

Chapter 156: Heartpiercer

"Why?" Aakesh asked in response to the system, hearing the system refused to allow Heartpiercer as the reward.

[Host, the weapon has gained sentience and has reached the limit of the Multiverse. If you give the weapon to someone, they wouldn't be able to make the weapon submit, and neither can you force the weapon to submit as it had grown way beyond the will pressure you could handle.]

The system replied in its mechanical and emotionless voice.

"But you can," Aakesh responded.

[No! The system wouldn't help you regarding this. If you want the help of the system, you would need to pay for it.]

The system refused right away to help Aakesh in submitting the Heartpiercer.

He shook his head in disappointment since he couldn't do anything to change the system's mind now.

He then waved his hands, and the next moment, a bow appeared in front of him.

Next chapter