitement evident in my voice.

As I acknowledged the task with joy, a sudden realization struck me: my father had never previously entrusted me with such a significant official meeting. Questions swirled in my mind, wondering about his sudden decision.

"Are you not going to prepare? The meeting starts in a few minutes," 

my father's voice pulled me back from my thoughts.

"Okay, sir," 

I replied, quickly regaining focus. With a sense of urgency, I acknowledged his reminder and swiftly departed, feeling a surge of responsibility and determination to ensure everything was ready for the important meeting ahead.

A surge of panic enveloped me as my father's voice echoed through the chamber, calling for help. Rushing back inside, I found Rebecca lying limp in my father's arms.

"What happened?" 

I questioned urgently, my concern evident.

"She just collapsed," 

my father replied, his voice tinged with worry.

Reacting swiftly, I rushed to her side, lifting her in my arms. As I made my way out, the guards intervened, taking her from me and hastening her to the physician, my father's command ringing in my ears, urging me to follow them.

I couldn't shake off the puzzling concern my father displayed for a mere maid's well-being. His worry seemed far deeper than one would expect for a servant's health, leaving me with a gnawing sense of curiosity and suspicion. His anxious eyes betrayed a concern that went beyond the ordinary, igniting my intrigue and prompting a flurry of questions in my mind.