
Lyre's Ability - Lineage and Background - Sensation - Manifestation

"Mom, where's Dad?"

"He's working hard at the Cartel"

A pink haired little girl and an adult woman with long red hair walked together in a hallway while the adult woman held the little child's small left hand

"Mom, who are they?"

"They're my colleagues, your Uncle Jerry and Auntie Ki"

The adult woman met a tall man wearing large sunglasses and a black fedora while eating a piece of toasted bread and a gorgeous looking woman with long brown hair wearing a wireless headphones

"Mom, who is he?"

"That's our boss, Don Scar. C'mon sweetie, let's pay respects to him"

A man with a large stature, wearing a large eyeglasses and a swirly hair on his forehead with black suit and pants, is sitting on a large chair like a king

The adult woman knelt down with her right hand on her chest. The little girl followed and mimicked her mother


"What do you mean, Chihaya-sensei?! Lyre hasn't been allowed to take any tests ever since she was admitted here!"

Lyre was awoken from her drifting thoughts by Wendy. She was reminiscing about her past when she was only just a little child

That time was her first time to walk inside the Cartel with her mother. She also met her uncle and auntie that are her mother's colleagues. She also met the Don for the first time and that was the day that she learned about her mother and father's real jobs and the existence of the Cartel

"It was allowed and permitted by the Headmaster and the Mystical Masters. They said that Lyre is required to take the tests with no special treatment." Chihaya tried to explain to Wendy in simplest terms

"Does the Cartel know about this?!" Wendy growled as she protected Lyre behind her

"They do and they were the one whos proposed the idea. They also wanted to take a look at the results of her tests." Chihaya mentioned a confidential information to Wendy because she is Lyre's childhood friend and she doesn't want Lyre to undergo the dangerous tests

Wendy thought of the advantages and disadvantages but Lyre went closer to her ear and whispered, "It's okay Wendy, I will be fine"

She then gave Wendy a bright and brave smile

"Hnnggh, okay fine. But if things will turn out bad, I'll have you stop the tests!" Wendy shouted with conviction

"Very well." Chihaya only shrugged at Wendy. "Alright Lyre, you can go down the arena"

Lyre nodded and climbed down the stairs and the ladder. Philip watched the commotion silently and observed their emotions and body languages with empty yet serious eyes

He is now interested at Lyre, especially at Wendy's mention of a Cartel. Is this Cartel where Lyre came from? What's her background?

Philip looked around and saw the other students of the Genesis Class and they're trying their hardest to cover their ears and and close their eyes tight

"Don't worry class, I'll erect some sort of barrier on us to mitigate the effects of her ability." Chihaya declared to the class with wariness and worry

Philip also saw the Guardians who had blank expressions on their faces while Akayuki returns to his seat and fixes the position of his glasses as he close his eyes

The Mystical Masters returned to their seats with serious expressions and the Headmaster stayed in place as he overlooks the arena and the Genesis Class

Philip looked back at Lyre who was walking slowly to the center of the arena. His senses and Future Vision are telling him that something big is going to happen. Although he can't see clearly through the fog of the Future Vision with relation to the event right now. It was foggy everywhere


"Lyre, do you know what your mother and father do for work?"

"Mom helps people by giving them jobs and dad makes amazing toys and fixes the broken ones!"

"Your not wrong... But do you know what they really do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, since I am the Don of the Cartel, they follow all my orders. Everything that I tell them to do, they must do it"

"Really?! Then you must be a great person for mom and dad to follow you!"

"Kuhahahaha!! Yes I am!"

"So, what are mom and dad doing right now?"

"Well... Do really want to know?"

"Yeah! Yeah!"

"Let's just say that they went to a castle and brought gifts such as apple juice, scorpions, spiders, and snakes to the king!"

"That's scary... Why do they need to bring those scary animals and why apple juice?"

