
Hide or Fight

Outside of the castle, in the west courtyard, 3 months after the meeting with the Queen.

"Johnny attack again I can take it," Oren yelled out.

Right now in the court yard. A group of four humans and two beasts were sparring ferociously. If one didn't know any better they would think they were fighting to the death.

Oren was mounted on Emera who having been eating regularly was now more than 20 ft long, 4ft wide. The two were wearing matching black armor. They were facing off against a giant metal monster. The creature was over 25 feet tall. This 'thing' was actually Johnny, He had fused with his metahound Merc, who was now fully capable of altering her size and shape at the whim of her master. A little further down Princess Esholyn was facing Harvey. She had her scepter in one hand and an Ice blade in the other, while, Harvey of course was wielding his lightning blade.

"Oren get ready," Johnny yelled. ..Whoosh... Johnny's giant metal fist swung through the air.

Swiiish.... Emera charged forward. .....Boom.... Emeras massive tail smacked Johnny's fist stalemating the blow causing a huge energy wave, but, this area had been fortified for battle practice so the damage was minimum. When the tail met fist, Oren lept off of Emeras back ready to deliver a powerful kick. .....Smash..... Another collision. Johnny actually caused a third arm to grow out of his chest, colliding directly with Orens kick. Oren used the counter force to flip landing back on Emera. Without Hesitation the two charged again. Swiish.... This time Johnny threw a powerful backhand, but Oren jumped up and met it with a mighty fist of his own. Boom... Oren was launched back by the blow. Flipping twice in the air before He landed on the ground, but Johnnys monstrous form stumbled too, and right before He got proper footing. ...Wham.... Emera unleashed a follow up tail strike across His chest.....Boom... Receiving that massive impact the giant Johnny/Merc fused beast fell to one knee. .....Swoosh... Oren moved like lightning, striking out with his fist. ..Bang..... Johnny's giant form fell to the ground. Moments later he and Merc seperated.

"Darnit," He yelled. "Oren you and Emera are good at this."

"You've got it all wrong. Im powerful sure, but think about it, Emera's been fighting for 200 years. While I've been fighting for 5. She picks up where I slack off, it's her ability to sync with me that gives me my edge." Oren paused then said, "You're what, 16 been training for 8 years, and Merc has only been training for a few months weeks. Give her credit, and believe in her, but also, know her weaknesses and strong points. Trust me you'll get there."

Johnny just laughed, "You're right Oren we've only been training for 8 years all together. While you've guys been training for 205 years and still we downed you 2 outta 6 times. HaHahHa... We did good" Johnny laughed. Oren just laughed with Him, "Yeah you guys did good. HAHA.."

The two friends talked while watching the other pair spar. It seemed that right now Harvey was is bad shape. Esholyns body was covered in mud. Her two fist now formed into stone mallets. She was using the earth on her body to effortlessly shrug off the lightning dancing out from Harveys sword. Harvey tho was easily dodging her blows. He couldn't get past her defense, so, he retreated a bit maintaining his distance. Esholyn had actually created this technique in order to deal with Harveys lightning strikes. She couldn't do it before but everyday she was gaining more insight into the essence of Earth and Water. Continuously figuring out better ways to apply them in battle. Swooosh.... ZZzzznt... Harvey moved, transforming into an electric blue streak. Harveys body was now completely encased in Lightning. "Woah," Oren sounded surprised as he saw Harveys power. He was noticeably multiple times stronger and faster than when he and Oren dueled.


Esholyn was causing pillars of ice and stone to fly towards Harvey,

Smash...smash...smash... Harvey was like a lightning bolt blasting through the oncoming pillars, one by one getting closer to Esholyn. His speed wasn't slowed a bit, but, Esholyn was prepared for this. Whhiirl..... A massive amount of Earth formed instantly in the air. Esholyn had made a small Mountain!

Vwooosh.... She sent it straight at Harvey. However Harvey wasn't dodging or evading, covered in electricity Harvey charged straight into that monstrous boulder....

Crackle.. ....Booom.... The boulder blew apart as Harvey flew out of the debris.... Esholyn was out of options. She raised her stone covered fists while at the same time thickening the stone and mud on her body, Harvey got within striking distance... ZZzznt... Lightning went Everywhere. ...Crash... Esholyn flew back from the impact causing a loud bang as she hit the ground. Her rock shell smashed by the force.

