
1 : She walked past me....


Emotions should be kept in check, Roger once told me that. But ever since I lost everything, I became a bloodthirsty vengeful girl. The only emotions I was wary about was my wrath and my grief, I was afraid it would die down so I never forgot to remind myself. That in this cruel world, I will do everyone a favor and get rid of the race of the wolves. I won't show any mercy. Not even a little bit.

"Um Ruby? Would you like to come with us? We're attending a mixer, and one of our friend is sick. Can you fill for her?"

Miya, one of my classmates who I think is a really nicr girl, approached me. I can see her fidgeting with her fingers, she's really scared and nervous talking to me. I looked at her and answered with a nod.

"Really?! Thank you Ruby! See you after class!"

She skidded and ran up to her friends, Kagura and Lesley. I got up from my seat and headed to the roof top. I was about to make a turn when I suddenly found myself losing balance. Bracing myself for the impact, I closed my eyes. But all I felt was someone pulling my hand and falling on that someone's chest. I opened my eyes.

I saw a boy with white hair, blue orbs and a enviable pointed nose. I shook the thought of feeling my heart skip a beat and stood up.


She offered a hand, and I took it.

"Are you ok—"

She walked past me.