
Genesis Class 1 - Student Council President - Headmaster's Office - Tea

Inside the classroom that Yuze decided not to come in, the class representative is reprimanding the noisy ones and the ones causing trouble for others

"Hey you four!! Stop running around and chasing each other the classroom!" He pointed at the ones who are playing tag with each other at the back of the classroom

"You three! You're all noisy and lower your voices! You there! Stop flying around!!" The class representative shouted at the ones that are causing disturbance

He was about to move into action to make them behave themselves, until he felt a sensation that something's coming. He quickly deduced that the Headmaster was coming because this sensation was the exact same sensation when the Headmaster came in their classroom before

He then shouted to the class, "The Headmaster's coming!! Go back to your seats!"

Once the whole class heard him, they did not ignore him, they quickly scrambled to go back to their seats as fast as they can

The four students who are playing around quickly zoomed to their seats. The music group nonchalantly yet efficiently walked to their seats and the three girls that were noisy, noisily hurried to their seats

Of course the ones who are floating and gliding went back to their seats and the ones who are loitering around also went back to their seats

As soon as the last students sat down, the Headmaster appeared in front of the classroom at the platform

The classroom layout is the typical clasroom from fantasy and magic anime and from universities where the seats and tables are elevated from the first row going up. The seats are divided into three groups with six rows each that can accommodate twenty-four seats in one group, four seats per row

The class representative perked up from his seat and greeted the Headmaster. "Welcome, Headmaster!"

The other students followed, some were also standing, some didn't stand, and some didn't bother to greet

"Sit down." The Headmaster returned the greetings and made them sit down

"You have become better at sensing me, Yashida." The headmaster smirked at Yashida, the class representative

"I have been practicing, Headmaster! I'm honored for your compliments!"

"Yeah yeah yeah! No need for formalities!" The headmaster motioned as if he was waving in front of his face

"You guys may be wondering why I'm here this early and your homeroom instructor is not here yet"

The Headmaster walked around before going behind the desk on the platform. The students became curious because it was rare for the Headmaster to visit their class

"First of all, you guys will undergo the test for your abilities and mystical powers because of the second reason!" The headmaster said with a serious expression

"What's the second reason, Headmaster?" One of the girls asked the Headmaster as their curiosity were rising

The headmaster lifted his hand that is showing one finger, "You guys will be having a new transfer student!"

The students that are serious and the ones that are scheming became interested and more serious while the others were excited

This piqued the interest of the one that didn't care and was staring at the window and looked at the Headmaster's eyes. The deliquent girl that was sleeping with a book on her head next to him woke up, removed the book, and sat properly. She then looked at the Headmaster with a piercing glare

The one guy at the back that was staring at the Headmaster with serious eyes furrowed his eyebrows and became worried but he did not let it show on his face. The white haired boy became interested and lifted the left side of his bangs with his left hand for his left eye to see better

"He will arrive here within 30 minutes or an hour! Just give us a moment." The Headmaster gave the class the expected time of arrival of the transfer student. "Oh! Your homeroom instructor is here! Gotta go!"

The Headmaster saluted in a comedic manner before disappearing completely in thin air

The students did not react at the Headmaster's actions since they already knew his personality and this was the usual scene when their homeroon instructor comes in considering their past relationship

The homeroon instructor walked from the door and across the platform to greet the class

"Morning, Genesis Class 1"

"Good Morning! Chihaya-sensei!" The whole class stood up and greeted their homeroom instructor energetically and with vitality

"Sit down." Their homeroom instructor, Chihaya, motioned to let them sit down

Chihaya is their homeroom instructor and she is greatly respected by the class. She has eyeglasses that matches her eyes and she holds it often with her left hand to prevent it to fall. Her hair is gorgeously arranged in a ponytail and with a few loose bangs and hair next to her ears

"Did that moron leave again before I even got here?!" Chihaya spoke with irritation on her voice as she holds her glasses with left hand. The class did not utter a single word and they were quiet

"Well, as you heard from that fool, there will be a transfer student arriving later. Don't get your hopes up because we think that he is just the same as you guys"

Chihaya confirmed the Headmaster's words and assured the class that they'll have an ordinary fellow student

'You think?' Of course, the others caught up to Chihaya's words and they were wary because of it

"Now, I will explain the test that will be conducted after the transfer student comes"


Philip reached the staircase at the other side of the Core Academy. This staircase leads to the floor and it is a two-parter that has several steps since the height of the floors are high

"Only nine floors left..." Philip started to climb the stairs and reached the second floor. He became annoyed once again when he remembered that the stairs per level were completely at the opposite of each other. Meaning, people have to walk through a floor first in order to reach a staircase. The staircase were not connected from the first floor up to the top floor

He was confused at whoever designed this structure and let them place the staircase in one place and connect it through the levels. Maybe it's to prevent runaways in case there's a robbery or if there's a wild goose chase?

