
The Diary

" When something happen for the first time in life we all want it to be special, perfect and yours. My time with Jiso was the first ever. I don't know what spark she got that she lighted up my life. The smile, laugh, eyes, voice, everything. When I met her never knew I met someone who I can call mine, never be scared of losing because I know she will never leave me after all she love me more than I do. Who knows will she be in my future frame or someone else but as long she is with me I want to give her all of me. As long as she stays with me my life is like the star in sky, who gleams when sun light fall on it, it shines. " with ended up reading this Tae turns to next pages and kept reading his thoughts he wrote about him and Jiso. But suddenly one page caught his eyes and filled him with memories.

" Things look more beautiful under moonlight. 4 o'clock midnight all I can do is stare at Jiso sleeping peacefully. Tonight was the night I finally felt like she trust me with her life when she suddenly surprised me with a visit. She was supposed to return from her hostel 2 days later. But I was happy anyway seeing her but I saw something else was in her eyes it was more than love when she kissed me she was like a hungry tigress with gentle but passionate moves. Her hands caressing my hair holding me like she is never want to let me go and I was never going to. Me writing this now taking a bit glaces of her sleeping covered with sheet I feel like she is completely mine for ever."

Tae closed his diary all he could do to avoid his from suffer the pain of losing her. He closed his eyes and fell asleep resting his head on the diary.

Taehyung living his memories will give him more courage to face Jiso.

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