
The second test: Song of Ice (Extra long)

I should point out that the second test I didn't like too much and in a way, it was the most unpleasant of the three tests in my opinion.

Perhaps it was the fact that a person important to me would be imprisoned by the twisted entertainment of the magical world, while I only have an hour to rescue her. I know with the Ministry Aurors and Headmasters they give "a guarantee" that nothing will happen in their presence, but no one was able to notice that the tournament cup became a Transporter at the time, so excuse me if I have my doubts.

It's also possible that I'm not thrilled with the idea of getting into a large body of water at low temperature due to the passive influence my higher animagus form has on my behavior: the nine-tailed fox.

(Kudos to you if you figured it out at the time with all the clues I left behind!)

When I got my higher animagus form, the reason Nagini laughed for so long was because I was too cuddly and fluffy, she treated me like a puppy with her vile hands stroking my softer-than-silk hair. I couldn't even defend myself well with my new body structure until I adapted to the change amidst a sea of caresses that took advantage of my body.

I myself was annoyed by the form I got, because I was expecting something, I don't know, just more "manly" than becoming this creature whose legends usually only focus on how flirtatious females are in their semi-human form. It should be noted that I'm technically over a thousand years old, so my already having all nine tails as a cub is a paradox in a way and leaves me questioning whether I'll be able to get a tenth tail and then some.

The domain of the nine-tailed fox as I studied is: illusion, fire and charm.

Hence, my illusion became so powerful and complex, I could do the fire trick with the dragon without actually calcining my organs and I suspect, might also be to blame for my recent hormonal awakening that has resulted in both an increase in my appetite and a heightened awareness of the opposite gender, just as any physically and mentally healthy young man would do. Additionally, I seem to have earned a lot of interested looks from the girls, but too bad for them, Silvia got there first. Or maybe they were dazzled by the handsome wizard who slayed a dragon with his fists, who knows.

I digress, the point is that this creature is not keen on getting her fur wet and thinking about it carefully, maybe that's also the reason why I shower so fast without realizing it....

Today is the twenty-fourth of February, we are being taken to the Black Lake for the second test and I haven't seen Silvia since yesterday and there is no sign of her among the spectators either. I don't see Hermione either, so it looks like she still became Krum's hostage. My only doubt is who Curie's hostage should be, since in the original story she was not participating in this competition.

Oh, I'm watching Neville give Potter the gills and Potter protests that he doesn't know the exact effect. Seriously, how ungrateful.

You didn't even have a plan and when someone saves your ass, you talk to them like that?

What can I say, it seems Potter takes after his father more than I thought.

-Ladies and gentlemen," Bagman came over to explain the rules of the second test and confirm our suspicions, "As you can imagine by now, the next test will take place in the depths of the Black Lake, something you no doubt figured out after deciphering the contents of the golden egg," Fleur, Krum, Soisen and Curie nodded, while Potter mimicked their confirmation with some stiffness- A great treasure has been taken from you, an important person for each respective champion and you have one hour from the moment the bell rings to rescue her and return to the surface together, as the protection spells will suddenly disappear after this period of time- he added a few more details and took his leave- Good luck, champions.

Fleur and Curie jumped into the water and both used the bubble helmet charm, while Krum dived into the water before performing the partial transformation, perhaps hoping to spring a surprise or avoid giving the others ideas. Potter fell into the water with the elegance of a sack of potatoes after swallowing the plant Neville gave him and being pushed by Moody. I think Cedric was highly motivated, because I didn't see the moment he jumped in.

As for me, I waited a minute for the other champions to walk away under the look of incomprehension from the others. Only when I was sure no one was around did I turn my head to wink at Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall. I extended my right palm facing the sky and placed my left fist vertically, before a circle of magical light appeared accompanied by a visible white icy wind that shook those near me.

-Ice Make: Organ!