Well, he didn't dwell upon it further and looked around for that holographic map

He kept looking around but he saw no holographic maps

"Damn it..." Philip became annoyed and he began to clutch the bridge of his nose to lessen his irritation. This mannerism helps him get rid of the constant emotions that he experiences whenever the unexpected happens

He closed his eyes and he concentrated to the point that he can't feel anything around him

As he entered the dark sea of consciousness, thousands of images flooded his mind; his childhood, daydreams, fleeting moments, and long term memories

He tried to isolate these images to one side but he still couldn't do it since new images flood into his mind

He gave up and started to find his target, the holographic map earlier. He wants to find out if he could remember anything from the second floor layout even if he just skimmed through it

Ultimately, he couldn't find anything as he can't remember it

He opened his eyes and he snapped his left finger for some reason. An audible snap reverberated in the area

He suddenly got an idea, he will just go through the opposite way from where he came from, but this time, on the second floor. He thinks that eventually, he'll reach the staircase to the third floor

"Besides, there should be signs showing directions towards the Headmaster's Office"

He started walking through the hallways and corridors, until he met someone along the way

"Oh? Hello there." A gentle yet fierce voicewas heard as he met this person in the hallway

"Uh, hello." Philip nodded and returned the greeting. He then proceeded to walk pass the person

"Nice weather we're having today, huh? Clear weather... Sunny skies..." The person started to strike a conversation as he leaned his back on a window and peered to the skies

Philip stopped walking and turned towards him. He caught that this person was trying to start a conversation and he decided to reply

"It is. Unfortunately, it will be cloudy later with dark clouds"

The person was staring at Philip through his eyeglasses with a discerning eye. His left eyebrow raised as he heard the reply from Philip

"Oh? How did you know?"

"Eh, it was just a guess"

"Really now?"

"Yep! Now if you would excuse me, I'm off to the Headmaster's Office now." Philip resumed walking away only to be stopped

"Headmaster's Office? You're going to have a hard time if you're taking the stairs. There's an easier way to go through the floors"

Philip stopped on his tracks once again and turned towards the person who was about to leave

"Well, if you want to exercise or challenge yourself, I wouldn't mind! You go do your own thing." The person turned around with his hand raised from his sides in a ridiculous manner

Philip's left eyebrow was raised as his forehead crumbled at how this guy can act like this. He did not expect to see this type of people especially it can only be seen in anime, manga, and novels. He became irritated

The person expected for Philip to stop him from walking away and show him the easier way. His ulterior motive was getting to know him since he heard that there was a transfer student today because he was the Student Council President

As he closed his eyes in confidence and smiled, he felt something different and he abruptly opened his eyes in a shocked manner. He exaggeratedly turned his body towards Philip, who was behind him, and saw Philip walking towards him with furrowed eyebrows and empty eyes

'What?!' The SC President exclaimed to himself. He was surprised that he felt a dangerous aura behind him only to see nothing but Philip, who seems normal

'Was it this guy?!' He concluded that the dangerous aura came from Philip but he couldn't be too sure and he needed to see it with his eyes

"Is there really an easier way? Can you please show me the way towards the Headmaster's Office?" Philip asked the SC President in a respectful manner since he couldn't let go of this opportunity and get this annoying adventure in a maze over with

"Uh... Yes, over here, follow me." The SC President quickly recovered himself and guided him towards the easier way


As the two were walking, the SC President struck another conversation

"So, are you new here?"

Philip heard the SC President asking a question and he strained his eyes as he knows that he is trying to start another conversation. He decided to reply since he didn't want to be rude and first impressions are important

"Yes, I just arrived today and the Headmaster took me from America"

The SC President raised his eyes,

"Oh really? How do you like it so far here?"

"Well, it has been wild. There are things that shouldn't have been possible or things that are really unbelievable"

"Haha! I get that a lot. Well, since you've seen it, do you believe it now?"

"I guess so... I just want to know why I am here or why is all of this possible"

"You didn't know why you're here?"

"Nope, I just know that the Headmaster took me and the next thing I knew, I'm already here!"

