
The Beginning (3)

Leo stood with his mouth agape. The stone that was supposed to help him had just been eaten. It was done by a loli that was rubbing her stomach in ecstasy. Behind her was a portal and when you looked inside it, you could see a huge castle, "So that's where she came from."

Leo stared at the girl with a profound expression. Seeing this, she furrowed her brows, "You can see me? I thought I made myself invisible to all humans... Oh well, it doesn't matter," Then she turned around and headed for her portal. She walked to the entrance and tried to enter but she couldn't. It was like there was an invisible glass window covering it.

"That's strange why can't I leave?" Then she closed the portal and reopened it and tried again but she couldn't go back. Lastly, she took a candle and threw it in the portal to see if that could go through and it could. Everything could go through just not her…

When the old man saw this, he laughed, "You are not from this world are you?"

"No, I am The Queen of Hell; you humans call me, The Devil."

The old man laughed again, "Then it makes sense why you can't return. That's because of him." He said pointing to Leo, "The stone was bound to his soul and since you ate it you are now tethered to him. Thus you are now riveted to this world called Etherak."

The woman nodded her head, "I see so all I have to do is kill this guy and then I can return to my adoring subjects."

Leo's eyes widened as his heart rate increased, "Am I going to die now?"

"Unfortunately, you can't do that either. If you kill him you will only end up killing yourself. Your souls are linked... " The old man said.

'Tsk, he has a point. In this realm, I'm not immortal if I die, I die.' Then she looked at the old man with killing intent.

"You can't kill me either; although I'm not attached to his soul you need me. The only reason you can't return is that his mana level is too low to suspend you across realms. I as the once strongest man can help him get stronger and then you can return to where you came from."

Now that she understood her circumstances, she decided to reveal her true self. In the next moment, her body changed from that of a lolita to that of a woman. She had a diamond-shaped face, long black hair, crimson eyes, a full bottom lip, tanned skin, a bodacious body and long black horns protruding from her forehead.

"Ooooh," The old man exclaimed in excitement as his eyes loitered on her curvaceous body.

Seeing this she cringed then she opened another portal. This time on the other side there wasn't a castle but blistering fires. She looked at the old man and then she threw him into the portal, "Voetsek! (1)" She said dusting her hands off and looking quite pleased with herself.

Leo looked at her with an incredulous expression.

"What? If I have to stay in this world again. I'd rather not have to live with an old pervert like him."

Leo shook his head, "Aside from the fact that you just ate my stone and threw the man who was going teach me magic into the fire. You also just turned from a loli into a woman. What, did you think you could fool me better in this form!? Gah! (2) I might share that man's blood but I'm nothing like him."

'Tsk, it's because of that idiot's lust I have to suffer!'

"That old man couldn't teach you anything but how to make women and men hate you. Maybe in his days, he was strong but magic has evolved since then. He knows nothing. And I'm not trying to seduce you, this is my true form." She said rolling her eyes.

"Okay suppose that's true, I never heard of the devil being a girl…"

"That's because history has been altered."


She sighed, "The God's changed the story when they banished me to hell. They only banished me because they were afraid of me. I was the strongest God of all so I proposed that there should be a supreme leader. They accepted and when I won the tournament they used their powers to banish me since they couldn't kill me. But OF COURSE, they couldn't say they were afraid of me. So they fabricated a lie saying I committed all sorts of atrocities. That's the real truth you won't read in a history book."

"Okay… "He said sceptically.

"You believe me?"

"No, but I do believe you at the same time."

"I suppose that's fair."

"I might believe you a bit but I still have some questions for you."

"Sure, fire away."

"What is hell like? Do you really torture evil spirits?"

She sighed, "I thought you might ask that. When I was first sentenced to hell there was nothing just darkness. Seeing that I had all the time in the world, I created my own world. Every time I used all my mana, I would sleep for decades and then wake up and create some more.

Anyway, many years later I had created my own place with an expansive landscape. I ruled over it as Queen. Then one day the God's saw that this world was overflowing with spirits so they created the afterlife. Good spirits were sent to live with them in heaven and the bad ones were sent to me. Seeing this I granted them power and turned them into demons.

However, I didn't like all of them so I created a pit of fire for those I deemed irredeemable. I also used those souls as target practice for my newbie demons to practice their skills on. They couldn't die so they were the best targets. I did this because I fully intended on coming back and taking revenge on the world. As I grew stronger, I found that I could return to Etherak. That the banishment spell could no longer hold me.

However, I was in love with the place I created. I found purpose in leading my people and lost all will to seek revenge."

Leo pursed his lips, "Well then I am sorry to tell you that you are never going home. You ate the stone that was supposed to heal me. It only healed me a little bit so this is about as strong as I'm going to get."

She inspected his body, "I see you have been cursed… Then why don't you become a demon? This will allow you to eat the mana shards of the monsters in this world to power up. It will also weaken the curse shard for shard."

"What's a demon?"

"It's me and my loyal subjects in hell, we are demons. These horns and these crimson eyes of mine are distinctive markers of a demon. In return, you gain an affinity to magic, resistance to magical attacks and enhanced physical abilities."

"Oh hell no! I'm not serving you or anybody ever again!"

She guffawed, "You don't have to. I'm just granting you the power whether you swear loyalty to me or not is your decision."

"Okay, then how do I become a demon?"

"First let me check if you are compatible," She touched his body and then inspected him. When she was done she pouted her beautiful lips.

"What now? Am I not compatible?"

"No, it seems you've already become a demon probably when our souls merged."

"Oh great! But won't the God's know that you are back?"

"No, as long as we don't reveal ourselves in our demon form or as long we kill those that have seen our true forms they won't know about us. Since there are no such things as demons on this world they won't be looking for us. However, they will eventually find out. We have to be ready by then. For they will be coming with an army."

"Then I will create my own army and establish my own territory! I can't use humans because they will betray me once they see my true self… I guess I'll use beasts. I'll learn beast taming magic as one of the various fields I want to delve into. I'll prepare for the war before the war. Damn it feels good to finally see a light at the end of the tunnel! However, before I can do that I need to escape from here."


"This place is run by nobles that are interested in me sexually. If I stay here another day my first time will be ripped away from me."

"Then we should leave. I'll deal with everyone."

"Awesome! By the way, what is your name?"

"My name is Lucy Zul'ros."

1- Voetsek - Means: Get lost! It's usually told to dogs and is extremely disrespectful. Usually said in anger or a joke but the former appears more often than the latter.

2- Gah- It's an onomatopoeia for disgust. Ex, "You think I'm going to work for you, gah! You mad."

Hope this chapter was satisfying enough after all the bad luck you had to read.

Vicarious_Writercreators' thoughts
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