
The First Progenitor

A story about how the first progenitor open a path to the wider world. =================== if you own the cover then tell me, I will remove it. https://discord.gg/ReAFJZht Join discord for the latest news.

DimLight · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 4 - Chaotic Place (4)

They go back to the tree house after realizing that the only difference is the green one, which increases one's stamina.

The husband and wife stood in front of the five fruits, thinking which one to eat first. "I will try to eat the blue one, and you eat the silver one." Then the man picks the blue fruit and gives the silver fruit to the woman.

Without hesitation, they immediately chewed the fruit. The soft and sweet taste that stays in the mouth, combined with the electrical sensation that keeps stinging their whole body, makes them not want to stop eating it.

After they eat the whole fruit, the euphoric feeling suddenly attacks the whole body, making them keep twitching on the ground, sweat keeps pouring down their body, and the other liquids keep falling off their thighs.

If you look from above, one can see something that keeps moving on the man's leg. Starting from the toes, then to the ankles, calf, thigh, and it stops when it reaches the waist area. It keeps wriggling, as if there are a thousand worms living in his feet. The wriggle started slowly, but it got worse and worse, and it felt like the flesh was peeling and tearing apart, it was so bad that his bones were affected as well.

From his toes to his calf to his thigh and waist, the sound of bones breaking is occurring in the prescribed order.

The wriggle starts on the woman's finger and moves to her hand, shoulders, and finally her chest. The wriggling is similar to the man's, it starts slowly and then gets worse. Her bones were crushed from the tips of her fingers to her shoulders and up to her ribs. The crushing voice reverberates throughout the tree.

But strangely enough, the man and woman instead of feeling pain, they feel good.

After the euphoric feeling washes away, so does the wriggling in the legs and hands of the man and woman.

They immediately stood up and left, returning to the previous location where they had tested the fruit's effect.

The man and women stand and face each other "what do you feel, wife?" the man asks.

"Different, everything feels so different. I feel just so much stronger, like I can just punch and crush anything. How about you, husband?" the woman clenching her hand while answering absent-mindedly, looking at her husband's face.

"I feel different than you. I just feel so much lighter, like I can run in a flash." The man said while massaging his feet, to feel if it has something different.

"Then we'll begin the test with me."

The man begins to jump in place, and how shocked he is when he realizes he has just jumped more than five meters high. The man just stayed rooted in place, silent with shock, while the woman just opened her mouth wide, didn't know what to say.

"This isn't a dream right?" the man muttered silently, while gazing at his wife "this is not a dream right? RIGHT?"

The man held his wife's shoulder and shook her.

"wh- what? what? of course not." The woman answered while shaking her head.

"hahaha this is not a dream!"

The man kisses his wife on the lips and then begins running around. He started out slowly, but his speed gradually increased. Previously, it took him five seconds to circle his wife, but now, it takes him just a single second.

The man then begins to run back to the tree house, and how surprised he was when he only needed 10 seconds to go back and forth between the open field and the tree house.

The man comes to a halt in front of his wife and repeatedly kisses her on the lips to express his happiness.

"It's your turn now." The man takes a few steps back to give some space to his wife, while a smile always pesters his face. "You said that you feel stronger, right? Let's try by punching that tree"

The woman nodded at the man's words. Then she starts to walk to the tree that his husband pointed at.

She starts to close her eyes, and take a deep breath, trying to calm her pounding heart. She started to clench her fist, pulled her hands back, and got ready to punch forward.

She opened her eyes and her fist shot toward the tree.



Her cute yell is accompanied by a loud impact, and upon closer inspection, it can be seen that her hand went through the center of the tree, crushing it without causing any harm, while the tree is smashed into bits and pieces.

The man then starts to run in the woman's direction, jumping in joy after seeing what the woman did.

"This… we can finally be free from worry!" The man quickly hugs the woman with tears in his eyes.

The man then recalls that there are still three fruits whose effects are unknown to them. Remembering this, the man grabbed the woman by hand and ran towards the tree.

Both the husband and wife stare at the three fruits on top of the table, out of the seven, they already know four of them. Red is changing the constitution, green adds stamina and enhances some vitality, blue adds speed, and silver adds strength. That left with the other three. Yellow, black, and light pink. Weirdly enough the color of the last fruit is like a color of pitch.

The husband and wife unconsciously choose the light pink one as the last, not because the peach reminds them of how they first met.

The man picks the yellow one, while the woman picks the black one.

