
The Start of a New and Familiar Adventure

I packed my bag then grabbed my iron sword and shield that my grandfather gifted me. I walked out of my room then headed downstairs and my father looked at me. "I'm off to New Spring Farm for...the milk and what else?"

"The New Spring Milk and their finest wheat in the lands." My mom smiled. She walked to me and handed me 1,000 Celestial Dollars. "This should be enough for the milk, wheat, and to get you by while you're traveling around."

I took the money and smiled at my mom. "Can't you all magically order food and such? Would the city be such a bad idea?" I asked. "I mean it's about to be the new century in like nine years." I said and crossed my arms.

"Heh, we've been alright for years like this, champ. Besides you can magically send us the items and explore the massive lands if you'd like. Fujo already headed off to the kingdom, maybe you can visit him there." My dad smiled.

"I guess." I shrugged and looked at Shira then watched her walk to me with a map and a bag of carrots and apples.

"Just so you don't get lost with Blitz and he goes hungry." Shira smiled and handed them to me.

"Thanks." I smiled and took them from her hands and placed them in my back. "Alright, I'll be off."

"Be seeing you!" Mom smiled. "Don't forget about us alright?"

"I won't." I smiled then walked out the door.

I walked to the stables and got my horse, Blitz out and used my magic to store all of my items in a personal void except my map, sword, and shield. I led Blitz out of the stable then got on his back.

"Alright buddy. Ready to go?" I asked.

Blitz whinnied, basically saying yes. I chuckled and clicked my teeth then he galloped away from the ranch and together we rode along the path to Gesia Fields. I opened my map and noticed a blue dot on the map moving. The blue dot was me. It was easy to tell where we were going because of this.

It's been so long since I felt a rush of a new adventure like this. To start fresh was always a dream of mine so I could feel how I felt in this very moment. Becoming the world renown hero I used to be wasn't easy either. It all started with saving a kingdom from a corrupt king to stopping a war with my friends to fighting literal deities. I still vividly remember the deaths of my family and friends from war and evil tyrant gods and goddesses. All of that could change now, I can protect then all...Save them all...Save my Universe from destruction. The fate of the Divine Deities will change also, I will protect them as well.

As Blitz and I travelled I noticed the sun starting to set. I zoomed in on the map and didn't spot any villages nearby and the one village that was around was near the kingdom walls, maybe another day or two away from our current location.

"Great, first day out and we are already about to encounter the nocturnal enemies." I said then looked at the sunset. "Let's stop here."

Blitz stopped and I got off his back then walked over to a tree then sat down against the tree. Blitz walked beside me and laid down beside me. I summoned two apples from my personal storage then handed one to Blitz. He neighed and happily took the apple. We began to eat our apples and felt refreshed as the apple gave us a feeling of rejuvenation.

The night fell upon us and we were resting until I heard the sounds of bones rattling. I opened my eyes and noticed skeleton knights coming from the ground then grunted. I stood up quickly and unsheathed my sword. Blitz woke up and noticed the Skeletons and stood up.

"Guess it's time to see how much weaker I've become from my future self." I said then the Minor Crest of Ascension shined on my hand. Nothing about my body changed. "Hmph, it would seem my skills are noticably weaker and in their basic forms. Shouldn't be too much of an issue."

The Crest of Ascension was made up of Eight Minor Crests all coming from the Eight Grand Deities. The Crests were the Minor Crests of Deviation, Tranquility, Magology, Scientology, Absence, Mentality, Radiance, and Alpha. The Grand Crests were the Grand Crests of Reality, Mushin, Omnimancy, Scientipotence, Psychopotence, Oblivion, Completeness, Transcendence.

The skeletons dashed to me and I got in my stance then began to blitz them effortlessly, taking then down with one attack. I crushed the heads of the skeleton and the rest of their bodies turned into ashes and I sighed softly. I walked back to Blitz and gave him a thumbs up.

