
The Battle

peter charged out with his 100 men towards the command post that was ahead of them. the men that surrounded the command post knocked their bows and fired at the charging men as they tried their best to break the defenses. peter charged to the front and swung his sword at a nearby enemy and killed him instantly. he then turned to the men on his right and began a fierce battle while his men came to help him. they broke the defenses after a while and charged into the camp. he killed with all of his might for hours on end for he was determined to end this war and since this was one of the main pillars of communication this would cause the enemies empire to fall.

He blocks a sword that is aiming to take his life and counters it by slicing his enemy, ending his life. The blood he smelled from his enemie's wound reeked of iron. As soon as his enemy had fallen another one came and took his place. He was starting to feel tired and did not believe he could continue anymore, but he still pressed on for he knew that if he died here today he wouldn't be able to see his family and the empire he serves would crumble to dust. With these thoughts he pushed on and continued to slay his enemies. When his last enemy laid dead at his feet he let out a shout of victory for now that there are no more enemies he can finally rest. he could finally go home to how loved one and finally marry her. he cried out one last shout of victory and left home.