

You could feel it in your body, mind, and soul. You knew you'd never forget this moment it felt as if time was still and all that existed was the beautiful scene that was taking place before your eyes.

The sight was forever engraved deep into your subconscious, the majestic way the five protrusion of his flame swiftly separate as they began to gently fold together to form a delicate and beautiful white rose in the palm of his hand.

You could feel the immense power behind it. Stronger than anything you've seen before, yet it was also different from anything you've seen either.

The power was strong yet had a soothing atmosphere much different from the bone-crushing pressure you usually feel.

"Wow, you're really amazing old man!"

A prideful grin appears on the old mans face.

"Now how about it do you wanna receive raining from this old man ?"

'I don't know if I can trust him but it's not like I have a choice if I don't get stronger I can't save my father and it's not like my mother can help in her current condition.'

You thinking back to the incident. You can remember everything so vividly though you were too young to understand what happened you can still remember the sight of your mother's unconscious body, torn and battered beyond belief ever since then she has only used her flames for minor occasions.

'She won't be any help...Damn it do I have to accept this mans request, it's not like I'm strong enough to do anything even if he decides to do anything.'

You let out a long sigh

"Ok I'll accept your offer."

The old man didn't seem surprised by your decision, you shrugged it off saying 'he probalay came to the same conclusion you did.

The old man waved a quick good bye, and with a gray puff of smoke he vanished.

Next chapter