
A New Day

The city looked amazing as Alex slowly took in the view. He walked through the streets with new purpose as he knew that he had a goal. That goal was to get some cash. You see as Alex was a kid growing up on the streets he had to do some things he wasn't always proud of. And that was mostly stealing. Though he didn't have someone to really teach him his so called 'moral compass' he still tried to be a good person. Though he didn't really call pick pocketing against that Moral compass of his.

The main reason Alex chose the shadow manipulation ability to start off was so he could pick pocket just a little bit easier. He had always been a quick kid and now with this new supposed buff he got from the strange necklace he should be able to run pretty well, but there was also the fact that doing anything like this always lights up Alex's heart. If he targets the wrong person he could be screwed. So Alex really hoped this ability would be able to help him conceal his identity while doing the deed as well as hoping him run away in the case he gets found out.

Alex walked through the streets feeling like a new person. He looked through the busy morning onlookers with a casual smile on his face. His eyes darted slowly around looking for a mark, someone that didn't look poor or rich, someone in the middle. Someone that he wouldn't feel too guilty about stealing from and someone who couldn't track me down easily. After a bit of casual walking he found that there was quite the line at a hot dog stand and though he usually wouldn't try to do something in such a public area he thought that the person at the end of the line fit his criteria to the tee.

A tall Caucasian man with a long and trimmed beard wearing bright yellow flannel shirt and tight skinny jeans. The man had a nice looking watch on his wrist and in no way seemed to be too poor, but also didn't seem to be too rich. Alex casually stood behind the man in the line and proceeded to look forward in the line with distaste. Alex then proceeded to make a slight clicking sound before stating to the man in front of him "Such a long line for a stand like this in the morning? Whoever runs the stand must be either crazy or crazy smart."

The man turned to the side and looked at Alex with a slight smile on his face. The man then said in a joyful tone "Ahh.... I see you have never heard of Eddy's famous Breakfast dogs. There too die for and definitely worth the wait. I've been coming to this line for the past few months at least once a week. Whats your name kid?" Alex let out a smile at the mans demeanor and quickly replied in a somewhat relaxed tone "Alex, and you?". The man reached his hand out for a shake as he replied "John. Nice to meet you Alex. It's not often I see someone so young being so polite, especially at such an early time" John laughed for a few moments before casually saying "Alex you got to try Eddy's dogs, don't be dissuaded by the line, if you stay I wouldn't mind buying you one." he said with a bright smile on his face.

'Why is he being so nice to me?' Alex thought in his head before gently nodding his head with a growing smile. "I suppose I will have to take you up on that offer." he said happily. Alex was quite confused. Usually people didn't treat him this nicely whenever they saw his tattered clothes and his dirt caked skin. Though now that he thought of it he was no longer dirty and actually clean for the first time in forever. And now that he thought of it his Charm stat did supposedly go up by quite a lot maybe it was actually coming into play? Either way all that Alex knew was that he was rather happy with his current scenario and his previous idea drifted to dust after actually talking to his mark.

He made some small talk and lied quite a bit while talking to John. Though he liked the guy he wasn't all that proud of being on the streets and would rather keep that a secret. The line passed rather quickly with John to talk too and soon enough we were at the front of the line. John looked at a large man wearing a large apron with the words proudly displayed 'Hot Dog Guy'. Not a crazy good name but I guess it said a lot about his personality. John immediately waved happily and said in a somewhat elevated voice "Hey Eddy. I'll take two of your famous breakfast dogs Alright?" Eddy looked at john and nodded with a smile before saying "Your gonna run me out of business if you go eating more than one a day and probably run yourself out of those skinny jeans if your not careful." he said before laughing.

John laughed a little before slowly pulling Alex up and saying "Good grief the second one isn't for me then, right Eddy?" he said with a little laugh. Eddy looked at John with a smile before saying "Damn Good." After a little more banter eddy had two strange looking hot dogs in front of Alex and john. "There ya go John, have a nice day would ya?" he said happily. "You too Eddy" John replied. He quickly took the two hot dogs before handing me one and slowly going on a walk. Alex followed slowly and he dug in.

Alex looked at the strange creation in front of him before slowly taking in a bite. The savory sausage flavor erupted in Alex's mouth creating a world of hunger as his stomach began to beg for more. The Strange creation was gone in a few minutes by Alex's feverish hunger. John looked at Alex with eyes of surprise as he slowly finished his first few bites of the breakfast dog and slowly laughed with his mouth full of food. After a few minutes John's mouth was emptied of food as he said "Man it looks like you haven't eaten for the past year." he says before laughing a little bit more. Alex felt a sad feeling enter his pit as a slightly bitter feeling entered his mind.

Alex didn't have much money. He only had a few dollars to his name and that wasn't something to waste on a good meal. You take what you can get and what you need. Nothing more usually. He felt like a glutton after eating that meal and the sad thing was is that he felt bad about it after Johns remark. Though he really shouldn't it is who he is. He isn't gonna change just because this one conversation with a nobody he met on the street.

"Well John, I really haven't had a good meal in the past few years. Well scratch that actually my whole life to be honest with you." Alex said with a short twirl and then opened up his hands and simply said "Ya know, being on the streets means you have a very.... limited palate." he said with a short shrug as he walked. John looked at Alex for a moment, his eyes moving up and down his body, before he slowly stopped walking. He slowly stared at the hot dog in his hands and then back at me. After a few moments of silence he slowly took the remains of what was left in his hands and passed them to me. "I'm sorry. You just... don't seem like anyone else on the streets. You didn't come off as... homeless." he said with a bitter look.

"I'm sorry Alex, seriously. I shouldn't have judged you by the way you looked. You are a great kid from what I can tell and I didn't mean to make you feel that way." he said looking at me with a very solemn look. He slowly stopped and sat down against a nearby building. He looked at me and said "You don't deserve to be put through that." his voice filled with sadness. Alex shook his head slowly 'he must be knew to New York. Most people would pass by me in a second.'

"Ya know what Alex. Come with me. I have an Idea." John said suddenly his voice filled with energy. He slowly stood up before motioning Alex to follow him. Alex slowly looked at him and began to follow. His eyes filled with confusion and surprise. After a few minutes I found myself in front of a small building. It was a house, and a nice one at that. John then began to say with intense passion "Kid you don't deserve to live on the streets. Why don't you crash at my house for a few weeks while I help you figure everything out."

I hope it's not too bad. I hope you have a nice read. Have a great day.

WhiteDeliriumDreamcreators' thoughts
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