
The Rogue (2)

"Don't worry I'll make your death swift so you won't have to bear the embarrassment." He sneered and the crowd cheered and laughed at the new arrival.

With a sigh, she casted her eyes towards the ground.

'Well, let's put on a show'

Suddenly a bell-like giggle resounded from her lips, lighting up the arena. That small giggle was an unexpectedly wondrous sound for the crowd waiting below, it caused them to quiet down and stare in awe. They saw a fair hand peak out to remove the hood.

The shadow faded from her face when the hood was removed, revealing a sharp white smile that was complimented very nicely with her lightly tanned skin. However, what stole the show was her hair.

Gentle, dark red curls cascaded down her back ending at her waist. All mouths were hanging open, she was stunningly beautiful.

As everyone sat stunned and shocked into silence, but the only person who was close enough to see her hypnotizingly-bright silver eyes was the target himself.

The brutish man was only snapped out of the trance from this beauty when a light shinned into his eyes, momentarily blinding him. His gaze landed on that source of light. It came from a reflection of the sun off of her large sword that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

The sword was beautiful, but he still couldn't believe how such a small woman could even lift it. Surely it was just for show or it was a fake.

The King broke out into laughter.

His loud laugh finally caused the crowd to break from their stunned silence and slowly began laughing with him. Clearly none of them believed that this beauty was an actual threat.

"What makes you so confident?" her voice was gentle yet strong, everyone in the arena was able to hear her clearly.

She studied her sword, twirling it around in her hands as if it were as light as air.

"You sure are brave lassie, but I think you've come to the wrong place. Don't worry, I'll take really good care of you, and in return you can warm my bed." His perverted stare only made her skin crawl.

She returned his brutish comment with an icy glare that was accompanied by a smirk, giving off a dangerous wave of energy.

In contrast to her imposing aura, another gentle bell-like laugh rang through the air, "What makes you think I need you to take care of me?" Her eyes narrowed dangerously.

"You are just a little girl! I've fought hundreds of men single-handedly and not one of them could even lay a finger on me! What could some little girl do?" he boasted with a twisted and ugly smile, and the crowd seemed to roar in agreement.

"Ah yes, since I am just a girl . . . I must request that you take it easy on me" she mocked him in her most disgustingly coquettish tone, even batting her eyelashes and pouting her cute pink lips for good measure.

The obviously, fake flirtatious ruse caused the so called King to fall into her simple trap and was too busy daydreaming about having fun with the young red-headed beauty . . . he missed the murderous glare in her eyes.

He snapped out of his stupor a second too late and the last thing he saw was her flying dagger. His large greasy forehead became a practice target and blood began spilling down his face.

Only a big thud was heard as his bulky body crashed down onto the stage. The crowd was stunned into silence once again, it all happened too fast!

Without giving them the chance to recover, the mysterious beauty then turned to them, "I am the Scarlet Rogue, if anyone wishes to challenge me, now is the time to do it. Otherwise you will never get another opportunity for me to humiliate you." Her smile was radiant and domineering as she looked down at the rough crowd below her.

Everyone was shocked; this little girl only made a single move and took down one of the biggest guys there. Her previous image of being harmless was quickly shattered. Where did this little devil come from?

But soon enough some men began to get angry, how dare she think so highly of herself? Her arrogant stance up there made their temper even worse. It didn't even look like she had any elemental attribute! She was a mere weaponry wielder!

A few came up to challenge her, but one by one they all were cut down by her hands.

Whether it was using their magic, weapons or some combination of the two, each one died. Soon the dark stage made of stone began to drip red off the sides with the smell of fresh blood becoming infused in the air around. The crowd grew more agitated.

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