1 My dreams are alive

Don't let me go please don't let me go. Please, please, please noooooooo, ahhh she wakes up in the middle of the night again with nothing but the horrors of her nightmares again.. Not again this horrible dream again I hate it, no I loath it yes that's the world how does it keep coming back I can't stand it anymore, if it only were a mare dream I would be fine with it but no it's like am in it for real everyday it's been held on the hillside with some woman I know not and ever time she lets me go off the hill and I go down screaming, it's alive I live every moment I feel everything.... I wonder who she is"honey'', you awake yet my sweet heart, yes I am auntie Rachel

Auntie Rachel

She is the youngest in my mom's family and last one in a family of 3 she is the only family member from mom's side I know have ever know, she's the kindest woman I know and extremely loveable
