
Chapter 2: What


[Strength: 5+(0)][Agility: 9+(0)][Stamina: 3+(0)][Wisdom: 7+(0)][Health: 5+(0)][Dexterity: 5+(0)][Magic: 1+(0)]

"… What?"

[*Our system has analyzed the host's body, with the result of the host's body being very incompatible with the host's cells. This is why the system judged that it's better for the system to monitor host outside of the host's body. *]

'Wait, isn't this good for me? Doesn't this mean that they won't be able to observe my movement without being close to me? That's excellent!'

"Does that mean you will not leave any traces of you at my body?"

[*Correct *]


"What would've happened if you didn't get out of my body then?"

[*Host's life is expected to be on the floor tomorrow. *]


[*Beginning Second Program: Wave 1.]

"Wait! You didn't even tell me anything besides stats and my current situation! do you think I'm that worthy enough to fight against THAT monster?!!"

Just when he was getting desperate, another string of words flew in front of him. Making him even more panicked.

{New Quest: Monster Hunt}

{Poor you, being captured by the empire and was forced to fight monsters. To get you motivated, kill some monsters for your first experience}

{Clear Condition: Kill 10 Monsters}

{Clear Reward: Level Up(1), Class Select, Talent Points(10)}

{Tip: Just don't die you weak, pitiful thing}

"Is this thing fucking with me right now? I can't beat those things for god sake!"

While he was panicking, he heard something moving behind the bush. While shuddering uncontrollably, he remembered the face of the monster once more, almost making him leak from fear. He quickly closed his eyes.

"Pl-please s-spare me, I-I-I-I uhhh. I'm very not delicious so- "

When he tried to peek through the gaps of his finger, he saw something small trying to wriggle its way to him. He then dropped his hand which was blocking his eyes and laughed abruptly. After he finished laughing, he looked at the slime with bloodshot eyes.

"You fucking slime how dare you scare me do you think I'm a fool you piece of shit you fucking beginner level weak-ass monster why the fuck are you even- Uakh?!"

His hate-filled speech was ended just like how it was started. As soon as it approached him. The slime suddenly stretched and punched his stomach. He could see a red (-0.1) flying in front of him. As soon as Lylie recovered, he looked at the slime. Once again with bloodshot eyes.

"Ohooo, so that's how we are doing it. I'll let you taste my fist of fury."

The slime seemed to understand Lylie's word as it hesitated for a bit before continuing forward. When the slime was trying to attack Lylie, he ducked at quickly threw a jab to the slime. A red-colored (-1) was flying above the slime. And then strings of blue word appeared before him again.



[Strength: 3]

[Agility: 2]

[Wisdom: 1]

[Health: 5->4]

[Dexterity: 9]

[Magic: 0]

[This weak-ass beginner monster can be killed with a flick of a finger from a regular warrior. Although it's a tough match for you, it's not even considered a threat to anybody else.]

[Has very high Dexterity due to excellent controls of its body]

'Oho? It seems that my conclusion is correct. This monster is a weak-ass beginner monster.'

Lylie then proceeds to launch fast jabs to the monster's face and quickly beat the crap out of it.

'Ahhhh… that was the most refreshing thing I've ever done since coming here'


{You have killed a lv.1 Slime!}

{You have gained the skill, Fist of Fury!}

{You have gained 10 Exp!}

{You have leveled up!}

After these words passed his eyes, he felt an extremely pleasant cold wind brushing against his skin, making him close his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he couldn't feel the pain he was experiencing just a while ago and widened his eyes abruptly.



[Level: 1->2][0/50]

[Potential: SSS]

[Innate Skill: XXXXX(This skill will improve when you realized what it is.)

[Active Quests: Monster Hunt]

[Strength: 5+(0)]

[Agility: 9+(0)]

[Stamina: 3+(0)]

[Wisdom: 7+(0)]

[Health: 5+(0)]

[Dexterity: 5+(0)]

[Magic: 1+(0)]

[Skills: Short Sprint, Fist of Fury]

[Attribute Point: 0 -> 1]

[You are faster and smarter than an average person from your universe! But your stamina is awfully low. A single adult from this universe can easily beat 7-8 of you attacking at the same time. Shame on you.]

