


Crash!!! "You can't do this". The young woman in her early thirties screamed, her heart drumming rapidly, tears running one after the other while holding her finger sucking infant in her arms, shielding the baby away from the chaos.

Her eyes moved in different directions for an escape route from the traitors of the realm. Standing with her was the master of the household who is also her husband.

Looking straight into the eyes of the traitors, he shielded his little family from the monsters, holding a sword in his hand, full of rage; while his strength was gradually draining.

It was a dark and gloomy day, clouds gathered in the sky like heavy smoke, lightening flashing in different directions; the sky groaned loudly announcing a heavy thunderstorm.

Screams of pain, agony and the wailing of a baby alongside shouts of fear echoed from the Wells mansion.

Maids, Butlers, Chefs and everyone who worked in the mansion ran in a distorted manner for their lives. Sadly, their lives were cut short when they felt a sign of relief and hope of escaping the massacre.

The master of the household and his family were subjected to the same fate not escaping the blood bath.

The wailing of their baby faded slowly not to be heard again. Therefore, those who were lucky not to have been at the house or witnessed the gory event lived to tell the story.

News travelled throughout the city of the realm that the Wells were murdered that day but the baby's corpse was nowhere to be found among the corpses found in the mansion.

On that same day, at the center of the kingdom where the palace is located, another disaster struck with the kingdom barely holding onto its dying ruler who was poisoned alongside his first son, the future king.

That day, the kingdom of Dicastro lost a king and a young future king. A great loss indeed it was for the realm.

The aftermath of the attack was a gory scene... blood flowed like water after the monsters left the mansion, leaving the hearts of the people whose king and their loved ones died a painful death in agony.

Days later, people all over gathered to mourn their loved ones. Among the congregation, a little black curly haired boy stood beside his potbellied uncle, his blue eyes stared at the corpse of his father and brother in ugly tears. The scene reminded him of his late mother who died years ago, wishing she was alive to comfort him; fear of loneliness and what the future will hold for him strucks the little boy's heart heavily.

Kneeling, he cried his heart out aloud in pain, making the people around him and his uncle feel heavy sympathy for him.

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