
Chapter 14: Let's Get a Divorce_1

Translator: 549690339

"This bitch not only cuckolded me, but also wanted to kill my mom and me. What's wrong with slapping her a few times? If you want to cuff me, then cuff me! Besides, even if I'm a scumbag, I won't cheat on you, bitch!"


"What 'you'? I treated your illness, and you haven't even paid me yet! Forget the money. This bitch plotted to murder me and my mom. Even if it was attempted murder, that's still a serious crime. Plus, she embezzled a hundred million from the hospital and is connected to the Loyal Sect. With these charges, she's looking at at least a decade in prison, right? You must enforce the law impartially and give me a proper explanation. Of course, if you show favor and give her a few extra years, or even execute her, I won't complain."

Qin Feng threw the recorder to Song Sisi.

"Show favoritism for a scumbag like you? In your dreams! Continue to interfere with our law enforcement, and see if I don't cuff you?"

Qin Feng didn't bother responding and quickly took Wang Guixiang away.

Once inside the Jeep, Wang Guixiang looked around, observing that the car seemed very new and expensive.

"Where did you get the car from?"

"Borrowed from a friend."

"What's your relation to that beautiful Patrol officer?"


"Nemesis?" Wang Guixiang understood instantly, gave Qin Feng's shoulder a pat, and said, "I think that girl is more reliable than Wu Qianqian. You should really seize the opportunity."

"Reliable my ass! If she's not calling me a disgusting scumbag, she's calling me trash, and all she thinks about is cuffing me every day. She's just a bitch!"

"Don't curse her! If she calls you a disgusting scumbag or scum, that means she's into you. If she wants to cuff you, just let her! It's not like you've broken the law, so what are you afraid of her cuffing you for? Even if she cuffs you, she's not going to take you back to the station, at most just back home."

"Mom, you're overthinking it. Song Sisi won't be interested in me. This time she merely used me as bait to facilitate her investigation. The hospital reported the embezzlement of a hundred million, which led back to Wu Qianqian. So, the Patrol Team took advantage of Wu Qianqian's attempt to frame me, turned the tables, and cooperated with me in this act."

After Qin Feng explained, Wang Guixiang had no choice but to believe him. After believing, she felt a tinge of disappointment.

"I thought I got a Patrol daughter-in-law and could brag about it to my old sisters. Turns out, sigh..."

At this point, Wang Guixiang suddenly thought of something.

She looked at Qin Feng with curiosity and asked, "The guy with the gun earlier, how did he suddenly fall from the second floor?"

"He probably slipped!"

"Slipped?" Wang Guixiang shook her head, saying, "Doesn't seem like it."

"I remember now, at the time he fell, his face seemed off, kind of looked like he was having a hypertensive crisis."

"Hypertensive crisis? If it's a hypertensive crisis, it can indeed cause sudden dizziness. I had a time when I nearly fell down the stairs while picking up a mineral water bottle..."

Wang Guixiang was once again swayed by Qin Feng, rambling on about the past.

Haiyun Group.

A man in a suit entered the CEO's office.

He was Xue Xiaochan's older brother, Xue Yuhang.

Xue Yuhang's arrival made Xue Xiaochan's heart lurch, filled with unease. The moment she had been dreading had finally come.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I'm here to tell you to go back and get married! Go back and marry Jian Shichao. As of today, Haiyun Group is mine."

"I won't marry Jian Shichao! Haiyun Group was founded by me; it's mine! I will never hand it over to you!"

A crooked smile appeared on Xue Yuhang's lips as he coldly said, "Haiyun Group belongs to the Xue Family. I announce on behalf of our grandmother that you have been removed as CEO and I'm taking over. Get back to the Capital at once and marry Jian Shichao!"

"I won't go back! I absolutely won't! And I..."

Xue Xiaochan wanted to slam down her marriage certificate with Qin Feng, but she held back, fearing it could drag Qin Feng into this.

Xue Yuhang might only be able to take Haiyun Group away and remove her as CEO.

But it was different for Qin Feng; if Xue Yuhang learned that she had registered a marriage with Qin Feng, he would definitely find a way to kill him.

For the Xue Family, killing a small fry like Qin Feng would be as easy as flipping a hand.

Xue Yuhang slapped down an appointment letter with a sneer, "I give you one day. If you don't return to the Capital by tomorrow, I'll take everything from you. I'll block all your bank cards and leave you penniless. Your properties, your cars, all will be reclaimed!"

After saying this, Xue Yuhang left.

After seeing Wang Guixiang home and making sure she was settled in, Qin Feng drove the Jeep to Haiyun Group.

With twenty million in hand, he planned on getting a villa, so Wang Guixiang could move in and enjoy a bit of peace. Since Haiyun Group had a real estate company, Qin Feng wanted to ask Xue Xiaochan for a recommendation to get a discount.

As soon as he entered the chairman's office, he noticed something was off with Xue Xiaochan's expression and curiously asked, "Who's pissed you off?"

"It's none of your business!"

"You are my wife, though the ceremony isn't done, but we are certainly registered. Whoever dares to piss you off, I'll go beat them up for you, and make sure to vent your anger."

"Let's get a divorce!"

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