One skeleton formed behind me and I was unaware of it. I dodged an incoming arrow and grunted softly. The arrow struck the head of the skeleton then exploded. I grunted as powerful hot winds blew.

"I actually hit him! I actually hit hi- WHOA!" An elf girl celebrated then tripped and faceplanted on the ground.

I looked at her and recognized her. I snickered and didn't realize how much I missed her clumsiness. I hurried over to her and noticed her quickly get up, rubbing her face.

"Ow ow ow ow!" She said then noticed me holding my hand out to her. She took my hand then slightly blushed.

I helped her stand up and looked at her appearance. She was an elf girl who had long blonde hair, teal colored eyes, and a personality full of energy. She had a pretty slender body with medium sized breasts. She wore a green huntress dress with yellow accents and a short cape around her shoulders. Her pointy ears were lower in position than the usual elf ears.

"Hi! My name is Esta Yelbella!~ It's nice to meet you!~" Esta smiled brightly at me.

"Likewise. My name is Shiryo Ragnarok." I smiled.

Esta was a rather cheerful girl who always brought good energy for the group, although she was the biggest airhead and clumsiest woman in the team. Even so, I loved her as she was. In the future, she was killed by a rampaging Goddess named Iasis. She fought hard to defeat her but in the end died in my arms. Now that she was back, I was going to do whatever it took to protect her and change her fate.

"So what are you doing out here?" Esta asked as she walked around me, inspecting me. She poked my shield and looked at my sword, running her finger along the edge of the blade.

"I'm heading to New Spring Farm to get some milk and wheat for my family then I'm going to travel around the universe. My first destination would be the Gesian Kingdom. I've got to get my Adventurer's License so I can be able to use other means of transportation and obtain my pay for bounties and stuff like that." I said.

"Ohhh! I'm actually heading to the kingdom as well! I was on my way there!" Esta said then took out her map then looked at it and nodded. She walked forward with confidence and bumped into a tree.

I looked at her then chuckled softly. "That's not the way to the kingdom. I can take you there if you'd like. I have an older brother who's joining the Kingdom's Army and I wanted to also watch his Entrance Exams."

Esta quickly turned me and smiled. "I'd love if you could take me there!~"

I smiled and nodded. "I was just gonna rest here until the morning. You can join me if you'd like."

Esta nodded then we sat down next to each other under the tree. We talked for a bit while we stared at the night sky.

"I want to become an adventurer so I can grow strong like my mom once was. It's always been a dream of mine to see all the sights of the universe and one day complete a Divine Trial. I want to meet all sorts of people and find love~" Esta smiled. "What's your reason for travelling and being an adventurer?"

"Mmm, just wanna get away from the countryside y'know. I wanna get stronger and see what all the universe has to offer. Also I want to build bonds with people and also find love as well as fight some incredibly strong beings." I smiled.

"Hey I've got an idea, how about we help each other complete our goals? It's a vast universe out there and a single person can't travel the universe alone. Wouldn't it be more fun to travel with some friends?" Esta smiled.

"Yeah it would be more fun to travel with friends. Is that your way of saying you want to join my adventures?" I asked.

"Kinda, yes. You see I haven't ran into any other adventurers other than you and I can't read a map unfortunately, ehh heh heh heh...Hopefully I can join you so I won't get lost again." Esta smiled at me.

I shrugged. "I don't mind you joining me. The more the merrier."

"Yay!" Esta giggled.

Esta doesn't remember the wonders of the universe, but I do. It is both beautiful and terrifying. Travelling to other planets wasn't easy either, a rocketship that runs off pure magic alone isn't cheap.

"Let's get some rest now, we should be near the farm and the Kingdom from here." I said.

"Okay." Esta nodded and used her bag as a pillow and closed her eyes, drifting to sleep.

I laid against Blitz and he laid on his side. We all went to sleep and rested up for the long adventure we had tomorrow.

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