Picking Herself up Esholyn turned to look at Harvey, "Hey! I countered your lightning perfectly how did you do that?" She was pouting. Esholyn really thought she had Harvey this time. She had beaten him once before, but she knew it was only because Oren told him to go easy on her.

"Hahahaha do you really wanna know?" Harvey just laughed. "Esholyn, first of all. Im far faster than you in that stone form and since my electricity wouldn't work on you. I let you believe I was slower than I really am. Then when I picked up by speed to its max you became flustered trying to slow me down. You even used a move that blocked me from your view. That is why I charged into the boulder instead of dodging it. Then when I got close enough to strike. I sheathed the lightning blade and struck you using the sheathe. Which is coincidentally created by one of the hardest metals on the continent. You can't counter blunt force the same way you do lightning. Hahaha..." Harvey still laughing, pointed towards Johnny and Oren who had started walking over, saying.

"I learned that little fake out trick from Oren."

"Hahaha.." Oren started laughing as he approached, "That was a pretty good fight Esholyn, you almost had him."

"Yeah almost," Harvey boasted.

Oren looked at him with a smile, "Harvey that last skill you used, it was amazing. Even I had a hard time following your movements. Not to mention you using the sheathe in that last strike. You might have picked up a trick or two from me but you use them in your own way. I can't take credit for that."

Esholyn huffed. "Hpppf. Next time Harvey," she grinned. "I will beat you."

"That goes for you too Oren," Johnny abruptly included.

"Heh, yeah whatever Johnny boy," Harvey teased. "Oren doesn't even use his draconite gaunlets or his lightning daggers. If he went all out how could you beat him?" Oren chuckled a little when Harvey said this.

"Dont worry about me Harvey, me and Merc will get better." Johnny said irritated.

"Shut up!" Esholyn angrily Interrupted. "We have to get better as a team. We are all in this together. Unless you want to take back what you said about defending Me and this city with your lives."

She stared sternly at them, neither boy said another word..... "Good," Esholyn pronounced, "Okay then lets go to feast."

The group left the training field heading for the banquet hall. When they arrived the Queen greeted Esholyn and Oren motioning for them to take their seats.

As Esholyn and Oren sat down, Harvey and Johnny took seats below them, Esholyn had a personal chairs made for them so they could be closer.

Ever since the meeting with the Queen. Esholyn and Oren told them everything, Harvey and Johnny decided they too would help defend the city in anyway they could.

When the banquet finished the room emptied out. Leaving only the four of them.

"So, Esholyn why'd you ask us to stay behind," Johnny spoke what everyone was thinking.

"Well My mother wants to see me and Oren..." Esholyn spoke then paused. "But I think you guys should come too," She said after a moment looking at Harvey and Johnny.

"Okay lets go then," Oren said rising out of his chair as everyone did the same.

Eshlolyn led everyone to the Queens meeting room. When they arrived the Queen was a little shocked to see Esholyn had brought Johnny and Harvey, but both their fathers were there so she didn't say anything.

Oren seeing the Queens hesitation spoke up, "Queen with all due respect these are our dear friends. Whatever happens here today we will tell them anyway. They have agreed to face this situation just as I have and are willing to fight alongside of us. So please."

"Yes My Queen," Harveys' dad Samson cut Oren off,

"Our sons will defend the 1st princess and the adopted prince with honor, just as me and Gerald defend you."

The Queen simply nodded she was convinced. She then began to speak but her voice was full of concern quite possibly a little fear.

"It is as we feared." She said as she looked at Esholyn. "My scout team has reported at least a few hundred dark soldiers in the mountains outside of the dark forest."

The Queen paused as Gerald spoke up, "We believe it is a reconnaissance squad they don't appear to be headed in any focused direction, but it is no coincidence that they are this close to the city."

"So what are we going to do?" Oren asked, he was ready to fight if he had to.

"You aren't going to do anything. This isn't the first time we saw them in the area and if it's a threat I shall not send children to fight." The Queen responded sternly

"But My Queen we've never seen this many." Gerald spoke again.

"So what would you sugg..." Knock..Knock..Knock. The Queen, was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in," The Queen answered obviously frustrated.

A young man entered the room immediately bowing he said. "Forgive me My Queen, but the city is surrounded. We have just discovered 3 more squads of dark minions. They are all moving to converge on the city. In just 1 or 2 days they will be within range of the barrier. The squads are all human so they will not be repelled or destroyed."

"How many soldiers are there?" the Queen asked.

"Roughly, 100 on each squad." The man answered.

