
Trial By Fire

Your heart is pounding, It's finally here its finally time for you to get your flames you waited for this day your whole life. You look over at Mr.Green who is busy congratulating Noah.

You Look over at John who gives you a thumbs up before turning around and continuing to stare off into the distance. You take a deep breath then step into the volcano you immediately feel as though you are part of the volcano that your soul its self is fire, is this how everyone else felt you ask yourself when suddenly a violent heat surges through your body and you scream in pain and grit your teeth as you try to hold back the tears.

Your body feels as if it's melting and your screams turn into faint whispers since your throat is now raw from the constant screaming. Am I gonna die you ask yourself, I went through all the training, I studied just as hard as everyone else, Why... Is it because I didn't try hard enough. No that can't be it me and Noah always meditated whenever we had time.

We read books about all the different type of flame Elementalist, We know more about our sect than people twice our age, we were always at the top of our class. We have even snuck into the boiler room for late night meditation. So why do I have to die here what would my parents think, what would my friends think, would they be disappointed will they think I'm a failer.

No, I can't die here if I die here how will my family have a better life outside of this dull village and live in the main sect. Yes, I have to survive for my family my friends I can't fail them now when I've come this far. Your flames explode from your hands as a blinding light flashes blinding everyone around you. Your flames change into a bright orange as the light disappears and the world goes black.

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