
Chapter 5

December 10, 2013.

You could currently see a well-built young adult with short brunette hair. He was wearing a black leather jacket with black jeans and black shoes sitting on a train was non-other than Nathaniel and sitting next to him was a beautiful woman with shoulder-length brunette hair. She was non-other than Nathaniel's first girlfriend, Alexandra Danvers.

The two of them were currently heading to Central City for two reasons. The first is because Nathanial wanted to see Barry and the second was to start a new life in Central City.

The train took an hour and a few minutes to reach their stop where he and Alex got off the train when they reached the Central City subway station. The first thing that Alex and Nathaniel did after they left the subway station was to find an apartment before Nathaniel went to look for his brother.

Nathaniel left Alex at their newly bought apartment after they found one. He took a cab and headed for Central City police station because Barry work there as a forensic scientist.

It took him a few minutes to get there but it was enough time for Nathaniel to check out what going on in the city and became interested in one particular piece of news.

It was about one of the famous scientists in the city and the owner of S.T.A.R. Labs, Dr Harrison Wells. It was published in the news that tomorrow he will be making history by launching the world's first particle accelerator.

"What an interesting thing to do. I bet Barry is going crazy over this guy's achievements."

Nathanial muttered to himself when he got off the cab and looked at the police station in front of him.

"I wonder what kind of expression he will make when he sees me."

Nathaniel headed for the entrance but the moment he open the door he crashed into someone. The person was a long black-haired beautiful woman.


The woman shouted in pain when she fell to the ground after Nathanial bumped into her.

"I'm very sorry, Miss."

"It's okay, I was also at fault. If I had paid attention this wouldn't have happened... Wait! Nathaniel!"

"It's you, Iris."

The woman recognized Nathaniel when she finally got to see his face and Nathaniel also recognized the woman as he and Barry's childhood friend, Iris west.

"OMG! I can't believe it's really you, Nathaniel. It's been a while since you visit us, Barry will be so happy when he sees you."

Iris hugged Nathaniel and said out in surprise.

"I came back today and I will be staying here permanently from now onwards."

Nathaniel also hugged Iris back and after they separated he explained his plans to remain in the City from now onwards. Iris and Nathaniel chatted for a few minutes before she dragged him into the police station

"Hey!, Iris, I thought you were going home. Wait! Is that Nathaniel."

"Hello, Joe."

When Nathaniel and Iris entered the station were met by Iris's father, Joe West who immediately recognized Nathaniel when he saw him.

"We will talk later, dad."

Iris continued dragging Nathaniel and went upstairs to where Barry's Lab/office is located.

"Wait here and come in when I say so."

Iris made Nathaniel stand in front of Barry's office while she entered.

"Hmm! Iris. I thought you left, why are you still here?"

Barry who was writing down a report behind his desk noticed Iris when she entered the office and asked her.

"I was but I had to come back because I got some good news to tell but before I do, can you guess what I want to tell you."

"You know I'm not good at guessing so why don't you tell me."

" That won't be fun."

"Okay, let me think for a minute... You were finally accepted as a journalist at Central City Picture News."

Barry got up from his desk and walked towards Iris with a smile on his face but that smile disappeared when he saw that Iris was not smiling about his guess.

"What's wrong? Was I wrong?"

"Yes, you were. Can you take another guess?"

"I can't think of any other thing that can make you this happy other than what I said."

"If you can't then I will show you, you can come in now."

Iris turned around and faced the door after Barry wasn't able to make a correct guess and informed Nathaniel to enter the room. Barry showed a confused look but decided to trust Iris and also faced the door but his eyes widen in disbelief when he saw who came through the door.

"Hi, Barry."


Barry said out in disbelief when he saw his twin brother who he hasn't seen in five years.

"Yes, Barry."

Nathaniel opened his arms and allowed to hug him as he could see from his expression that he really missed him.

"I can't believe that you are here."

"I won't be going anywhere, I will be staying in Central City permanently."

"Dad will be so happy to see you."

"I know he will."

Nathaniel and Barry separated from the hug and Barry brought Nathaniel to his desk where they started sharing their story for the past five years. Iris decided to leave them alone to catch up so she left the office.

After hours of chatting, they finally brought their conversation to an end and decided to go and visit their father in Iron heights so Barry asked for permission and they both left the police station.

Barry and Nathaniel went to Iron heights to visit their father. Henry was very happy when he saw Nathaniel for the first time in five years. Nathaniel then told him about his investigation into the case of their mother's murder and about all the clues he has gathered so far.

Henry became happy at what his sons were doing for him but told them to not focus their attention on him and instead that they should live life but Barry and Nathaniel refused simultaneously and made a promise to get him out of prison no matter what it takes. Henry became proud of who they have grown up to be and changed the topic and asked Nathaniel if he has any girl in his life to which Nathaniel told him about Alex and Felicity which shock both Barry and Henry.

Henry later showed a proud smile and called Nathaniel a champion while Barry was still in disbelief that his brother already has two girlfriends while he has non. Thinking of this gave him the courage to propose his feelings to Iris.

Barry, Nathaniel and Henry had a few normal conversations about life until their visiting time was over and they left. Nathaniel escorted Barry to the Central City police department after they visited their mother' grave and left but not before giving Barry his new house address and telling him to come with Iris tonight so they can have dinner.

When Nathaniel got home he didn't find Alex there and Instead found a note she left for him. He opened the note and read the content and found out she had gone to greet their new neighbour so he also went there after he read the note.


Nathaniel knock on the door when he went to their neighbour's home. Nobody answered the first time he knocked so he knocked a few more times and the door was finally opened by a brown-haired beautiful lady.

"How may I help?"

The lady asked when she opened the door and saw Nathaniel standing there.

"Hmm, my name is Nathaniel Allen and I'm you new neighbour. I came to check if my girlfriend is still here with you."

Nathaniel quickly introduced himself after the lady asked how she may be of help to him.

"Oh! You are Alex's boyfriend, sorry for my rudeness. My name is Caitlin Snow, and yes she is still here."

The lady who is now identified as Caitlin Snow made way for Nathaniel to enter when she recognize his name.


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