
Third year, let's go there!

Gornuk was drooling as he looked at a fold-out page from the latest issue of "Pointy, Golden Beauties" magazine. Minutes passed and he had already been waiting for four hours for heir Galegold to emerge from the chamber, so a little wholesome, eye-pleasing entertainment was in order.

He was just about to turn to the next page, when he heard the large door to Chamber Number 1 open and hurried to stow the magazine in the secret compartment that all carriages have, initially intended for storing emergency rations.

As he turned to look, the golden glow that filtered from between the doors left him momentarily blinded and excited. Suddenly, he felt that the magazine was not so pleasing to the eye.

-We can go," he heard as the jolt in the carriage indicated that Soisen had climbed into his seat.

-Gornuk blinked several times as he tried to regain his sight and only after he did so after a couple of minutes did they begin their return trip. Although Gornuk was extremely curious about the contents of the vault, as a Gringotts professional, he maintained a trained and proper attitude.

Soisen was seriously pondering everything he heard from Kyrako. He handed her the results of his predecessors' research regarding the squibs' condition and after reading them, he knew that decades of effort were saved.

The squib condition was treatable!

The only drawback was that although his ancestors managed to devise a preliminary formula, it was no longer valid, because many of the ingredients used were extinct, so he needed to recreate a version using modern magical ingredients.

But the important thing is that he now had a clear path to follow!

What's more, if he succeeded, he might even be able to create a 2.0 version for Muggles to become wizards.

But since he wouldn't make any profit from it and he knew how the wizarding community would react to losing the "exclusivity" of the magic that makes them special....

What happened to his family in the past is a good example and a little doubt whether he should take revenge for something that happened so long ago was on his mind.

Leaving aside this matter, Kyrako also shared with him a lot of family research, but they were barely a drop in the ocean. The statue feared that giving him everything all at once would end up frying his brain. So she only provided him with what she felt was adequate to keep him occupied at his current level and in line with what he might need, without holding anything back from him.

He didn't forget to ask about the house and land he inherited, but Kyrako made it clear that he had better not think about the house until he graduated from Hogwarts and refused to elaborate.

Finally, she gave him a strange luminescent green concoction to drink that seemed to contain silver dust floating inside. It had a strange blue cheese cucumber aftertaste and its function was to fix the hidden defects in her body due to her mother's long gestation. After he finished drinking it, it was as if several weights spread throughout his body had been removed and he felt much lighter and more energetic.

Even his magic reserve became bigger and purer!

He benefited greatly from the visit to the family chamber and now regrets very much that he didn't go down last year. From now on, he would make sure to go down once a year at least. Not only to keep Kyrako abreast of what is going on in the world and his life, but also to slowly inherit the treasure of his family's knowledge.

...Back home...

-Soisen, are you all right? -Ingta asked him once she saw him enter the dining room.

-I think so, why? -Soisen answered while examining himself.

-I don't know, you look a little different," reflected Ingta, without being able to point out that he was out of place.

Ann observed him as well, but found nothing out of place.

Only Nagini noticed the change and was making great efforts to contain her reaction in front of the family. Leaving aside the abrupt increase in magic she could sense in her master, she couldn't understand how the quality of magic could have changed so much.

If she wanted to get a tenth of that improvement, she would need to focus on casting high intensity magic every day for the next twenty years!

What kind of opportunities did she find in the Gringotts vault?

-I'm fine, Mum," Soisen assured her, in fact, she had never felt better, "Nagini, let's start today's practice," she asked eager to see and control her new levels of magic.

-Nagini saw Soisen's excitement and concern and said goodbye to Ann and Ingta to go to the usual place.

...Several minutes later....

-Enough! -Nagini said as she caught her breath a little, "Don't you think you're a little too excited today? -she complained.

Before she could dominate Soisen without too much effort and patiently teach him, but now the magical intensity of the spells aimed at her were no joke and she had to take it all more seriously, exhausting her.

-Ah? -Soisen was just warming up and the sudden interruption threw him out of his rhythm, "What do you mean, we're just getting started!

Nagini held her palm to her face, she didn't know what had happened to Soisen, but he was in an overly excited state right now, like a sugar and coffee high, most likely a temporary side effect of his sudden improvement.

-Let's change the focus of the practice, try using the Patronus next -Nagini immediately tried to take advantage of the situation and wanted to help Soisen overcome his inability to form a corporeal Patronus.

Perhaps his current state would stimulate him enough to achieve this.

Soisen wanted to keep casting high intensity spells like Bombarda, which he found unexpectedly stimulating today, but he listened to Nagini and tried to change his approach.

-Expecto Patronum!

It took him four days to lose that overspell state and return to normal. During the rest of the summer, he learned Nagini's battle transition and had several encounters with Silvia, as Hermione and her family went on vacation to France and could only exchange letters.

She also did some Nico Ravenheart gig and although she didn't win the lawsuit against The Prophet (jury corruption be damned), Rita Skeever's case was supported by countless victims and she almost lost her job. In the end, she was forced to take a magical oath never to smear Nico Ravenheart again.

And how could Rita agree to that? Let's just say the Ravenheart fans were very deterring with their looks....

Now Soisen was waiting at the 9 and ¾ station as he contemplated the locomotive in front of him. A generous donation was received this summer to refurbish the machinery and bring it up to speed, with a few additional surprises.

Once he met up with Silvia, Hermione, Luna and Ginny, they boarded the engine and found a carriage as they waited for the journey to begin for Soisen's third year at the school. He had to try very hard not to laugh at the sight of them all wearing Nico Ravenheart shirts.

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