
Breaking the shackles

As Soisen watched with relief as they took the potion, he sighed and let go of his nerves.

There was no need to waste a portion of the potion on the embittered janitor Flitch, for this was the result achieved during the effect of the Felix Felicis. He repeatedly made sure after finishing his brew that the effects were still in effect!

Soon after drinking the potion, Ann and Ingta stood transfixed as strands of what appeared to be copper silk sprouted from their mouths and wrapped them into cocoons on top of the grass.

-Should this be happening? -Nagini asked, leaning towards Soisen.

-Yes, it would have been worrisome otherwise," Soisen replied as he gazed at the two cocoons without taking his eyes off the two cocoons, "It will take about half an hour for them to come out, you'd better go check on the guests and give them an excuse if necessary. They don't need to know what's going on here.

-And what is happening is...?

-By the time they come out of the cocoons, they'll both be witches capable of using magic without the slightest restriction. No more squibs.

-Don't you think that will draw the attention of the entire magical community? -Nagini commented, "That squibs can be treated with a simple potion is rather striking.

-That "simple" potion has ingredients like phoenix tears, thousand year old basilisk skin molt and many more that are not only rare, but extinct," Soisen added to make it clear that it wasn't as simple as one might think. It could be years before anyone notices anything and we can make up some excuse.

-You don't want to share the potion formula?

-No, because I don't think anyone could collect the ingredients a second time. To make this potion known would be to give false hope to the other squibs and frustrated, they would only believe that I tricked them and I would be the target of their malice. Besides, with the education of today's wizards and witches, do you think they would spend effort and money to make this potion almost impossible or would they find it easier to disown the squib and make another baby?

Nagini shook her head and left to distract Hermione and Silvia's families.

She knew the answer, and it didn't leave a good taste in her mouth.

-The magical world is an amalgam of selfish idiots for the most part, it's hardly worth it," Soisen muttered in disgust at the current magical landscape.

Instead of struggling to integrate into such a rotten, interest-controlled community, he preferred to create his own hidden community where only like-minded people could enter and thrive. Anti-Muggle spells already existed, he just had to create a variant, it would be simple.

But that would be a large scale project for the future, starting from the current Order of the Hippogriff and it was the present in front of him that mattered to him right now.

The cocoons showed no anomalies until after the expected half hour, where with a sound reminiscent of metal strings bursting, they opened in half and a mucus-like substance spilled out, revealing Ann and Ingta.

The two opened their eyes and straightened with a start, realizing the slimy substance covering them.

-Ew! What is this stuff? -Ann asked as she desperately tried to rub it all off.

-Soisen, a clarification? -Soisen, a clarification?" she was not too upset as she noticed that it didn't seem to be hurting them and was merely sticky, knowing that what she would need was a good shower, she looked for answers first to get a handle on the situation.

Soisen threw Tergeo twice to each of them after helping them up and got them clean, but still the two women would take a shower to ease their minds.

-Take one each," Soisen pulled out two wands and handed them to them separately, it being clear which one each had to take.

As much as Ollivander says the wand chooses the wizard, he didn't seem to have a problem when he sent her a letter where he explained the character of two people and asked her to send him some wands that might connect well with them.

All for enough of a fee that he couldn't refuse.

He went through the wands sent himself and selected from the possible ones, the ones he felt would fit best based on wood, core, flexibility and length.

-What for? -Ann asked as she picked up the one closest to her.

-You remember we can't do magic, right? -Ingta said as she mimicked her partner's actions.

Soisen watched as the air swirled around them the moment they held the wands and they put on a puzzled and surprised expression.

Interesting, looks like I could take Ollivander's job and I don't even need the tape measure?

-Congratulations, you're both witches now. You can use magic like everyone else," Soisen congratulated as he clapped his hands, "No more squibs.

The two women stood still, trying to process the information.

They were no longer squibs?

Were they witches now, the real kind?

If before their questions piled up like a pyre, now they rose high enough to bury a mountain.

-Repeat my flick of the wrist and remember to say clearly: Lumos! -Soisen created an illusion of Professor Flitwick at his side and from the top of his pile of books, he repeated the lesson with total reality, a reflection of his own memories during the first years.

Ann and Ingta unconsciously watched the movement Flitwick's illusion repeated in a closed loop and after several attempts, tried to imitate it with doubts still on their faces.

-Lumos! -From the wand of the two reborn witches, a soft white light burst forth.

The light was not strong or intense, but when the two saw it, tears could not stop falling down their cheeks and they began to sob loudly as they hugged each other. Their legs lost strength and they dropped to their knees as they screamed at the top of their lungs, not caring in the least about their image.

The trauma and suffering of being squibs in the magical world was something people could never imagine, to be so close to something so wonderful and yet not even be able to touch it.

Disowned by their own families for something they could not change.

The countless hours of practice in denial that they carried out in secret.

And now, just when they were resigned, their son decisively broke the shackles on their hearts and allowed them to reach out to the world they were unable to touch.

Adopting Soisen was undoubtedly the best choice they had ever made in their lives.

Meanwhile, Soisen's thoughts were of genuine relief and happiness.

-Thank goodness I asked Nagini to put up the barriers.

How much embarrassment would their mothers have gone through if their future in-laws saw this scene?

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