
The first chapter

ring ring "my alarm clock rang, well..i thought

As I woke up I sighed "ugh" it's my friend that was waking me up.

Im studying in a boarding school actually it's not just any boarding school it's my mom's school and we are Christians so it's a Christian School so basically every morning we do devotions,and which you guys might be thinking"oh she's probably stressed by all the pressure her mom is putting in her because it's her mom's school",well.. actually no besides I'm doing great in my studies...well 'Good enough' .

Daya! already 7:45 why are still sleeping you should be up before 8:00! my friend 'Zaina' said,well that's the only strict rules we must really follow..being on Time

immediately run to the bathroom and took a shower and ate my breakfast and ran Immediately to the devotional where all my classmate's gather, btw we are not much so it's easy to make friends and understand what your teacher is teaching.

As I arrived at the room I sat down on the chair my other friend 'Liza' reserved for me.

After the devotional We went to our respective

classrooms and wait for our teacher to arrive

When suddenly we heard What!..said Johann shhhhh.. hushed Jake, yyoyou like her Johann said quietly ,Shut up! Looking at Johann with a annoyed face.

Jake has studying in my mom's school for about 5 years and half of that 5 years we never really talk to each other ,because we don't really the see point we should even talk to each other.

"Why did I even tell you in the first place!?"said Jake

I didn't even care to look at them because it's probably another "hot girl"that they like.

"What a surprise Jake finally likes someone in this school,"Said Olivia .

Olivia is the oldest in the class even though our age are just like 2 months apart and she thinks she smarter than everyone and she feels so mature that she wears bigger bra cup than her actually size of bra cup

She annoys me so much that I want to punch her so hard but my mom will kill me if she hears that I just punched a student so I'll just let it pass because there will be a day that she will realize she dumb.

Like I sAid we aren't much in the school and the girls here are not his type from what he said,he's bragging the he has a crush outside the school and makes the girls

that like him in the school feel bad.

unexpectedly he turned to look at me and I look back at him with a "I don't care face" and we gazed for quite long

'I have to say something...say something...cmon I said to my self

the teacher suddenly came in "Okay class did you guys did. "you like me" Jake said out of the blue,.....your home works" the teacher's eyes widened and looked at me

l...l..um...i don't and laugh sarcastically

looking at the teacher

then I stared at Jake and said "What are you doing?"without sound

While the whole class was still Staring at Us

I felt like I need to bury my self Underground

And I felt a sudden pain in my chest like

I..I..Have been crushed

"What is this weird feeling" i said to my self

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