'Damn!' The SC President was disappointed when he learned that Philip didn't know anything. He wanted to know why he's special and why he just came here in the Mystical Academy

'Looks like there is a deeper mystery behind all of this' The SC President closed his eyes and he held his chin with his right finger as he thought deeper

They walked more until the SC President started a conversation once again

"By the way, I'm the Student Council President of the Mystical Academy, Aoyuki. Can I know you're name?"

Philip was surprised that this person was the Student Council President of this place. He contemplated whether this person he met was a coincidence or by fate since this could clearly be a development in novels if he has seen one

"My name is Philip." He decided to answer him nonetheless since it wouldn't hurt to give his name

Then, he realized something. He saw nobody when he was walking alone in the first floor up to now. There was no one walking or loitering around, the classrooms that he passed was also empty. He then realized as to how this guy, Aoyuki, became the Student Council President when there was no student body to vote for the SC President anyways

As Philip was contemplating, Aoyuki noticed this and he assured Philip,

"I was nominated unanimously from the student body which is the Genesis Class 1. Since no one else was fit to become the president, I won automatically"

"Why only Genesis Class 1?"

"Because Genesis Class 1 is the only existing class in this academy for now"

"Why?" Philip asked with full curiosity since he doesn't believe that an academy can function with only one class

"Since you're going to the Headmaster's Office, I guess he will be explaining it to you!"

"Oh, I see... So, you're the strongest in the Genesis Class 1?" Philip came into that conclusion since every development in hierarchy leads to the strongest person as the highest position

"You could say that." Aoyuki smiled when he though that Philip was sharp

"Is there also a Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer?"

"Only the Vice President. Secretary and Treasurer positions are empty"

'That doesn't bode well...' Philip felt a chill since this is a typical scenario that the Student Council is still not complete and they're finding people to recruit

He was not concerned though since he knows that he is a nobody in this place and he was not someone special nor a protagonist of some story

"Oh! We're here!" Aoyuki exclaimed as they reached an open area, like a big lobby, where a large circular white platform is found in the middle with several benches lined around the platform for anyone to sit and rest

"What is this place??" Philip asked even though he has an idea what the large white platform is for

"This place is called the Central Core Lobby and that large white platform over there is the Floor Transporter." Aoyuki explained as they get closer to the platform

"Oh! So that's what is... I thought it was just some sort of machine that transports anything through the floor." Philip said as he remembered seeing familiar names in the holographic map in the first floor. He remembered that every floor had the Central Core Lobby and Floor Transporter

"No, not at all! This Floor Transporter teleports anything on top of it to the designated floor. Every floor has a Floor Transporter as well as on the very top of the Core Academy where the Headmaster's Office is located"

"I see... How do I use it?"

"Come over here." Aoyuki led Philip in front of a screen before the stairs going up to the platform

"At this screen, there's ten options to choose from, floors 1 to floor 10 and each have its own name. Floor 10 is Headmaster's Office"

"Ah, I see... If I tapped this, won't I need time to go to the platform before it begins teleporting?"

"There's a set timer for everything after a floor is chosen. It's approximately 10 seconds before it begins the transport"

"Very interesting! This is just like fantasy!" Philip's eyes were sparkling as he admires this technology

"Right?! So, are you going to go?" Aoyuki snapped Philip from his world and asked him

"Ah! Yes! I should go!" Philip began to walk up the platform only to turn around and go back. "Oh yeah! I forgot! I should tap the destination!"

"No worries, I'll tap it for you. You go ahead and go up the platform." Aoyuki stopped Philop and assured him with a smile

"Thank you very much for your guidance, Aoyuki!" Philip lightly bowed and nodded before going up the platform

Aoyuki's eyes went wide as he was surprised at how he was addressed. It was the first time that someone addressed him like that. No honorifics, no titles, just like a normal person or like a friend

Aoyuki smiled until his sharp teeth and fangs were showing and his eyes dilated into vertical slits behind his eye glasses. "What a very interesting fellow!"

Philip then reached the center of the platform and shouted towards Aoyuki, "I'm ready!"

