5 An unforgettable ceremony

Snapping your fingers isn't actually necessary to perform wandless magic, waving your index finger like a wand was more than enough, but Soisen loved doing it.

She gave him something no wand could match, style and cool.

After shooing the very excited Hermione away with the excuse that they had to put on their uniforms, they got off the train and met up with Hagrid.

"All the first years, this way!" the half-giant yelled. "Hello, Harry, all right?" Great, follow me and don't get separated.

They followed the keeper of the keys into the darkness while only seeing the lantern in the distance, causing many newcomers to trip over protruding roots. Soisen is in the lead with the golden trio, being able to see where she steps.

"Get into the boats, but no more than four to a boat!"

After passing the lake and admiring the visual spectacle that is Hogwarts when they first arrive, they were led by Hagrid until Professor McGonagall took over.

—Is it true that we will have to fight a troll?

—My sister told me it's a dance contest!

-Silly stuff! Clearly we will have to solve some puzzles.

After Malfoy and Harry's meeting, to which Soisen didn't intervene because she didn't want to and had nothing to do with him, they all entered the great hall under the gaze of the second year and up students and the teachers.

At least Neville was spared the embarrassment of finding his toad in front of all the newcomers and didn't receive a stern look from Minerva.

"The sky isn't like that, it's enchanted to look like the outside," Hermione whispered to the girl next to her. "I read about it in the Hogwarts story."

"Hey, are you okay?" Harry asked when he noticed that Soisen was looking everywhere.

-Hey? Oh sure. Just excited for what will happen next," she replied.

There was so much concentrated magic in the air! If outside the magic concentration was one, by now it should almost reach a solid five.

Although blown candles weren't the best idea, Soisen was worried that he would be faced with a shower of hot wax. It wouldn't be nice in any way, whether it fell into him or into his food.

Whose stupid idea was it? Spells like lumos and the like fulfilled the same function perfectly without the danger of burns or choking.

"Wait here, please!" Before starting, the director will say a few words.

The old man with the long beard and gold half-moon glasses rose and glanced at the new arrivals before beginning.

I'd like to remember a few things. Everyone must remember that students are not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest under any circumstances. And our guard, Mr. Filch, asked me to remind you that the corridor on the third floor, on the right side, is off-limits to all those who do not wish the most painful of deaths.

Soisen couldn't help but mentally clap. They have just arrived and Dumbledore already states in detail that there is an area in the castle that can kill students, that's how safe Hogwarts is.

"When I say your name, they'll come closer, I'll put the Sorting Hat on their heads and they'll know which is your house." He held up a dusty hat to show it, then looked at the scroll in his other hand for a moment and called the first name, "Hermione?" Granger?


I always thought the hat was wrong on Hermione no matter where you look at it. It is true that she has great value, but she is a clear Ravenclaw.

"Draco Malfoy?"


Yes, a very accurate judgement. He had nothing to say about it.

"Susan Bones?"


How curious that no one paid attention to him at the beginning, when his aunt turns out to be the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Amelia Bones. Maybe it was because she was mixed blood, but she was a good political connection. Wait, his aunt didn't die later?

"Ronald Weasley?"


Another hat mistake, Ron would definitely be a Hufflepuff with everything he eats and how he eats it. In fact, where does all the nutrition he acquires go? It is clear that not at his head.

-Harry Potter?

Everyone in the large dining room fell silent and stared, including the director. After exposing Slytherin and earning the enmity of the house for not being able to use thoughts instead of whispering...


Soisen wasn't sure if Harry was put into Gryffindor on his own merit or through Dumbledore's intervention. But he certainly wouldn't fit into Slytherin or Ravenclaw. He was either a Gryffindor or a Hufflepuff.

We have Potter! We have Potter!

The selection continued once they finished praising Harry and the last turn was for the Soisen, which left Professor McGonagall a bit perplexed due to her long name.

"¿Soisen Galegold Evans Valriss Aulus?"

He walked over to the stool and let them put the hat on his head.

"Let's see, where should he…?" —The sorting hat looked into his mind and was perplexed by the familiar sensation that he hadn't felt since the founders of the school—Once again, what was your name?

"My name is Soisen Galegold Evans Valriss Aulus, heir to House Galegold.

"You are a Galegold!" He hadn't seen one since Cyrah. So, after almost a millennium and when he believed that there were no more possibilities, the moment finally arrived? the hat murmured excitedly. "Should I make it official, Galegold heir?"

"Go ahead," Soisen replied with a smile.

"Galegold!" exclaimed the hat in the loudest voice of the entire meeting, with an almost ecstatic tone, to the complete bewilderment of those present.

Even Dumbledore didn't know why the castle suddenly seemed to respond to the sorting hat's declaration and began to shake, pure waves of joy and powerful ancient magic running through the walls, floor and ceiling. The magic concentration in the school skyrocketed from five to eight.

-Its alive! —Seinen mentally shouted, unable to contain himself before the ideal occasion to use the well-known phrase.

-Behold! yelled a Hufflepuff student. "What's that?"

People looked in the direction indicated and had the impulse to rub their eyes, because where before there were four clocks that counted the points of the four houses...

Now there were five.

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