"Have you watched Snow White, Lyre?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Nothing really, it's to give the king a nice rest and dream when he sleeps"


"Proficiency Test... Start!" Chihaya shouted

Lyre went back to the reality after she went on a flashback

A disaster scenario is being built around her with the holographic projectors. The projectors took a while because the disaster scenario was big

She was placed on top of a high rise building where she could see a large city, the see to her left, the horizon as the sun begins to set. The city is full and bustling with people inside and outsied of buildings and establishments

Suddenly, the city is filled with screams of terror as they ran towards the south from something else. The people inside the buildings stayed and looked outside the window

Lyre looked above the sky and saw dozens of UFO's hovering as they slowly descend to Earth. The alien ships remain stationary and nothing quite happened yet until military jets flew by the airspace and broadcast helicopters started to ascend near the alien ships

Before anything could happen, Lyre decided to act immediately. She opened her mouth and released a melodic voice that resonated throughout the city even though she has no amplifiers or speakers

As her voice was heard by the humans and aliens, some humans fell down and some rushed towards the building where Lyre is on. Some rushed inside and ran as fast as they could through the stairs, escalators, and elevators. Some even climbed with their hands and feet at the walls of the building outside

A few alien ships lost altitude and crashed to the sea and to the ground, others crashed onto one another. The biggest ship that looked like the mothership rushed towards Lyre's position

At this point, the mothership started to glitch out and shift its rotation everywhere. Even the humans started to shift and lag as the ground dispersed in a pixelated mess

The world that Lyre is crumbling down and everything within it started to glitch as glitched humans and aliens pounced Lyre, who was singing a melody, before they dispersed into pixelated particles

Lyre came back to the arena and her melodic voice resonated through the Evaluation Center. Chihaya held her hands in the air and formed some sort of barrier and covered the Genesis Class, including Philip and the others. The students began screaming to mitigate the melodic voice that they are hearing and wash it out with their screams

Chihaya had a look of exasperation as she resists the effects of Lyre's voice. Alex clutched his head with his right hand and Yuze closed her eyes with difficulty on her face. Nana was fairing well as she covered her ears with an aura yet there's difficulty on her face

Philip looked at the others with an annoyed and gross look, "What are their problems?!"

"There's nothing you can do, that's the effect of Lyre's voice. It's due to her ability." Wendy heard Philip and explained to him what's happening

"Why are they acting like that? It's not like her voice is bad?"

"That's the mystery, we don't know why her voice has an effect like that to people or other species... See the aliens earlier?"

"How come you're unaffected?"

"Lyre and I are childhood friends, I got used to her voice but I still feel pain in my heart not just by seeing people react to her like that, but it still somehow affects me, albeit only in a tolerable level. Which leads to an even bigger mystery..."

"And what is that?"

"You. Why and how are you not affected by Lyre's voice?! Everybody is affected, even the Headmaster, but you!"

Philip knew that this question will eventually come but he did not expect it this early, "I wonder why that is..."

He then looked towards Aoyuki and the Guardian which has wrinkled in their foreheads, indicating that they are resisting something and they are affected

He then looked towards the Headmaster, his body was ever so lightly shaking and his eyes are twitching every so often. The Mystical Masters behind him tried their best to ignore Lyre's voice as they concentrate Mana in the Mana Spots in their ears and convert them into Spirits and release them as Magic. They applied what they have learned from the papers. Although they are still jittery from the melodic voice

Lyre noticed that the test is over as the disaster scenario has dissipated. She looked around and towards Chihaya, who was catching her breath. She ignored the people who are avoiding her voice and refuse to hear it

No one knows what happened in the holographic projectors and why they glitched out and ended the test. Perhaps it was the unpredictability or immense power hidden behind Lyre's voice that the projectors can't comprehend

No one can provide the results and they left it as undetermined in her grade

Chihaya didn't know what to do but to proceed to the next test and chill went down her spine


"Uncle Scar, what's happening?"

"Don't worry Lyre, there are just some bad people outside and they wanted to get in"

"Are we in trouble?"

"No, no. The brothers that you met in the Cartel will handle it. Besides, your parents, uncles, aunties, and sister Ivy are their to help!"

