
77 Limitless Academy

Just as the city lord representative was about to let the kids pick there academies, teachers from the other exams exit the building catching his attention. Not being sure why they came back out he waited for them to come over, to see what they have to say.

The judges whispered to the other judges in a low voice. Hearing what they had said the city lord representative cut in the conversation.

"Im in a hurry to end this exam, I have a way to speed this up and yall can settle this at the same time."

He looked back down at the kids.

"Is there anyone that Doesn't want a spot in a academy?"

Around 20 kids raised there hands.

The city lord representative pulled out a artifact that holds information about the kids. Than he called out around 20 kids badge numbers and told the kids to walk off there stage to follow him. He said the same thing to the kids that didn't want to be in a academy.

"I got the kids that is coming with me, I don't care how yall will decide who get to go where. I am leaving." The city lord representative said to the academies teachers that is on the stage with him before he walked away with the kids.

There was around 70 kids still left on their stages. The teachers looked at one and each other before one of the combat teachers started to talk.

"I am one of the combat teacher for Dragonrise academy. I will say a few badge numbers and the badges number I say have gotten invited to all 3 of the academies. We won't be giving out any special attention for choosing our academies so just say the name of the academy you want to go to."

He said 17 badges numbers and Elizabeth badge number was one of them. When it was her turn to say what academy she want to go to she hesitated before she spoke.

"I want to go to the same academy as my brother." pointing at Brian stage across from her.

"What ever academy that had chosen him, that is the academy i want to go to." She said in a low determin tone.

The Dragonrise academy teacher frowned when looking at Brian. Than he check the artifact around his wrist before looking back at one of the teacher from the other academy.

The teacher just had a slight smirk on his face, as if saying yep what you thinking is right.

The Dragonrise academy combat teacher guess the Limitless academy teacher pick Brian to join there academy intentionally. Brian actually didn't perform to good and there was nothing special about him to make any academies want him. But the limitless academy still chose him.

It wasn't hard for the Dragonrise academy teacher to guess that the limitless academy teacher knew Brian was her sibling. And he had expected something like this. They may not give special treatment to kids for joining there academy but if more talents join there academy they will get more resources as teachers for teaching them.

The only reason they don't give any special treatment to talents because they are not allowed to as a agreement among each other. Over time they had recognized its better to do that and just hope to be lucky instead of fighting over kids that 9 times out of 10 just become average in the sea of other kids in the academy.

The true talented kids got referred into the academy already without taking this test.

"He was invited to the Limitless academy." The Dragonrise academy said as he looked back to Elizabeth.

"I would like to go to the Limitless academy too than." Elizabeth replied back.

Brian wasn't surprised by his sister they had already agreed to try to join the same academy. He was happy it worked out.

Ryan seeing this was hoping to go there too. Once all the kids pick the academy they want to go to the Dragonrise academy combat teacher began to talk again.

"For the kids with 2 invites i will let you know which 2 academies want you one by one."

"Badge number 388 Nexus Academy and Dragonrise academy."

As the kids pick there academies, eventually Ryan badge number was called.

"Badge number 875 Nexus Academy and Limitless academy."

Of course Ryan picked Limitless academy.

Time went pass and everyone got assigned to there academies. Ryan and the siblings walked together with 16 other kids following the Limitless academy combat teacher. No one made conversation with each other yet, feeling like it is not the best time to talk.

They had met up with the other teachers of the Limitless academy and the new students they recruited. There was 53 kids in total among the Alchemy, Forger, Formation, and Combat teachers.

They walked as a group and made there way to the inner city gates. The guards knowing it was the time for academies to recruit kids, they let them pass without a fuss.

Ryan seeing the inner city for the first time was in awe of how everything looked. He only got a chance to see the tall buildings that was higher than the inner city walls until today. He was able to tell the inner city was build more luxurious.

As they continue to walk Ryan noticed the roads wind around themselves in the most deranged ways. There was people riding powerful beasts and there was people walking leisurely around but it wasn't to many.

It wasn't as crowded as the outer city. The tall buildings stand with arrogance hovering above made Ryan feel small. He couldn't help but imagine powerful figures living in these intimidating buildings.

As Ryan was looking up he caught a glimpse of a human shape figure flying through the air to a unknown location. As he was being distracted by the surroundings, they had made it to the academy.

Ryan looking at the academy gate and the building behind it, he couldn't help but feel slightly underwhelmed. It was nice looking but a part of him expected more for some reason seeing how unique everything else look in the city.

The teachers showed there badges and walked through the gates. All the kids followed and Ryan became speechless once he mad it to the other side.

He wasn't the only person that was shock, they all were. The inside look nothing like the outside. There was many students walking around and many buildings scattered around. It was like a whole city was inside the academy gates but from the out side there was only 1 lonely building.

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