
The Visit

When you wake up and you're in your room, what... "what happened how did I get back home?"

You get up and feel a sharp pain run through your body as if a thousand daggers have all pierced your flesh at once, You try to ignore the pain as you walk to the bathroom and splash some water on your face, you look up at the mirror. Your emerald green eyes look almost like they illuminant in a soft greenish-orange hue.

You brush your teeth and take a shower then take a few pills to numb the pain. You then throw on you're usual sect uniform and head downstairs the moment your feet hit the last step you are immediately swept off your feet and wrapped in your Father's arms your mother is not too far behind almost as soon as your Dad picks you up your Mother joins in with tears in her eyes.

"You had us worried sick, I don't know what I'd do if I lost you," he says as his arms tighten around your waist."Yeah, your Mom replies in between her cries "who would help me with dinner or go shopping with me, certainly not your pigheaded Father he can't even cook toast let alone help with dinner".

You laugh " don't worry Mom I'm ok I just fainted no big deal, " as you say this you hear a knock on the door. Your Dad puts you down and gently pats you on the head and heads over towards the door.

When he opens the door you see Noah and Mr.Green, "Hello you must be Elizabeth's father, " he says with a groan. I'm Mr.Green her teacher I've come to record your daughter's flames so I can test her ability"

"What" your father shouts. "Our daughter could have died doing your stupid..." Your mom quickly interrupts, "yes she would love to take your test" your mother says as she elbows your father. Hmmm...Ok, Elizabeth are you ready for your test.

"wait what test isn't the ritual over?" you ask

"yes" Mr.green replied as he forces a smile on his face. "I just wanna see the color of your flame so I can rank your skill level, Noah!"

"Yes, Mr.green," Noah says as he jumps to attention. " Please show her how to cultivate her flame. He says as he slips into the kitchen behind your parents, " What the hell? He's acting weird " you say as you turn too Noah

"Hey umm, Elizabeth," Noah says as he looks down as he fiddle's with his sect badge you can basically smell the guilt. "Uh, I'm sorry I wasn't here for you after the ritual... I wanted to help you but Mr.Green kept talking to me about blaze sect academy telling me how we're gonna have private lessons", "I'm just sorry...wait", you interrupt "so who brought me home if you didn't?"Noah looks away as his hand tightens around his badge. "It's fine don't tell me lets just start".

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