
The Mood Swings

It was always difficult to live up to her P

parents expectations. Darla was 14 and her brother was 18, he was smart, intelligent and everyones favorite and Darla was careless, chubby and shy girl who was compared with her brother all the time. She always wanted to make new friends but failed, not because she had behavior issues but because she had zero confidence to talk to strangers. She just had one best friend for all her life and they both would just sit and talk about guys. Obviously, now they had entered their teenage, so "guys" was the favorite topic. Darla always wanted a love life, as she admired her brother for everything but she had no charm, she was not even beautiful, at least that is what the rest of the world told her but believing that one day somebody might just come riding in a horse to rescue her from all her insecurities. Darla always considered herself pretty and that somebody will realise that one day. She would spend most of her time stalking a guy she saw when she was 9 years old. It was love at first sight. She would sit under the table hiding from her family and then for hours she stalked him. When her mother used to call her out she would avoid her mothers voice. Darla loved to live in imaginations instead of making friends, she would spent hours in thinking what it would be like if she met the man of her dreams again. These dreams were only interrupted by exams which Darla barely passed. Her mother would often tell her that her future depends on her grades but Darla intended not to listen to these things. One day, Darla's brother left his skype ID signed in and Darla noticed the messages of her crush popped up and instantly she opened those messages and told him that her brother is not at home. He did not care much to talk to her and said "okay" which made Darla devasted and humiliated. She broke into tears and decided that she would never talk to him again. Two years passed and Darla did not stalk him but she still would imagine being with him. Darla decided to leave her city for her high school. Her mother was very supportive and allowed her to leave only if she promised to score good. Darla was happy for this chance and said she would try her best to be whatever her mother wants her to.