
The Capture and Revenge

"Oh Damian, Damian, DAM...IAN, my handsome little devil". If only you would have believed me when I told you the truth of what happened that day. But NOOOO you chose to believe that immense piece of SH*T uncle of yours. "Amir Azael" the grate, the one and only. Laughs Laughs Laughs. How pathetic!

"Valentina" screamed "Draco bring the little presents we brought our little devil". As "Draco" left to bring the presents Damian said in an anguish and sad tone "Valentina what are you talking about?" "What presents?" "I don't want nor need anything from you!" "All you do is cause the people around you sadness and sorrow!" Valentina laughed loudly as her men looked at themselves and back at her. Another right hand man of hers "Dante" pointed a gun at Damian's head and said in a derided kind of way "you best keep your shity ass mouth closed, That is if you don't want it sewed together or your tongue cut off!" Valentina walked towards Damian, stop and stared at him for at least 30 seconds, and then slapt him like there was no tomorrow. Damian fell off the chair he was tied to while he was spitting and coughing out blood.

"The body and beauty of a Goddess, the posture and status of a Queen, The intelligence of no one else, but the heart and soul of a monster so rotten and decomposed!" siad Damian. "Conon" and "Dante" picked up Damian as Valentina got her composure back on track. "Draco" walked in with 5 midsize boxes each with a big red bow. "W- W- What is that?" said Damian in a fearful voice. Laughs Laughs Laughs "Oh my little devil don't you know curiosity killed the cat." "No, well now we're about to test that theory" said Valentina in a sarcastic tone. Valentina took a seat in a chair 5ft apart from Damian and told Draco to place each box in a straight row right in front of Damian. "Lets play a game, for every tear you drop are handsome Conon will strike your ribs with a bat, yes, now let's begin!" said Valentina. "Why what is in those boxes?" said Damian while shutting out a tear. "STRIKE" said Valentina as Conon obeyed. "Dante baby open each box one by one slowly so this Shit sees it and our game is fair played" said Valentina. "Fuck You Valentina" Said Daiman. One by one "Dante" opened each box and pulled out the cut off heads of Damians family. The 1st was his uncles "Amir Azael", 2nd his twin cousins sons of "Amir", 3rd his "Amir's wife. "Damian" screamed and screamed with pain and rage. Intotal "Conon" striked "Damian" with a bat 35 times. "And for the grand finally my dear little devil" said Valentina. "Tatarara" said Valentina, while having Dante pull out "Damian's" Mother and Sisters head.

"Damian" fainted right then and there. Valentina had a Dr. come check on him so that they kept him alive for as long as Valentina wanted. Damian lasted a month in a coma. When he woke up he noticed that he couldn't move, he started crying because he remembered what had happened to him from Valentina's cruel beating. "Draco" came into "Damian's" recovery room. "So you're awake "Little Devil `` said ''Draco ``. "I just want to know out of curiosity what you did to her, for her to become so "heartless" because she is the true "Devil" in disguise" said "Draco". "Damian" answered "I would believe you would know?" "No she's never been the type to open up nor crack" said "Draco". "It's a long story" said "Damian". "We've got time, or do you want me to tell Valentina that you are awake?" said "Draco". "Damian" said "Funny story everything happened oh her birthday, everything always happened or went down on her birthday year after year, it's like she was born cursed". "June 13th 1998" said "Damian".....

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

QueenLovelycreators' thoughts