"Mother...?" "Mother !" "Run my child. " "No mother. I will never leave you -" "Go but never forget the most important thing," "What is it ?" "Y -" She was cut short by a loud BOOM. Her daughter took of at a tremendous speed. Once her daughter was out of hearing range.... " It is your past my child."
It's been 10 years since then.
+++(TL: this refers to the switching of time and the location)
I've always been different. Stronger, faster, smarter than people of my age. At first I thought it was just talent and extremely good physique but the gap continued widening. By the time I was thirteen years old I had enough strength to defeat an U.S navy seal. In this Thirtieth century that shouldn't of been possible. People began thinking that I was taking the special supplements that government agents took that made them able to stop a tank with their bare hands.
Once I reached 16, I stopped going to school because Papa said my ' growth spurt ' was about to happen.I'm not sure what that meant but I'm currently twenty years old.
"You spacing out again kid ?" said a huge man with a giant build. He resembled a CIA agent when he had his shades on.
"Sure Papa,"
He was the one person who stood by me since that day. His past was unclear but I knew he wasn't my real father. He knew that I was abnormal and most probably knew the cause but he hid it from me.
"You're spacing out on duty young lady,"
he pointed at the dishes."If this continues I will fire you..."
"Sure, I will try harder."
" This is the second time today I'm hearing that excuse -"
"Well that's because you won't allow me to go to the party.."
"What if you're growth spurt happens."
"I'm 20 Papa... I'm sure I've stopped growing."
"But -"
He was disturbed by a loud rumble.
coming soon