1 Chapter 1

I'm running. That's all I am, that's all I feel. my body is pure adrenaline. looking down, I notice the river. Its perfectly still at this time I noticed my reflection running along side me. I needed a shower. My hair is everywhere and it didn't help that I was wearing clothes two sizes to big for my body...

10 hours earlier ----------

I look down at my shaking hands. I should have worn a jacket. "I can't do this anymore, you know that I care about you, but I just can't. Nothing I ever do for you is good enough for you and it's driving me insane." I finally look up. He blinks at me with those big brown curious eyes I fell in love with 2 years ago. His face soon twisted with anger but after a second dissolved into an expression I could only explain as defeat. Then, the most unexpected thing happened, he walked away. With out a word, I didn't know if I was happy or disappointed with his reaction, He just walked away, I was expecting him to yell and shout, instead, he just walked away. I stood there and watched his black jacket and jeans fade in the distance before I walked away. The trees where starting to loose there foliage, as a walked I listened to the crunch of them under my feet.

It dawned on me a few feet later that I was finally single. After 2 years, 3 months, and 15 days, I'm single again. I should feel happy, I should be excited, but all there I notice is the pit in the bottom of my stomach eating at me. I hated being with him at the end but why can't I shake this feeling. Pulling out my phone I dialed the only person I felt conformable talking with.

"Ummm hey Risa... can I come over?"

"Of course, what's up?" She responded quickly.  She was the one who introduced me to Yuki. His name meaning happiness. Fulfilled it's promise. He was my sun and my moon for 2 years. He made me feel like I was the world with out even trying. But just like all things it has a double meaning. Looking at it now it is funny, he became cold, harsh, and unforgiving. I don't regret meeting him, I regret trusting him.

"Okay... Ill be there in 10 I need to catch the train." I was about to hang up but Then I hear her yell.

"hey wait! Are you okay you sound kinda upset?"

"Ya, can I talk when I get there" I responded quietly.

I hung up, I'm sure only leaving her more confused than before. Untrue to my word, I arrived late like always. I opened the front door and was presented with the same house I've been running to since I was little. The walls haven't changed much, still the same grey color, a long hallway greets you then brings you into the main living space. To the left there's the kitchen with the marble island in the middle, and if you were to continue down the hall, there would be the same grey room I considered home for most of my life. Also know as Risa's room. Her queen sized bed and fluffy pillows and blankets made a person feel at home without even trying.

Standing at the door I crooked my neck to see out of the hall and yelled out "Hello! Risa?"

She appeared from behind the door way at the end of the hall. She reminded me of a Woodland fairy. With her tiny stature, dark skin, and her nose that rounded up in such a way that makes you mistake her for a deer. "Hey whats up?"

I just looked down at the ground, unable to talk with the knot in my throat.

"Oh my god, what's wrong?" She could read me like a book, granted I'm not making it very hard right now, but what'd I expect, that's what you get when you know someone for 15 years.

We met when we were 2 due to our parents work Christmas event. We've been inseparable  ever since. she crossed her arms when she realized I wouldn't talk, she so stubborn. A half smile cracked on my face as I bent down to take of my flats.

"I broke up with Yuki" I whispered. "But it's Okay! I promise I'm fine!" I was lying. lying straight through my white teeth and by the look on her face she knew it to.

"NO! that's not okay! your not okay!" I hate it when she's right. Its the worst. My half smile cracked. just like a chain reaction the rest of me did to, I found my self on the floor clutching my knees. "hey hey baby" she ran up to me and hugged me tight, stroking my hair and whispering shh on repeat. I don't know how long we sat there but when it seemedhb I had no more tears in my heart, it was already 4 o'clock.

"you wanna tell me what happened" she asked quietly when my sobs reduced to sniffles. "Honestly, I don't even know. I was just over the fact that to him I was a second thought" I looked down at my feet noticing the embroidered flowers on the socks. Suddenly they became the most intriguing thing in the world.

Risa grabbed my face in her hands and tilted it up "Hey my parents won't be home for a while, lets stay in and watch all of the dramas my mom has on on cable" I took in a shaky breath cutting her off.

"Please." I blurted out

"That's my girl!" she grabbed me by the hand and pulled me up "First, you need to shower"

"I know, I'm disgusting"  I said looking down at myself then to Risa. I needed help. I got up and walked to the bathroom to look in the mirror so I could assess the damage. Ek! wow that's a sight  my eyes were bruised from excessive crying, my hair that was curly a minuet ago was now a birds nest, and my milky white cheeks were black with mascara. "Hey Risa! can I take a shower?"

"No, I just sent you in there to hunt for elephants...." I waited for a second, I sure of if she was kidding with me or not. "Yes,dumbass what do you think?!" she yelled from her room, after I didn't respond.

"Wow I'm feeling the love. You do realize I just broke up with my boyfriend"

"Wait! You're right! You did just break up with Yuki!"

"I don't see the point of that... your just adding insult to injury"

"Masumi! Your single! That's what it means" I could imagine her in the room flailing her arms around like a crazy person.

"Yah, but I plan on staying single for ever"

I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Hey missy! I may not be able to see you but I know your making that stupid face of yours! But that tonuge back in that mouth"

Ugh she's to much. Stripping, I went to take a shower. Looking back on it now I think that Yuki was the right person for me. Not me now but the me 2 years ago. however, people change, I changed and now the person I am is not the person he needs. Yah,  maybe that's true ya shit head but it still hurts like a bitch. Hopping in the shower I turn the water on and turn my music up. 3 songs later, I'm done.