A platform of ice formed on the surface of the Black Lake and in the middle of it a transparent organ grew and formed. I jumped on top of the platform and with a gesture, sat down on the bench and let my fingers rest on the musical keys without actually pressing anything yet, secretly checking a second time that everything had formed just as I practiced several times on the seventh floor.

I sighed in relief to see that there was no problem and straightened up, waiting a moment before starting to play.

The spectators exchanged glances without understanding what I intended, but it was okay, it would all be over soon as the illusion by sound began to affect all the people around me.

Come, my love, and join me,

I wish to be eternal with you,

Take them to the bottom of the sea,

And their souls will be mine~

Play that beautiful song,

Bring with you the destruction,

Come to me, and I will be yours,

Forever I will love you~


Everyone listened strangely to the song he played and watched as, just like in the first test, Soisen changed his appearance, only this time, it was a little more grotesque. His left hand became a crab claw, his clothing changed to that of a pirate captain and several tentacles grew from his face, which ended up replacing the fingers that previously pressed the ice keys of the organ. Several wizards and witches felt goosebumps rise on their skin, seeing what appeared to be a cursed person.

Soisen was playing none other than the Davy Jones song!!!

What few noticed was that as the song played, a shadow appeared under the waters of the Black Lake. And just as the climax came, a rotting ship emerged as if answering its call. Once the ship stopped shaking, several creatures that looked like humans could be seen coming out onto the deck, where people noticed that these beings must have spent many years in the sea to transform into these things.

Coral, barnacles, crabs... there were too many mutations in their bodies.

Some would even swear that there seemed to be people who had merged with the ship!

Soisen stopped playing and leapt up onto the ship hard enough that he destroyed the beautiful ice instrument, disappearing under the force of the impact.

-Captain! exclaimed the hammerhead shark-headed creature as he was hailed as a captain on deck.

Soisen looked around, watching as the creatures waited restlessly for his orders.

-To the bottom! -he shouted in a completely different voice.

-To the bottom! -repeated the creature that received him, and the crew of the Flying Dutchman took their places.

Under everyone's astonished gaze, the ship began to move forward and suddenly, it tilted unnaturally before disappearing beneath the waters.

It was only once it went deep enough that Soisen cancelled the illusion and revealed the true appearance of his underwater transport: a blue whale formed by silver light.

This was the original form of his Patronus, and not the modified version he used on the quidditch pitch during the past year.

Initially he would have wanted to recreate the "release the Kraken" scene as well, but since the den den mushi I rent from the school cannot be submerged for fear of being harmed by aquatic creatures, he was able to act normally once he escaped everyone's sight.

The whale was the size of a double-decker bus and Soisen had no problem staying inside, where there was plenty of air and room to sit. He just needed to be careful when rescuing Silvia to keep the water out when opening the blue whale's mouth.

The Patronus had excellent defensive capabilities and if the grindylows dared to attack him, he could cast an electric spell to stun all creatures in the vicinity without fear of being affected as long as he could keep his Patronus as an insulator. In fact, even if the selkie protecting the hostages were to attack him, they could do nothing to him because they rely on their tridents, teeth and claws.

Should he rescue all the hostages to deny points to the others?


Nah, what would be the point of the competition then.

Although! If she remembered correctly, Fleur was supposed to have a problem on her walk here and wouldn't be able to rescue Gabrielle. Potter was supposed to rescue her because of his moral values, but there were two reasons why Soisen decided to do it instead.

The first, since Potter did not help Cedric out of initiative for the first test, perhaps he would focus too much on his results and not act as he should.

And the second and more important of the two, if he rescued Gabrielle, then he would be the one getting a hug and two kisses on the cheeks from Fleur.

Wait... Soisen realized his own thoughts with surprise.

Was that also the influence of his animagus or was it hormones?

Agh! No matter, she would tell it like she was doing a favor for a friend. Her thoughts would behave themselves when she had Silvia by her side, they would have a different target to focus on.

As for whether she would get anything in return, it didn't matter too much....

