

The teachers left their quarters discouraged after finishing talking with Soisen about how their House will work for the moment, which it was decided that they would do the same hours as the Gryffindor students until the number of students will increase in the next few years.

Professor McGonagall was envious that Galegold had their own private Quidditch pitch to practice on. Not only was it covered, but the weather could be modified to practice in all kinds of conditions!

Professor Flitwick passed by the Ravenclaw common room and stared at the small library before leaving with a sigh. It wasn't even a tenth the size of the Galegold Library! It might be empty now, but in a few years it would be a sight to behold and study as visitors donated spellbooks.

Pomona was excited about the gardens and orchards. There was so much surface area to take advantage of, tools that took care of the plants, and I could even adjust details like temperature, light, and humidity! She then looked at the little plants here and there in the Hufflepuff common room and felt that they weren't so lush…

Severus looked into his dark lab and narrowed his eyes. Galegold's facilities were not only much more advanced and organized, but the security measures in the lab were several layers higher. They could save so much labor and effort in capable hands…

Dumbledore left pensive and with a new title on his shoulders, the head of the (temporary) Galegold house. At least, until he finds a teacher who can take over for a long time and is able to fulfill his duties.

They couldn't give the position to someone like the DADA teacher who changes every year!

Or a certain Divination teacher, who might be scaring the students in the house with continual premonitions of sudden death!

This year Soisen was the only member of the household, so she was not burdened by it, and Minerva graciously agreed to carry out much of the duties for her.

Soisen sighed in relief once everyone had left and he opened his robes to let out Rada, who had almost fallen asleep from waiting so long. She got very excited seeing the sparkling surroundings and the big silver egg, but she behaved herself. She was a niffler who understood the value of trade, so he had a whole college to trade shiny things with. Soisen took the first room he found in the men's dormitory and settled in quickly, before changing and going to sleep.

He slept comfortably in the bed and got up early with the idea of going downstairs for breakfast. It was then that he remembered that he was at Hogwarts and had to wait for breakfast to be served in the great hall.

Or he could visit the kitchens, he just had to find the picture of the pear and do some tickling. Looking at the clock full of gears on the wall of the common room, he decided to locate the classrooms before going to get something to eat. After all, this was Hogwarts and getting lost on his first day would be the norm.

…One hour later…

-That's all? Soisen was perplexed. "Who said Hogwart would make you lose?"

Every time Seinen had a destination in mind, a few steps ahead some secret passage would reveal itself to him, which turned out to be a shortcut to his goal. Paintings that open, statues that move away, etc.

Was the castle pampering him because of his identity as heir?

"Thank you, I guess," he said aloud as he turned around, walking to the great dining room. "A little early still, but I should be serving food by now."

And sure enough, the big doors were open and some teachers were eating. Hardly any of the students were awake yet, so his arrival earned a few additional glances of interest.

"A glass of strawberry juice, some whole grain cereal, a buttered French muffin, and a piece of dark chocolate, please," I request after rapping twice on the table.

A few moments later, the order was in front of him and he began to eat.

The teachers were a little speechless at this preferential treatment. While the food was always varied, delicious, and charming, the house-elves in the kitchen often had some fixed patrons, and even the manager accepted the food they offered each day without complaint.

The only time there was any discrepancy was when some hungry student sneaked into the kitchens, but they always served him something simple to happily satiate him.

Since when can students request what they want to eat?

What the professors seemed to forget, is that house-elves are not loyal to Dumbledore, but to Hogwarts. And since Soisen is an heir to a founder and even the direct son of one, he has more authority in his eyes than the director himself.

So preparing for him a special or off-the-charts meal was a great honor and pleasure for them.

As Soisen munched on the soft French muffin, his new owl swept in from the top of the large dining room and approached him with a rolled-up piece of paper in his talons. Soisen gave him a few crumbs from his bun and began reading the Daily Prophet, which he subscribed to when he went to Diagon Alley to keep up with the trends in the wizarding world.

Sure, the paper was politically controlled and took bribes, not to mention most of it was exaggeration and lies, but he could always glean some useful information between the lines. Also, the headline was interesting.


Oh my gosh, it looks like the news has leaked almost as fast as Ron can put food in his mouth. In fact, Soisen suddenly wondered what would have happened if he was at another wizarding school.

Becoming the male idol of Beauxbatons? There is so much love in the air!

Study dark magic in Durmstrang? It wouldn't be evil, there it is legal!

Being a magical otaku in Mahoutokoro? He Could Bring Girls to Life in 2D!

Wait! What if he founded his own school of magic? With a futuristic style!

Hogwarts holds the title of the best wizarding school in Britain, which is rather empty in his opinion, when in fact it is the only one...

Hmm, actually the idea of founding a school might be interesting. His mother founded a school, he can do it too, right?

But in Britain? The laws and the local Ministry are too terrible, biased and narrow minded, I would need to find a nice place for that.

When summer arrives, I should go to Gringotts to request a blood lineage test and verify the finances and property of the Galegold family. If your memories are correct, you should have a small fortune at your disposal among other things. She should also inspect the castle for a few more days, looking for the caches her mother left with some treasures.

"Hello, Hermione." Soisen looked up from the journal to see the young Gryffindor staring at him with dark bags under her eyes. "A bad sleepless night?"

Mmm, that reminded her that she had to check if there was a potion to cure her eyesight. It was a business with potential, and it had an excellent potions master to consult, not to mention a certain potions book with his personal notes in it, access to a fully equipped laboratory, redheaded twins who would be happy to supply him with some ingredients…

Oh, another idea. Games. Perhaps he could turn some muggle games into a magical version to earn more money. For example…

"Who is Cyrah Galegold?" Hermione asked, interrupting the other party's thoughts as she sat across from him at the table and stared at him. "I've spent the morning in the library looking for information on the Galegold family and I could barely find a name in a book from 1813.

"That would be my biological mother." As for finding information on my family, you would have me floored if you could have checked out the entire school library in a single morning," Soisen replied with a shrug as he took a sip of his juice.

He banged on the table twice and another breakfast identical to his appeared in front of Hermione.

-How did you do that? - She asked pleasantly surprised.

"I'll tell you a secret..." she looked around carefully and leaned in to whisper softly so no one else would hear, "I happen to be a magician!"

Let Hermione discover house-elves in her first year? No, thanks.

I've seen several comments suggesting to use DeepL to translate instead of Google translate, so I'll take a look and think about whether to try it. Pay attention, because if I use it, I will notify you in that chapter and I will need you to tell me if there is a noticeable difference.

Cadenadeaventurascreators' thoughts
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