"Why are we running? Shouldn't we help?"

"Lyre, I appreciate the thought, but I need you to be safe"

"Where are we going?"

"I will give you to your Auntie Wanda and Uncle Baoab while you run away and watch over you while we're gone"

"What about you?"

"I will go and help your parents and the others. You now be a good girl while we're gone, okay?"

"Okay! Come back soon!"


"E-expertise Test... Start"

Lyre was filled with sadness and she wanted to finish these tests and get it over with. She remembered the past where she was separated from the Cartel and met another one of her aunt and uncle

She began the test by releasing a low, alto hum that resonated throughout the arena. Nothing really happened as she maintained the hum for about 2 minutes, which is the target duration

Meanwhile, the others were filled with pain from hearing the low humming voice. They wanted to die and release themselves from suffering or run and go outside of the Evaluation Center. They won't do that though since it will be disrespectful to the Headmaster who is still standing tall on his spot

Little did they know, the Headmaster's eyes were shaking in place due to the stress his mind and body is experiencing. He just hides it to bring out a facade

"People seem to be dying, should we stop the tests now?" Philip turned to Wendy after looking at everyone

"No, let's continue, let them suffer." Wendy said with bloodshot eyes as she giggled in a scary manner

'Man... Girls are scary...' Philip said to himself after seeing Wendy's sadistic giggles


"Hi! What's your name?"

"I'm Lyre"

"Nice to meet you! I'm Wendy!"


"Yep! That's me! Shall we play together?"


"Yeah! Like playing house, tag, dolls and toys, whatever we can play with!"

"Umu, I'd like that..."

"Okay then, what are you waiting for?! Let's goooo! Wiiieeeee!"


"Mastery Test... Start!" Chihaya shouted with strength as she decided to use one of her ability to strengthen herself with willpower alone

Lyre nodded at Chihaya's show of dedication and started her third test. She remembered when she first met Wendy when she was incredibly sad from the sudden separation from the Cartel and her parents

Wendy was the one who gave her hope and her very first friend that she made outside of the Cartel

Lyre opened her mouth wide and inhaled a mouthful of air. Chihaya became alert and her skin hair began to rise up

"Quick! Cover your ears!!" Chihaya erected a kind of barrier with willpower around the students. Nana also stood up and covered everyone with some kind of aura

As Philip saw this, he was irritated and walked through the aura and barrier. No one noticed him as they are busy covering their ears, as well as Wendy who gently covered her ears

Philip leaned on the railings and watched Lyre who was about to unleash the full power and extent of her ability


Lyre let out a loud sound that resonated throughout the Evaluation Center

The barrier and aura that Chihaya and Nana erected was blown away and disappeared instantly like it was swept away. The students and Chihaya shook from the echoes of Lyre's voice

Aoyuki and the Guardians had their heads lowered as they try to mitigate the Lyre's voice with their minds. A Guardian couldn't take anymore and stood up in front of the Guardians. He placed his hands together and muttered a word. A film of golden light covered every Guardian and Aoyuki that helped alleviate the effects of the voice

The Headmaster unconsciously took a small step back after the loud sound that Lyre shouted. The Mystical Masters twitched once by their surprise

Philip only gazed at Lyre as he was unaffected and unfazed. The Mystical Masters saw this and their eyes widened by his calm expression that wasn't affected by Lyre's voice

Philip racked his head to find the reason why Lyre's voice or ability has this kind of effect to every living thing. He couldn't find the answer since he couldn't see the future with his Future Vision. He could use Fate Control but there are too many variables to consider without the help of Future Vision


"The Cartel lives?! That's great news!"

"I know! We should be able to contact Don Scar and the others again!"

"I wonder what next move they're going to do considering the inactivity of the Cartel for several years"

"Yeah, it has been 14 years since we have been taking care of Lyre"

"I can't wait to see Liliana and Michael for their reunion with Lyre"

"True! And I heard that the world somehow changed last year! I wonder what that is about"

"The world will never know unless we truly see some changes"

"That reminds me... Lately, I've been having these weird feeling about Lyre"

"Like there was a throbbing pain on your head whenever she talks?"