-Oh, I remembered," Soisen muttered to himself, "In fact, Fleur had the bad luck to run into a pack of grindylows and had to give up. But she didn't know that the hostages were "safe" and became very desperate, to the point where even Maxime had difficulty holding her... -any impure thoughts disappeared once Soisen imagined Fleur crying to get back into the water and rescue her sister in desperation and screaming.

And this left Soisen with another doubt: will Curie be able to rescue her hostage without incident?


-Damn, he really couldn't stand to see women cry, huh? -he thought somewhat frustrated.

...Several minutes later...

The Selkie watched the test hostages, who were tied with ropes to the statue of Murcus: Gabrielle Delacour, Cho Chang, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, an unknown girl and Silvia.

Suddenly, they watched as a silver light creature they had never seen before rushed towards the hostages and before they could stop it, it "swallowed" Silvia, Gabrielle and the unknown girl.

It was only at this proximity that they realized that what was before them was not a real creature, but a wizard's magic, probably a champion.

-Only one! -Murcus shouted as he tried to circle the participant and jab at the light construct, to no avail.

The whale simply turned and walked away, leaving behind a trail of... smoked salmon?

Well, this was Plan T of the several he prepared so as not to fail the test, which consisted of throwing delicious fish at the selkie, but now it was used to appease its wrath.

And it worked quite well, as soon as they tasted the fish, they forgot to chase after the participant who broke the rules.

But they would talk to Dumbledore for proper compensation for their damaged honor and clear lack of information!

Like so much of this delicious fish!

Soisen carefully examined the state of the three girls. While it was true that they had several protections around them, as Bagman said, they were about to expire. However, those protections were only there to secure their lives and did not take other factors into account. When he touched Silvia's hand, it was completely frozen.

With a few hand gestures, he dried the clothes of the three girls to prevent them from getting sick and formed a small sun that radiated a gentle warmth to help them recover from the cold. Too bad he didn't remember to prepare Pepper potions, he would have to ask Pomfrey to help him.

During their journey up, the hostages woke up and looked around in a daze trying to remember how they ended up here. Soisen was focused on controlling the Patronus and when Silvia saw it, she remembered the contents of the test. At his mention, the others also remembered and were upset because from their point of view, Soisen had just eliminated any chance of Beauxbatons getting points in this test.

But now it was too late and they could only grudgingly accept it.

Soisen was the first to return to the surface, barely a minute after Fleur had been pulled from the water, and onlookers had large question marks almost visible above their heads at the sight of him.

Didn't he go with that strange boat?

Why is he coming back with a whale now?

-Is that a Patronus? -asked Professor McGonagall doubtfully.

They knew that Soisen was capable of handling Patronus and materializing its form, but the size and stability this time completely exceeded any of their expectations.

-Yes, it seems that Mr. Galegold has brought us more surprises," commented Dumbledore, who seemed to be watching the blue whale with infinite interest.

-If only she were a student at my school," Maxime wailed secretly as he held Fleur to keep her from going back into the water.

The whale opened its mouth as it approached the shore and four figures emerged from inside: Soisen, Silvia, Gabrielle and the stranger who was acting as a hostage for Curie.

-Gabrielle! -Fleur ran out when she saw her little sister and sighed with relief that she was safe, dry and uninjured. She got up and approached Soisen with her eyes shining- You saved her, thank you!

Fleur held Soisen's shoulders like iron pincers and gave him two kisses on his cheeks, before proceeding to hug him with no space between them as he cried. Soisen made sure to keep his hands up and visible, lest Silvia believe something that never happened.

Seeing the raised hands, Silvia almost let out a laugh as she understood her boyfriend's intentions. She wasn't upset with him, it was clear that the Beauxbatons champion was very worried about her hostage, possibly they were family. Two kisses wouldn't make her jealous.

Why such a long chapter? It's to thank everyone who has joined my Pa treon among other things. patreon.com/cadenadeaventuras

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