
The Old Man's Offer

'Who the hell is this guy, what does he mean he saved my life, He could be Talking about the warning but that was scratched out.'

"Why should I tell you anything!"

With a deep sigh, the man pulls back his hood revealing his short white hair stopping at his shoulders and his wrinkles that only come with hundreds of years of experience since most mages start aging slowly in their late 20s. The old man looks you in the eyes with a steely cold gaze, you feel as if he I staring directly into your soul his icy silver eyes send shivers down your spine and with a calm and kind expression he says.

"Because I know how you can save your father."

You tighten your fist as your flames disappear.

'Is he lying...How did he even know what happened to my father...I mean he just appeared out of nowhere is he someone I can trust."

"How do you know about my father."

The old man explodes with a roar of laughter.

"I guess you wouldn't remember me."

'Remember him? So I've seen him before? Who is this guy?'

"It will all be explained in good time your barely even ready for me to appear in front of you. If the situation wasn't so dire then I wouldn't have even appeared in front of you, but with the appearance of that book I couldn't stay hidden any longer."

"What's so important about this book!"

"That book has been banned for centuries ever since the genocide of the Lava Sect."

"Genocide of the Lave Sect?"

"If you don't know we don't have any time to waste my dear, so you said you wanna get stronger in less than a weeks time. I'll do better than that accursed book how about you let this old man show you a few moves."

You hesitate a bit, "Umm...sir are you sure you can help me?"

"Can I help you?"

A smirk appears on the old man's face and with a swipe of his hand, he summons a beautiful Crimson flame with an extravagant display of finesse.

He then holds it out towards you as if beckoning you to watch closely.

You watch in amazement as his flames begin to switch through the color in an astonishingly hastily fashion that only a true master would be capable, blue, green, orange, and back to red.

This repeats a few times until suddenly the room is flooded in a healing white light.

You watch in shock as you see his flame turn into a white so pure that you nearly had to cover your eyes.

"A white flame!"

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