"Yes! Like that"

"Do you think this has something to do about the change of the world?"

"I don't know... We'll just observe Lyre for now and report to the Don"



"Ability Test... Start!" Chihaya shouted as she huffed due to the previous test. She is confident in this test however because she knows that she won't be using her voice or ability in this test because it was focused on target practice. She and the students can rest while they can before the start of the next test

Lyre remembered when she overheard her Auntie Wanda and Uncle Baoab's conversation. That was the moment that she became aware of her ability and the strange feeling from her voice that can be felt by the others. She was happy at that time when she heard that her parents and Uncle Scar was safe after all those years. She can't wait to meet them eventually

The Weapons Room opened for Lyre to choose a weapon of her choice since she is considered as a mental ability user. She slowly walked to the Weapons Room and picked a weapon

The weapon that she picked is a half meter Conducting Baton that are used in an orchestra. She came out of the room while wielding the Baton. She went back in the middle of the arena

After a while, test dummies appeared around Lyre with the same movements and positions as the previous testers in the Ability Test

Lyre lifted the half a meter long Conducting Baton and aimed for one moving dummy. She released a ticking sound from her vocal chords that resonated with the Baton. She flicked the Baton to the right and the dummy stopped moving and crashed itself in another dummy

As Lyre was ticking her vocal chords, he realized and remembered a sensation on her neck. She focused on this feeling and remembered that it came from when she touched Philip's left shouder

She smiled as she remembered Philip's kindness. A pink mist started to condense around her neck and solidified into a glittering pastel ribbon that releases pastel colored smoke at the ends. Her aquamarine eyes began to glow pink at the edges of her pupil and the ends of her hair started to flutter

Lyre was in a good mood as she ignored the cries of her classmates and the pain they are feeling. She focused solely on her happiness and enjoyment as she sang a melody

Once she raised the Conducting Baton and flicked it, all of the test dummies came to a halt and immediately crashed into each other as the explosion sounds generate some kind of beat and harmony that it almost sounded like a song

Lyre ended the test as she formally bowed as if she was in front of an audience in an orchestral ball

As she opened her eyes, she could see the Mystical Masters standing along the edge of the VIP lounge with their arms raised. She turned around a saw a thin film of barrier around Aoyuki and the Guardians and the Genesis Class to protect them from her singing voice

The Mystical Masters were sweating as they maintained the barriers with some effort

She then turned towards Philip and looked at him with some sort of expectations in her glowing eyes. Philip saw her looking at him. He smiled and gave a thumbs up

Lyre saw this and her heart fluttered since he met a person who appreciated her voice other than Wendy. She felt like she was walking on cloud nine as she greatly appreciated Philip

She then lowered her head and stared at the ground as she remembered about her past once again


"Lyre, I know you wanted to meet your parents and Don Scar, but they recently called and told us something"


"The Don said to send you to this academy so you can learn more about your special powers"


"I know it can be hard Lyre, but the world is changing as we speak and you are a part of that"


"Don't worry Lyre, we will keep in contact with you, as well as your parent and the Don"


"We love you Lyre! Also, Wendy is coming along with you too since she happens to have special powers like you!"

"... Really?!!"



"Ah! S-s-sorry!"

"N-no, no, it's fine Lyre! It's fine!"

"W-we can tolerate it because it's you!"


"Poor Lyre, we will miss you!"

"We will see you again! Definitely!"