"Heeeyyyy Masumiiiii? Do you want to watch Good Morning Call or Mischievous kiss?"

I took a minute but in the end I coudn't decide so I made her choose for me"I don't care, they are both really good"

"So Mischievous Kiss?"

"Works for me! now get out and leave me alone" that crazy punk, I still love her though. Throwing on her sweatpants and sweatshirt she left for me I exited the bathroom ready for a dull night of laughing and crying.

"Masumi you ready?" Risa asked as she was pulling on another sweatshirt over her t-shirt that read I scream for ice cream God I was like she really was 10.

"Yah, get blankets"  I walked back to her room and ripped every single last blanket off her beautiful queen sized bed. Dropping them on the floor infront of the tv I yelled out to no one in particular "I'm ready!"

Risa turned on the TV and hit play on the show, It felt like ages since we just hung out like this and stayed up all night, this is exactly what I needed and I am so grateful for her.

Three hours turned by like nothing and soon my stomach started to growl, I picked up my phone to check the time it was already 10 so I knew dinner wasn't an option so ice cream would have to do. "Hey Risa, do you have ice cream?"

She turned to look at me thinking, "I don't think so", getting up she checked the freezer for me. A few seconds later I heard her yell back, "NO! SORRY GIRL!"

"THAT"S OK!" I yelled back, "I"LL JUST GO GET SOME!" before she could protest, I slipped on my shoes, grabbed my wallet at left the house.

After I started walking to the convenient store, It was about 4 blocks away and that to me wasn't fucking convenient. I didn't mind though because It gave me time to think to my self. Before I knew it I was walking through I sliding door hearing the bell ding, and picking up a basket.

Walking to the isle that had the ice cream I stuffed three quarts into the basket, shutting the door I made my way to the kiosk only to be stopped my a cold hand.

"Hey pretty lady, do you need any help?" I looked up slowly, the man couldn't have been more than 25 but he reeked off alcohol. I yanked my arm away, knowing this guy was trouble.

"No thank you, I can manage on my own." I think this must have worked because he ventured off quickly after.

After I finished at the kiosk I quicky left bags in hand. A little while passed, but I felt a pair of eyes following me, It made me shiver in discomfort. I got across the street when I finally got to see the man from the store  was following me. Jeez what a fucking creep. luckily I think he was still recovering from the knee to the nether regions I gave him, so he was still kinda hobbling. Turning the corner I see the park across the street, thinking I could get lost in the trees I make a bee line toward them.

I emerged on the other side of the trees with  totally wasted boots, and the creep still following me. Deciding that I needed to get the FUCK away from this guy, I started to run through the grass, I headed towards the path.

Looking down, I notice the river. Its perfectly still at this time of night. I there is a reflection of my self running. holy shit I need a shower. My hair is everywhere, and it didn't help that my clothes where two sizes to big for my body.  Damn if I look so bad why is this man still following me. Perv.

All the sudden, I hit a wall. Falling, I scream out. But before I hit the ground a pair of strong arms grabbed me. Looking up I am met with the eyes of a stranger. There wasn't anything special about him that popped out to me in the dark of night, but right now he's going to have to help me.

"Ah! there you are sweet cheeks, Why's you run away from me?" can't this guy get a hint. He was panting and looked equally as horrible as me. But that wasn't my concern. What was, was getting this guy to stop following me.

"Excuse me miss, is this you boyfriend?" The tall stranger asked, eyes winking under the light of the path lights.

"No, he's not and If you don't mind, can you tell him to stop following me?" I asked hopefully.

"Sir, can you please stop bothering this lady."

"Stay out of it hot stuff, this ain't your problem." The creep aggressively grabbed my shoulder pulling me over to him. But before he could walk away, The stranger I ran into grabbed him by his hood, spun him around, and knocked him in the nose. He was out like a light. Well that solves that problem.

"Oh my goodness, thank you" I was starting to sober up and my thoughts were more normal, but I was still tipsy. Looking down I noticed a black puppy Newfoundland looking up at me with great big brown eyes. "Awwwwweeee. He's so cute." I crouched down to pet him.

"Yahh, he's a she. I got her a week ago. So mind telling me what some one your age is running around at night drunk and with a perv following her?"

"Wait, How do you know my age?!" giving him a hard questioning glare.

"Relax, My name is Akio, Akio Noriko. We're in the same class." He smiled down at me.

"You sure I think I would have remembered someone like you. I wasn't gonna lie he had a nice face a strong jaw line and Long messy hair, plus he looked like he was 6 feet tall to boot. I studied his face for a second hoping to recognize him, but nothing came to mind. "Okay Mr. I'm in your class, what's our school uniform?"

"Seriously how do you not know who I am!? I'm literally on every single sports club we have!" noticing that I still didn't believe him, he sighed. " I don't have time for this," But either way her still described the blue blazers and tan skirts/pants we all wore. Feeling satisfied, I replied.

"So if you do go to my school, how come I've never seen you before?"

"I'm sure you have, I've seen you, you must not have cared enough to notice. Always sucked up with your boyfriend." He let out a hearty laugh, the kind of laugh you could listen to for ages and never get tired of it.

"I don't have a boyfriend, And if you don't mind, I'll be on my way." stomping off, I heard him yell after me.

"Your welcome by the way, for saving your life and all!" Whatever.

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