When the man picks the yellow fruit and the woman picks the black fruit, they exchange glances, their eyes meet, they nod, and they bring the fruit closer to their mouths. They open their mouths and bite each of their fruits without further ado.

Excitement and anticipation are clearly written on their faces.

The euphoric feeling, the tingling sensation, the warmth that emanates from the pelvis, just imagining that made them addicted to it.

They had prepared themselves, but even after five minutes of eating the fruit, they didn't feel anything different in their bodies, the sensation they had hoped for had not arrived.

However, instead of the euphoric feeling, an intense pain struck without warning. A feeling like being cut into pieces with thousands of knives, feeling like being stabbed with needles all over the body, feeling like being boiled alive, all kinds of torture envelop their bodies.

They scream, scream loudly, scream with all their might, scream in the hopes that someone will hear and help them. They roll on the ground and scratch their bodies with all their might, almost causing all of their skin and flesh to peel off. The pain would not go away no matter what they did, it remained like glue.

Their bodies were drenched in their own blood, which oozed from their pores, their faces were covered in blood, especially their eyes, which kept bleeding and twitching in the ground while screaming for help, help that they hoped would end their agony.

All of a sudden, everything came to a screeching halt. The scream, the noise, the struggle, everything comes to a halt, as if someone has stopped time. All of the blood slowly disappears, starting from the eyes and moving throughout the body as if someone washed the blood from them.

Their eyes slowly opened, but oddly enough, if you looked directly into them, a strange glimmer of light appeared from within them. The man is given a weak yellow light, while the woman is given a weak black light. The intensity of light from their eyes gradually but steadily increases.

At first, the light from their eyes only shone around them, but it grew and grew until it filled the entire space in that place, to the point where the light from inside the tree house could be seen from the top of Mount Kunan if it weren't for the sunlight.

The light gradually fades and retracts, entering each of the men's and women's eyes.

Their bodies, which had previously been lying on the ground, gradually lifted themselves. their eyes slowly opened, and the normally human-like eyes turned into something totally different. Everything is just pure yellow and pure black. All of their features, including their brown iris, black pupils, and white sclera, are covered by the color of the fruit they eat.

Their eyes gradually returned to normal with each passing second, and with a THUD! they fell back to the ground once more.

When the husband and wife opened their eyes, they had no idea how long they had been unconscious on the ground. However, based on the darkness of the sky and the position of the moon directly above their heads, they conclude that it has already passed midnight.

The husband and wife continue to lie and stare at the ceiling, completely blank about everything.

When the light returns to their eyes, they begin to gasp for air as memories of what has just happened to them enter their brain. They immediately stand up and check their bodies for any wounds or abnormalities, and they are relieved when they discover that they are fine.

The husband and wife hug each other while crying to their heart content.

"I'm glad that we were okay." The husband looks at his wife with a relieved expression after releasing every negative emotion they held, while looking at his wife's tummy with a happy relief. He rubs her belly while feeling lightness in his heart, not knowing what they will do if anything happens to their unborn child.

"I think we need to rest for now, the matter of our strength and what benefits they bring, we can check it tomorrow." The man held his wife and carried her to the bed.

That night, the man dreams that they arrive at the Ningjing tribe safely and without incident. They meet with many of his father's uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters. The man even meets with one of his father's biological sisters. A lovely lady and a caring aunt. And the reason she didn't follow the man's father was because she had recently married and was three months pregnant. After hearing his aunt's story, the man is relieved to learn that he has an older cousin and a cute little cousin. He is feeling grateful to himself because that day he chose to follow his heart and encourage his fragile little self to return to his father's hometown.

The man's uncles and aunties help him and his wife to make a simple house from the woods temporarily, while waiting for a better house to be built.

The man's wife begins to become acquainted with the women of the tribe, and all the women accept her as if they have known each other for a long time.

Many little children are playing happily with each other without care and without worry. It's a world apart from how life is outside of this tribe, with so many attractive women and young, healthy children present, it's not surprising that bandits or an army would have arrived and taken them all as slaves.

But no, there is no slave, no bandits, and no killing in this place.

Just a happy and peaceful village, a place that the man dreams of.

( A/N : this getting annoying thou, I just really can’t think about what name that fits with this pair (⇀‸↼‶) but daijoubu!! The pair is so close to the tribe! So wish them luck! And hope that nothing bad will happened to them! Like she got miscarried, or maybe she got kidnapped by bandits, or worse she got raped?!!! Wuaaaattttt??!!!! Rape? Is this ntr??!! Of course no haha nothing to worry about that was just a joke ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ )

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