"C-control... Test... Start." Chihaya said while stuttering as she stood in front of the class with empty expression and eyes. She was prepared to feel the full brunt of Lyre's overloaded ability. There's no escaping here

Lyre stares into a distance with a small smile while a person jumped down from the observation deck besdie the VIP lounge. She remembered the day that she was sent here in the Mystical Academy. It was a sad farewell yet it was happy since Wendy was with her. She didn't know what she would do if Wendy wasn't with her. She thanked her in her heart

"Are you ready?" Karina asked as she was already beside Lyre. Lyre only nodded as she didn't want for Karina to get affected by her ability at point blank rage

"Okay then." Karina shrugged as she hurriedly placed her hand on Lyre's back

The Mystical Masters prepared themselves to erect a powerful barrier around everyone once Lyre's ability is being overloaded

Karina used her Overload ability and overloaded Lyre's ability

Lyre felt a surge of power, not from her back, but coming her heart and her throat. She felt her body burning like her heart and throat is on fire

She tried to speak but there was no sound that came out from her mouth. He hair fluttered violently and her eyes went back to her head and became white. She floated upwards as Karina's hand was released from Lyre's back

Light emanated from Lyre's body and it glowed to an intense degree. The light filled the Evaluation Center that made everyone unable to see anything

A few seconds later, the light dimmed down and revealed a new appearance of Lyre

Her white one-piece dress became pastel pink in color that emanates an aura or a most of pink. She has an ethereal choker around her neck that flutters in the air past her pink hair with yellow shade. Her pink jacket became white as two ribbons that glitters in yellow in pink extended from her back to her legs like a cape. Her black stockings became white that faded to pink at the end while maintaining the piano outline of the stockings

A yellow bracelet materialized on her left wrist that had spikes pointed outwards symmetrically. The bracelet hovers around her wrist

Above her head is a giant halo that can fit her head in the ring. The halo is also yellow in color with long spikes pointed in the four cardinal directions and short spikes that are pointed in the other four directions

Particles of glitters and sparks twinkle ever so often around her and music notes of different kind occasionally

She slowly opened her eyes and its appearance change. The color of her eyes became blue with a four pointed star in the middle. Philip saw this change and he became worried

"Lyre?" Karina asked as she was surprised that her hand was removed easily from Lyre's back with no reason

Lyre turned her eyes at Karina and there was a sudden explosion as gusts of wind originated from their spot

Karina was blown away to the arena wall with force

Everyone, including the Mystical Masters, was surprised by the scene. Was this a part of Lyre's ability? What happened?

And to their question, Lyre spoke with confidence and clarity that everyone could hear

"So, this is the material world?" An angelic voice escaped from Lyre's mouth with the addition of Lyre's high pitched voice. She spoke in a dual voice

"I see... This poor girl, being treated like this..." Lyre spoke to no one or almost to herself

"Who are you?" An overbearing voice resounded from above Lyre. She looked up and saw the Headmaster hovering downwards with his arms crossed. He look at Lyre, or rather, the being who is currently possessing Lyre. He remained hovering in the air to assert dominance

"Interesting!" The being said as she lifted Lyre's left hand placed it on her left cheek while her right hand holds her left elbow. Her four pointed star eyes are widened as if she is looking at the Headmaster's soul. She looked like a yandere right now,

"Some humans call me the Dreamcatcher, some call me the Embodiment of Music, and some call me the Harbinger of Harmony and Messenger of Insanity." The being declared different titles and looked straight at the Headmaster's eyes with full of confidence and bloodlust



Rank: G

> Title given to existences that influences the Dream Realm to a degree that they can control and guide entities that are lost in the Dream Realm

[Embodiment of Music]

Rank: B

> Title given to existences that symbolizes music itself. They are lower than the concept of music or Music Concept

[Harbinger of Harmony]

Rank: C

> Title given to existences that brings Harmony wherever they go despite their own will

[Messenger of Insanity]

Rank: C

> Title given to existences that brings messages, oracles, or prophecies from Insanity itself. Bringing a message has a low probability to happen on the spot


The Headmaster retaliated back and released his own overbearing aura at the being. But then, the Headmaster subconsciously jumped backwards away from the being

"Ho? You predicted that? Hahaha." The being laughed with interest at the Headmaster as she brandish her left fingers

The Mystical Masters that saw this did not move at all since they know that Yozu can handle this. Aoyuki was standing at the back in a distance to provide support just in case push comes to shove

The Guardians also moved as they neared the Genesis Class and protected then. Akayuki swiped Karina who was lying in the rubble at the arena wall

