

Leo and Lucy walked out of the inn then walked into the streets of the city. As soon as they did, they heard the sales calls of all the street merchants, "Tomatoes, potatoes all fresh. Get them here for only 2 pieces of bronze!"

Leo shrugged them off and walked past them. He wasn't looking to buy food; he was looking to buy equipment. Currently, he was walking in a suit and a tie. Although he looked good in it, it didn't feel like an adventurer would wear this. He felt like a butler in these clothes. Thus a change was necessary.

They continued to walk until they found a shop that sold clothes. They walked into the shop as they did a bell went off alerting the receptionist that someone was here.

Hearing the bell she rushed out of the curtains behind the receptionist's desk. She had short pants on her arms that she was trying to remove.

Seeing this Leo sighed, 'If she doesn't even know how to put on clothes properly, how can she make clothes?' Leo shook his head then turned around ready to go.

He was ready to go but Lucy wasn't, she stood still and looked at the girl who couldn't take the pants off her arms.

Leo furrowed his brows, "Let's go, I don't think she will be of use to us. I don't want my clothes to tear while I'm in battle because of bad workmanship. "

Lucy shook her head, "If that's the case then you have come to the right shop. This girl has an abnormal amount of mana for a human."

"Oh, she does?"

"She does…"

The teen girl finally got rid of the pants on her arms then she blushed as she looked at the two, "Sorry about that. I can be clumsy at times."

Leo shook his head, 'She's not inspiring confidence. No wonder her shop is so empty, but I'll see if Lucy is right.' "Haha, it's okay. We just here for an order… Do you have adventurer's clothes for me? I'm looking for something that sits tightly on me but also has the ability to stretch. The colour black would be best."

The girl listened to his request then she raced back into the curtains. A few seconds late, she came out with a V neck tank top. On the front, was an empty diamond with dragon print in gold on the sides of it.

Seeing this Leo raised his eyebrows, "Wow! That's perfect." He loved the design and it went perfect with the black pants. It added a touch of class, elegance and adventure into one bundle.

Seeing Leo's satisfied look, Lucy smiled smugly.

"I still need to try it on." Then he went to the changing room and tried it on. He swung his arms around and moved his body in all sorts of positions yet, it didn't tear. In fact, it felt very comfortable. Satisfied, Leo nodded his head then came out with the clothes, "I'll take it."

When he came out, Lucy had also changed into her new clothes. She was wearing a red low, cut collar dress that revealed her ample cleavage, "And I will take this."

"That will be 20 pieces of silver. I have imbued my magic into all of the material, it should be extremely durable."

Leo nodded his head then he handed the money which she gladly accepted. It had been a long time since she got a paying customer.

After buying the clothes, they left the store, "Next order of business is the shards." They walked for a while until the found a store that sold them. As they walked in, they were greeted by a pudgy middle-aged man. He looked at them and judged their attire, "How can I help you today?"

Leo looked around, "I'm looking for a stat checker and I need shards. A lot of mana shards!"

"Sir you do know that single low-grade shard costs 50 bronze pieces."

A sharp pain shot through Leo when he heard the price, "It doesn't matter give me as much as 20 gold coins can buy."

"You want 20 gold coins worth of shards! What are you trying to power a country for a year?"

'Not a country but for me." He smirked but kept quiet. Then he placed the gold down on the counter and tapped his finger.

"I will be there right away." Then he looked back and ran back into the storage room.

After a few minutes, he came back with a storage ring, "Inside here is 4000 mana-shards, you can check if you want?"

Leo took the ring and was going to check it, but Lucy stopped him, "He is telling the truth."

Leo nodded his head then released the gold and paid for everything. He took two stat checkers from the shelf and bought that too. The cost amounted to 2 pieces of silver. After they were done, he walked out of the shop and headed for the adventurer guild.

This was the place he wanted to go to since he was a child. Finally, he was going to become an adventurer. They walked at a steady pace until they reached the building. It was a large building. The architecture looked more modern than the Elizabethan era type, its neighbours had. When they walked inside, the temperature changed. Outside was hot and humid. Inside it was just the right temperature and it smelt like an English garden. The guild had all sorts of wards around it that made it a hospitable place.

Leo looked around and saw many people sipping on beers. Other people were looking at the quests on the adventure boards. It was the scene he was expecting yet still managed to excite him.

Then he looked on the wall and read the writings "Do not attack the slimes with magic." , "If you're a girl, never go goblin hunting!"

Leo stifled a chuckle then he turned his attention to the female receptionist, "We would like to sign up as adventurers."

The blonde elf girl smiled, "You do know the rules an regulations right?"

Leo nodded his head.

"Okay, then sign here and here then you will become an adventurer."

Leo and Lucy signed their papers then

Leo handed her two pieces of silver for the admission fee. Lastly, they got their badges. Since they had just started their badge was made out of plastic and was the lowest of badges. The badges were plastic, iron, steel, silver, gold, platinum and diamond.

When they received their badges they heaved a sigh of relief and headed for the forest of talem.

"Let the games begin!"