Aoyuki pressed the button to the destination of [Headmaster's Office]. Then platform then began to glow as it is booting itself up. He then lightly waved goodbye towards Philip with a smile

Philip then nodded until the light coming from the platform began to intensify and a flash of light filled the Central Core Lobby. The light was not blinding at all

Philip then disappeared from the platform and the glow from the platform began to dim

Aoyuki, who is still in front of the screen panel, let out a breath and he held his knees as he began to pant as if he was out of breath

He slowly walked to the benches and sat down. He then reached for the handkerchief on his right pocket and wiped the sweat on his forehead

"What a scary yet mysterious monster." Aoyuki said as he tries to catch his breath

All this time, Aoyuki was holding his breath because of Philip. Apparently, Philip was emanating some kind of aura that was staring at him as if it will kill him

It was not killing intent since he saw Philip's expression and it seems that he doesn't notice it or know about it. It was more like Philip was expressionless or didn't care anything around him


"Was that the one you're talking about, Kaichou?" A female voice was heard from his right as a girl appeared standing on the backrest of the bench with her arms crossed and glaring at the platform

She has long black ponytail tied in a red and red-white ribbon with two small golden jingle bells. A Sarashi cloth is wrapped around her small chest to her midriff and black strap runs across from her right shoulder connected to her belt on her left waist. She wears a thick red ribbon as her belt and a stone Kusazuri, with golden runes written around it, on top of a red cloth wrapped around her waist like a dress that reaches down to her ankle being split in the middle. She also wears a wooden Geta on her feet

She has red small pieces of Sode on her upper arms and stone arm bracer gauntlets, that has written gold runes, on her forearms

Her eyes is of a deep sparkling blue in color and she wears gold meteor shower earrings

Two swords, particularly an Odachi and a Tachi, are strapped on her right waist. Three swords, particularly a Nodachi, a Wakizashi, and a Tanto, are strapped on her left waist. On her left ankle is a strapped Hamidashi and on her right ankle is a strapped Aikuchi

Floating behind her, close to her back, is a red Katana that emanates a red killing aura. This Katana is named as Muramasame

"Yes, Akayuki, he was the transfer student that I accidentally heard about from the secret meeting in the faculty." Aoyuki replied towards the Student Council Vice President. "What do you think?"

"Hmmm..." There was a long pause before Akayuki replied,

"I'm not too sure... He's a dangerous man but he seems harmless once you see him with your own eyes. Yet, there's something very off about him..."

"How is he dangerous?" Aoyuki's eyes dilated into vertical slits once more and glared at Akayuki

Seeing this, Akayuki's body cringed as he felt needles pointing on her body. She didn't mind it and replied,

"My avatar was shaking when I saw him and he could not function correctly. His form was being deformed as if a mysterious force was affecting him or he is cowering in fear, which I have never seen him do before"

"I see... Seems like we need to keep an eye on him. Go on and tell the others, I need to go back to the Student Council Room"

"Yes, Kaichou." Akayuki jumped up and disappeared as white smoke swirled from where she was standing. A pink petal was also left behind

Aoyuki saw this petal and grabbed it and placed it in his pocket, "That Akayuki, always leaving an ingredient of disaster..."

Aoyuki shook his head in disappointment and walked towards the Floor Transporter. He then transferred to the [Trifecta Organization] floor as a flash of light covered the entire lobby and the platform dimmed


As Philip appeared in the [Headmaster's Office] floor, he was met with a small room with no hallways or corridors leading to another location. He is now currently at the peak of the Core Academy, under the giant floating blue orb

He saw an ordinary door chiseled to become pleasing to the eyes and a label above it says, "Headmaster's Office"

Two statues, or more accurately, armor that are displayed on an armor stand. Philip went closer and examined the armor and he was surprised at the results

He saw that the armor are made of a Titanium alloy with an unknown material that makes this armor extremely durable, extremely flexible, and lightweight. He was impressed

He then ignored the armor stands and knocked on the door three times before twisting the knob and opening the door

As he opened the door, he first saw two couches that are facing each other and a large oak tea table or coffee table in between with a fresh tea set on it. He then saw potted plants on each corner of the room and a door to right leading to somewhere

The office table is located at the center wall of of the room with two adjacent windows on each side. The office table is very clean and tidy with little objects on top of it like a pen holder, Newton's Cradle, Swinging Sticks Kientic Sculpture, a fancy lamp, and a name plate showing the name of the Headmaster

The room also has a yellow ambient room lighting, which is turned on right now, and a modern high tech PC to the side of the office table and a printer

Above this all, he sees Yuze sitting on the right couch and sipping tea from her cup with her eyes closed in a sitting position that is elegant

Her short black hair accentuated with blue streaks and strands became more noticable and her blue sailor uniform matched her body. Philip was in a trance until he felt a stinging pain on the back right of his brain and he was awoken

"Uhm, excuse me? Headmaster's Office?" Philip spoke and peeked his head before entering to avoid being rude

Yuze then opened here expressionless eyes and her deep dark blue eyes became more noticable. He looked towards Philip and nodded, giving the sign to come in. She then resumed sipping tea with her eyes closed