Philip was on the railing and looking at Lyre with squinted eyes and furrowed eyebrows. His head was splitting and his heart was raising

A Guardian that looked like a knight came close to him and asked him to go back to the seats to which Philip gave a hand at his face indicating to talk to his hand

The other Guardians and students was surprised at Philip's show of disrespectful behavior. Two Guardians that looks like a nerd and a strict looking one, respectively, approached him, trying to take him by force

Yuze was about to stop the Guardians but Philip beat her to it. Philip noticed them approaching him and turned his head towards them in a glare

The Guardians felt a wave of overpowering energy swept over them making them stop on their place. Surprisingly, Yuze and the other students, as well as Chihaya, felt this wave of energy

Philip then turned back towards Lyre as he clenched his hands on the railings. The knight Guardian didn't mind his behavior and decided to ignore it. He dragged the two other Guardians back to their positions

"You know, in such a short amount of time... I have figured out your plan regarding these tests." The being said to the Headmaster with a smug

"Buuut... Maybe I shouldn't say that since there are several students here." The being panned her vision at the General Class

"What is your goal?" The Headmaster asked

"My goal?" The being was surprised at the question and thought about it for a few seconds until she finally answered, "I have no goal as of the moment, the only thing that I know is that I was called on to this body so I manifested here"

The Headmaster and the Mystical Masters were surprised at this discovery. If the being manifested through Lyre's body, then perhaps Lyre is not a mental or physical ability user but an entirely new type of ability user. A possession ability user

This is what Philip also thought about after he overheard their conversation. He then thought to himself at how they can take Lyre back

The Headmaster asked this question to the being. It's as if the Headmaster's and Philip's brains are connected

"Oh I won't be returning the girl yet... I will be correcting some aspects of her life and that includes the treatment that she's getting around these parts." The being crumpled her eyebrows and turned towards the Genesis Class. Her angry expression was horrific enough to sent a chill down anyone's spine

She lifted her right arm and pointed the half a meter long Conducting Baton towards the Genesis Class

The Headmaster blocked her view as he floated in front of her and looked down on her, "You'll have to go through me first and I'll have to defeat you to bring back Lyre"

"Very well!" The being answered back with confidenced as she weilded and charged the Conducting Baton, until a shouting voice was heard

"Lyre!!!" Philip shouted at the being which made it stop her movements

The being turned her head towards Philip without moving her body,

"Tsk." The being clicked her tongue with a disgusted expression and annoyed eyes as she looked at Philip. She then turned her head back to the Headmaster and was about to swing the Baton

"Songstress!!!" Philip shouted once again and it made the being halt her movements. The being decided to ignore him until he shouted again

"Sonar!!!" Philip shouted with conviction and he raised his left hand

The being's eyes widened in surprised and turn her body towards Philip as she swung the Baton at him which sent an invisible wave towards him

He snapped his left fingers with conviction and a crispy sound reverberated throughout the Evaluation Center and nothing happened

But to the Headmaster, Mystical Masters, and the being's eyes, a wave of unknown energy quickly expanded from his snapped fingers and obliterated the invisible wave that was swung at him. The being had to raised her left arm to block some of the unknown force that is sweeping her

To the Headmaster and Mystical Masters' eyes, the wave disrupted some of the Mana present in the air and it might have dirupted other Magic

To the being's eyes, the wave is sweeping her like she was in a the middle of a massive shockwave that can uplift her any moment now

To others' eyes such as the Genesis Class, Aoyuki and the Guardians, and the professors, they don't see anything out of the ordinary but they can slightly feel it

After a few seconds, the wave of energy disappeared

"Sonar." Philip said once again while looking down at the being with widened and angry eyes

The being looked back at him as she lifted her head and she overwhelmed by the sheer aura he is emanating, no, the silhouette behind him. The being's dripping sweat flowed upwards as she felt extremely small in front of Philip

The being closed her eyes and opened them back and everything went back to normal. She warily looked left and right to see something out of the ordinary but to no avail