"Okay go tell every soldier to prepare for an invasion." She commanded him.

Without a word he left to fulfill his duty.

"Esholyn this is the worst possible outcome," the Queen immediately stated as soon as the door was shut.

"Im gonna have to lead this assault you.."

"Mother I will not hide while people die because of me," Esholyn cut her Mother off mid sentence.

"Esholyn now is not the time." The Queen snapped. I will not put children in harms way.

"How can you say that!" Esholyn yelled, "I'm the one they are after and you know this. If I simply hide. How many people including children do you think will die?"

The Queen hesitated no doubt thinking of what her daughter just said.

"Esholyn you will go to the hidden room and that is final. Oren, Johnny, Harvey escort Esholyn to the saferoom." The Queen commanded her tone carrying no feel for a debate.

"Mother please." Esholyn tried to complain, but Johnny grabbed her by the arm saying, "Come on Esholyn."

As The boys escorted Esholyn, Oren spoke out, "hold on you guys, I have to go get Emera." Then Oren bolted full speed to Emeras room. He made it in seconds, calling out. "Emera come out, bring Merc, there is a battle about to begin."

Emera appeared immediately with Merc following behind her,

Swoop... Oren hopped up on Emeras back.

Swoosh... Oren sped and met back up with His team. The castle was bustling, soldiers were getting ready for battle. Maids and servants were heading to safety. The battle was a day away. People had to make preparations for the worst.

Besides that the city couldn't evacuate, because, it was surrounded by the dark forest. If the city were to pour out into the forest. The beasts would devour every human they could find, it truly would be a massacre.

When Oren met back up with Esholyn and the others, they all went to the hidden room together.

The room was located deep within the castle. They traveled quite a distance. Traversing down multiple flights of stairs and through several long hallways that seemed to twist and turn. Had Esholyn not been there they would have gotten lost in this stone maze.

They came to A stone wall. Esholyn move towards the wall pressing 4 stones in a sequence.

The walled started to rumble then opened revealing a large room. The space big enough to maybe fit half the castle comfortably, there were even bedrooms.

When they entered the hidden room Esholyn pressed another sequence of stones closing the door behind them.

"Okay listen, I don't care what my mother says. I am not gonna stay in here while everyone dies."

Esholyn was still furious, she wasn't taking no for answer. She knew there would be major casualties if she remained in the city. After all she was most likely the target.

"Esholyn, we cannot go against the Queen," Harvey disagreed.

"No, Esholyn is right," Oren spoke out. "How about this? At least we could go into the city and keep people safe from harm," Oren looked at Harvey. "If Esholyn is the target this is not going to keep her safe. We are stuck in here how can we fight if we are discovered?"

"Yeah I agree with Oren," Johnny announced, "If Esholyns father is involved in this, then he knows the layout of the castle and most likely knows about the safe rooms."

"Hold on," Esholyn spoke up. She then materialized 2 large rubies with magic symbols on them.

"These are travel stones," Esholyn told them. "With these I can teleport to another place, if that place has a travel stone set up."

She looked at Oren, "I have one for the place in the dark forest were we met. Me and my mother sometimes used it to go into the forest for my training, but now, I think mother was waiting actually for the owner of the sky stone. I also have one for a secret place in the city. I'm supposed to use it only if this place gets discovered, but I'm not waiting around for that. So we go now and we go together or I'm going alone."

Esholyn was determined to fight. Although she was supposed to be kept safe, she could easily disappear with her travel stones. So the boys could only agree. However they were also willing to protect the city, after all, everyone wasn't a warrior or wizard. Although most people possessed some sort of innate magic and healing, they didn't have fighting talent and lived normal lives.

"Everyone hold Hands, we are going into the city," Esholyn said after they had materialized there weapons and armor. It was truly a sight to behold, as the group had donned their battle gear.

Esholyn was wearing A blue mage cloak adorned in jewels.

Her hood was up covering the earthstone in her forehead eliminating her blue glow. She had a scepter in her hand, however this scepter didn't hold the sky stone it held a white orb like her mothers scepter. Giving off a blinding white aura.

Oren and Emera was fully clad in that black iron armor. Oren had on his gauntlets with the silver blades protruding out of the elbows. Harvey was wearing a white suit of light armor. His lightning blade in his hand crackling with electricity. While johnny had merged with Merc his entire body completely covered in that strange mercury like metal.

....Flash...and the room was empty.

Everyone of them was ready for battle, but they were children they didn't know the first thing about war.