Philip came inside and walked slowly as if he did not want to leave soil and dirty marks on the shiny floor and to not break the silence, except for the Newton's Cradle

Before Philip could do anything more, Yuze spoke and ushered him to sit, "Please sit on the couch, preferably across me"

"Okay, thank you." Philip didn't mind the second part of the sentence and hurriedly sat on the couch. As he sat down, his eyes went wide and he was surprised at how soft and fluffy the couch to his butt. A sensation spread through his body as he felt good sitting on this couch

"Would you like tea, perhaps?" Yuze offered Philip the tea that she was drinking, to which he politely agreed to

Yuze then elegantly and expertly poured out tea from the teapot to his teacup. She was slightly smiling from this action of pouring tea

Philip noticed this and pointed it out, "You like making tea, serving it, and pouring it, don't you?"

Yuze was surprised from Philip's observation and she continued to pour tea. She then quietly said to him, "I do"

Which made Philip surprised since she was quiet and emotionless ever since he met her

After she poured the tea, she was incredibly shocked at what she saw in Philip's teacup

She saw four tea stalks standing upright in the tea and are arranged symmetrically. The tea stalks then moved around in the teacup in a circular manner until all of them combined due to surface tension, showing a thick tea stalk standing upright

Ignore one tea stalk standing upright, this tea has four stalks, which has been unprecedented

Yuze was shaking and looked at Philip with furrowed eyebrows. Philip noticed this and questioned Yuze, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Yuze quickly avoided Philip's gaze and gently placed the teapot down and sat back on the couch. She then resumed sipping tea with eyes closed as her hands are shaking slightly. Her right eye peeks towards Philip as she tries to observe him

Philip then grabbed the tea and crudely drank from it. He didn't know how elegantly drink tea, but he has a habit of lifting his pinkie finger when he's drinking from small cups such as this tea cup

As Philip drank from it, he went wide-eyed and drank all of it. No one knows if he also drank the tea stalks. He then complimented Yuze,

"Is this your brew?! It's delicious! I've never tasted something like it before! What ingredient did you use?"

Yuze blushed as he was complimenting her work and she answer her question with a low voice,

"From Silky Gaia Leaves"

"Silky Gaia Leaves"

"They are leaves that only grow in this academy because of Mana"


"The Headmaster will explain"

"I see... By the way, I never got to know you name. I'm Philip as you have heard, may I know yours?"


"Yuze, huh... Nice name!"

Yuze's face went red which is a first time for her and she didn't know what to do. She hid her face with the teacup and said, "Thank you"

Philip saw her reaction and did not react. He was not a dense person and he can feel the emotion of others as long as he can see them. He just did not know what to do, he just thought of it as cute since an expressionless person showed an expression, a big one at that

Silence then devoured the room as Yuze kept sipping her tea slowly as well as covering her flushed face

On the other hand, Philip's eyes are hovering slowly around the room as an invisible wall of nothingness began to cover his eyes and he began to daydream, until his eyes hovered over to his left side

He saw a silhouette and he took him a few seconds to react. The invisible wall of nothingness quickly disappeared and his brain began to process the silhouette and his head subconsciously turned towards it

He saw the Headmaster sitting behind the office table with his head resting on his hands like he's in love or something

"What the?! How long were you there?!" Philip aas half surprise and half annoyed at the Headmaster as he was not saying anything

"Since Yuze started pouring the tea." It seems that the Headmaster was there since the beginning

"What?! Why didn't you say anything?!" Philip was pretty annoyed yet there are conflicting emotions

"I mean... I didn't want to interrupt, you know..." The Headmaster jokingly said towards the two

Philip rolled his eyes while Yuze just kept sipping her tea, she knew that the Headmaster was there halfway

"Alright, enough joking around. I'm pretty sure you have a lot of questions. I'll answer them the best that I can!"

The Headmaster bevame serious cut right to the chase and let Philip ask questions first

Philip also became serious as he began to ask questions, "Any questions?"

"I'll answer it the best that I can"



"Has magic been found in the world?"

The Genesis Class 1 seems to have a very special students present and the Headmaster and Chihaya has some sort of rough relationship

Philip has met Aoyuki, the Student Council President. He tried to probe Philip for his secret and the mystery as to why he was taken. He didn't found anything though

Akayuki, the Student Council Vice President, has also shown herself in a very eye-catching gear and attire

Philip also may have gotten closer to Yuze

Philip's questions will also be answered

Absolute_Authorcreators' thoughts
Next chapter