She then stood properly upright and smiled,

"Fufu, fuhahahahahaha! I see now... Everything's clear! Very well then! I'll do a favor for you." The being spoke and it was unclear to who she was talking to. Only the Headmaster and Yuze knows that she is talking to Philip but they are oblivious to the reason

The being lifted her arms in like a conductor in an orchestral play with the Conducting Baton. The Headmaster just stood there since he felt no ill will from her

However, the students scattered and panicked that Lyre was about to sing a full song in front of them

The being opened her mouth and started to sing. The music note particles flew from her body and a music meter appeared around her body that revolves around her. Actual ballad music played in the Evaluation Center that can be heard by everyone

"<Insert song with verse 1 and chorus> (to be updated in the future)"

The people that were screaming and panicking mysteriously became calm and their attention was caught by a melodic music and voice

They looked at the arena and saw Lyre singing a song in ballad music as musical notes fly into the air and yellow and pink beams of light shine through the ceiling

Lyre looked like she is in a concert and she's giving a performance to everyone in a grandeur manner

Then, everyone's feelings became light and they felt like they are on a cloud or they are drifting through happiness and comfort. Everyone bursted into tears and they cried without wailing. These tears are a mix of sorrow and joy as they began to regret how badly they treated Lyre all this time and they felt relief and joy when they were forgiven by Lyre

Aoyuki, the Guardians, Chihaya, and the professors had tears forming in the corner of their eyes. The Mystical Masters' eyes began to water and the Headmaster was also filled with sorrow and joy with no changes in his eyes

However, Philip was unfazed since he wasn't affected and he gazed at Lyre, not the being, with sympathizing eyes. Yuze, Nana, Alex, and Wendy are all crying as well

A few minutes later has passed and the song and ballad music has ended. The being closed her eyes and mouth as she finished her performance. The lights and music notes particles disappeared and went back to her body

She turned and looked at Philip with half closed eyes and a smiling mouth

"I'll leave my existence in your own hands." The being said that only Philip could hear but the Headmaster can see her mouth move as if she spoke something

"Be good to Lyre!" The being said to everyone and a bright flash of light emanated from her body and devoured the surroundings. At this point, the rollercoaster of emotions and tears in other people's eyes disappeared

The being's appearance faded away and Lyre's initial appearance came back. She had her eyes closed and she was stumbling. The Headmaster was about to catch her when she shifted her left leg to support her balance

She opened her eyes and she felt disoriented. She then asked herself, "What happened?"

She quickly realized that she was still in the middle of the arena and she spoke. She looked up and saw everyone staring at her. No one was screaming, no one was panicking, no one was avoiding her sight

She was confused

"You can now go back to your seat." The Headmaster said as he went closer to Lyre and gently pushed her back

She was surprised that the Headmaster was in the arena and looked at her with confused eyes. She then decided to follow his words and climbed up the ladder to the observation deck which she can see Philip at the end of it

Strange different feelings began to flood over her, especially on her heart, after seeing Philip. She avoided her gaze and Philip and looked forward while climbing up the ladder


"Don Scar, we have followed your orders"

"Is she happy to go there?"

"I don't think so"

"She really misses you and her parents"

"I see... Liliana, Michael. Do you want to see your daughter"

"I would love to!"

"Sure! I would also love to!"

"Then we'll pay a visit tomorrow. We'll send our most important personalities to give face to the Headmaster. Everyone, prepare yourselves"

"Yes Don" (Liliana)

"Yes Don" (Michael)

"Yes Don" (Wanda)

"Yes Don" (Baoab)

It was Lyre's turn for the Mystical Test

Lyre apparently has a big and well-known lineage and background as she was born in a mafia family that has revealed as the Cartel

Lyre has passed the first four tests with ease and suffering of everyone that are watching

And apparently, Lyre is a possession ability user that has a being or entity living inside of her. She could take advantage of the powers of that entity for her to use

Looks like her family will be visiting the Mystical Academy soon

Absolute_Authorcreators' thoughts
Next chapter