
Chapter 1: Waking up.

Authors note: hello. I'm new here and this first chapter might be a bit small but I do hope that you'll like it. This book contains some things about God and Goddesses (my take on them), hetero/homosexual themes, and other things if the sorts. Anyway, now with that out the way do enjoy.


Erin awoke to blind bright light and a harsh breathing from a machine. Opening her eyes, she was met with a blinding hospital light over her head and a breathing mask on her face that fed oxygen to her lungs. Turning her head to the right she saw her arm was strapped out on the metal table and had needles cello taped into her arms with a drip of hydration fluid, blood and sedatives.

Turning to the left she saw a machine that recorded oxygen levels, CO2 levels, blood flow and organ operation. Every screen said she was fine and healthy; all organs fully functioning. Looking down she saw her legs covered in her blue Winnie the Pooh blanket she had had since she was 5 years old and tied down.

The room itself was small with enough room for doctors movements. The walls were steel grey and had many screens and hanging TV's. Computers sat around on the tables with lab equipment such as microscopes, stethoscopes and medical tools. Medical waist bins sat beside the desks. There was a glass ceiling that had seats so people could see into the room.

Frowning, Erin looked at the bags. The sedative bag was dry as was the hydration fluid but the blood bag was still half full. Tugging against the bonds on her arms, her inhumane strength broke them and she sat up. She cracked her neck and ripped two of the needles out, leaving the blood one in. 'Jesus Christ, how long was I out?' She thought looking around for any indication of the fate. Nope, nothing. Just an empty medical room. She looked at the bags. 'I've been here a while. I can't leave here otherwise, I'll be in trouble.' She looked up and suddenly noticed a young female doctor. The woman wore regular blue doctors clothes, black hair pulled into a ponytail as brown eyes looked at her with awe And excitement. Confused, she waved; the lady waving back.

The nurse rushed off to the meeting room making all the worlds politicians and officials look up. "She's wake. She's perfectly ok and looks a bit confused." The nurse said making David stand up with a few others. "Take us to her please." He said making her nod and take them to her. He walked the long halls and all that was heard was echoing footsteps. The day that the girl had turned into something inhuman, everyone panicked and she was locked away.

'Let's hope she's no threat and maybe we can use her to our advantage.'

Erin rucked her greasy, long and wavy brown hair behind her ear, blue eyes looking up at the seats. "If they use me in anyway shape or form, I swear to all things Destiny." She mumbled with a sigh. "What happened to me?" She asked pulling her hospital gown down to show the huge scar going down her chest between her breasts where her heart used to be and then it suddenly came flooding back. The guy, the gun and knife, pushing her friend out the way, dying, then waking back up alive before fainting.

'Oh, that's right. I'm alive with no heart.' She thought when someone walked in and she turned to look at them. Her eyes widened. The prime minister; David Cameron?! Poor girl was so confused as to what was going on and her adrenaline kicked in as her anxiety flared up. The heart monitor beeped quickly in time with her erratic beat of blood as her heart wasn't there. "Easy there Erin. I'm David and I'm going to tell you what you're doing here." He said sitting before her on a stall.

She rose an eyebrow and gave him a 'I highly doubt that.' Look.

She looked him up and down. She didn't like Cameron; he had fucked their country up more times than she could count. "You are alive with no heart and whilst unconscious, we did some tests to figure out if this was a problem. It was not. In fact your blood is still flowing around your body normally and your organs seem to do well without your heart to assist it but the reason as to why the blood is still flowing is still a mystery. We took some dna samples and found out you're healthy; no problems at all. But when looking at your cells thats when things got a little odd." He said, face serious.

"How so?" Erin asked, listening. Humans were fickle things that when threatened would rather lock the threat away or neutralize it all costs to save their species but most species from animal to human did that in some way. Every species on earth had adapted to survive no matter the means. "Your cells have huge regenerative abilities and healing capabilities that humans don't yet have. It can cure cancer, heal nerves and things like that; the possibilities are endless."

She smiled slightly. She hated all diseases, especially cancer that robbed kids, adults, teen, babies. It didn't care. She lost family members to it and so many others had to. 'That's a good thing right?' She thought then her eyes widened slightly. 'Ok, nope there a problem!' She thought urgently.

Erin said "thats good then but there will be a problem with that" David frowned slightly. "How so?" Erin blinked and tilted her head slightly. He sounded upset that she said there would be a problem. "My cells aren't human. Human bodies tend to reject foreign things and if my cells could be added, yes it can reverse some things but the rejection of my cells could do something a lot more Gory Or there could a huge loss of life." David winced at that, pictures of gore filling his mind.

"You can use the cells you have to try and find a way thats good for a human body but beware my cells could react badly to chemicals or not be compatible with any human. If that is the case, don't use them or you'll be responsible for quite a few deaths and something tells me you don't want that." she said, sounding wise for a 14 year old. Her blue eyes held wisdom no child should ever have and it gave Cameron the creeps.

David looked at the child before him and said "Fine. Another reason you are here is because until we know what you are and if you're a threat to humanity, you are to remain locked up for public safety." She rolled her eyes with a sigh. Humans were all the same when it came to public safety. Such scared and a very weak species who used war as a means to show their power. Most gods and goddesses hate the fact humans had destroyed their sacred world.

How could she tell a mere human that she was a goddess?! They'd lock her up in a nut house for it but it was the truth. Being immortal came with a price; the price of losing your humanity and becoming something else.

Erin laughed at that making David raise an eyebrow. What was so funny. "What i am? If i told you, you'd think I'm even more of a danger" she said "but humans have always seen people like me as dangerous and all seeing" David frowned as other politicians, army officers and doctors watched from the seats above about their interaction. "What do you mean?" He asked, hands folded in his lap neatly.

Erin looked at him through the corner of her eye. "I'm the goddess of judgment and punishment and its my job that spirits and humans get judged and punished or blessed." She said with a smirk as everyone's eyes widened. She didnt need to hear their thoughts to know what they were thinking. A goddess?! Impossible! She chucked.

"That's impossible. Goddesses and Gods don't exist! What are you really?!" Cameron asked angrily. "I am what I said. When you become immortal, you have a price to pay. You loose all humanity that is left and you become one of three things. One, A god or Goddess where you look after the people of the planet and the planet itself. Two, a creeper. A lost soul with ashen skin and black eyes; teeth so sharp they could slice through human skin, muscle and tissue like a warm knife in butter. That happens when they're angry and the hatred creates a negative magic. They're a demon of some sorts and they thrive off of eating humans. Or number three, a Sicpir. That is something no one wants to become. You become deformed monster who's only purposes is to kill and eat humans. Now do like a creeper or a sicpir to you?" She asked, glaring.

He looked at her and shook his head. "Then I'm not lying. Oh and as for wanting to use me for your advantage, that's not gonna happen." She said making him pale and the others above them gulp. She smirked. "The only way I can show you what I can do, is if you let me show you my powers. Then I can show you I'm not a threat. You are not to lock me up because if you do, others like me will get me out and then you'll see I'm not lying the hard way."

He thought about it. He knew nothing on this girl and what she was capable of. It seemed his earlier thought was not gonna happen then and if he could see what she was capable of, maybe he could see if there was any danger. She was child who became inhuman sacrificing her life for someone. "Alright. We'll do it your way."

She nodded. "Thank you." Inside she smirked.

Her adventure was about to begin.