[Has low stamina due to lack of exercise]

'I've gained an Attribute point! Okay, let's process this. I gained a new skill which is Fist of Fury.'

{Fist of Fury}

{The hatred from the bottom of your soul burns, unleashing a barrage of fists with unlimited anger.}

{Punches 5 times quickly}

'I've also gained an Attribute point. Which as I remember, is used to raise stats. Usually, when people see my stats. They would raise stamina, but NO! I'll raise Agility instead so none of those slimes can even dream of touching me, I'm a genius I tell ya!'

[Agility: 9->10+(0)]

With this in mind, Lylie quickly got into battle with some more slimes and quickly came to regret his decision. He was dead tired after facing the fifth slime and was suddenly attacked by a slime from behind. Using everything he got, he ran and quickly got cover behind a rock.

'FUCK! Mistakes have been made, what to do what to do what to do- '

His brain started to spin at full capacity again, yet he still can't think of anything. He started to despair when he saw the slime wriggling towards him. When suddenly, inspirations came with a *thud*

'Fucking branch almost hit my leg…'



'Yosh! Come closer and I'll privately make some pancakes out of you.'

He waited for the slime to get closer to him when suddenly two more slimes came joining the part. Making him curse instinctively. His plan of throwing this thick branch was discarded immediately.

'This is not a party you wretches! stop ganking me!'

And then inspiration came striking down again with another *thud*. Another branch fell near him again. This made him happy as he quickly threw the branch towards the slime, dealing (-5) points of damage as he leveled up again.


{You killed a lv.1 Slime!}

{You have gained 10 Exp!}

{You have leveled up!}


[Level: 2->3][0/250]

[Potential: SSS]

[Innate Skill: XXXXX(This skill will improve when you realized what it is.)

[Active Quests: Monster Hunt]

[Strength: 5+(0)]

[Agility: 10+(0)]

[Stamina: 3+(0)]

[Wisdom: 7+(0)]

[Health: 5+(0)]

[Dexterity: 5+(0)]

[Magic: 1+(0)]

[Skills: Short Sprint, Fist of Fury]

[Attribute Point: 0 -> 1]

[You are faster and smarter than an average person from your universe! But your stamina is awfully low. A single adult from this universe can easily beat 7 of you attacking at the same time. Shame on you.]

[Has low stamina due to lack of exercise]


[Stamina: 3->4+(0)]

"Heh hehehehehehheeehehheheh… COME TO ME YOU WRETCHES!"


{You killed a lv.1 Slime!}X3

{You have gained 10 Exp!}X3


*Continous Ragged Breathing*

'Finally… now I can rest for a bit'




{You killed a lv.1 Slime!}X2

{You have gained 10 Exp!}X2


{Quest Cleared: Monster Hunt}

{You did it! I knew you can do it.}

{Gained: Level Up(Instant), Class Select, Talent Points(10)}

{You have leveled up!}


[Level: 4][0/1250]

[Potential: SSS]

[Innate Skill: XXXXX(This skill will improve when you realized what this is.)

[Active Quests: Monster Hunt]

[Strength: 5+(0)]

[Agility: 10+(0)]

[Stamina: 4+(0)]

[Wisdom: 7+(0)]

[Health: 5+(0)]

[Dexterity: 5+(0)]

[Magic: 1+(0)]

[Skills: Short Sprint, Fist of Fury]

[Attribute Point: 0 -> 11]

[You are faster and smarter than an average person from your universe! But your stamina is awfully low. A single adult from this universe can easily beat 7 of you attacking at the same time. Shame on you.]

[Has lower than average stamina]

[*Wave 1 has been cleared*]

"Hey you, how do you think should I distribute my attribute points?"

[*The word 'Attribute Points' is not known to my system*]


"I mean how do I get food.'

'Could this thing maybe not know attribute points? Let's not mention it anymore. just in case. Perhaps I'll be like those protagonists who can only see stuff like status and level up.'

[*To get food, the host must gather food by himself. In other words, hunting. *]

'but if nobody can see these stuff, then do I just distribute it evenly and be a jack-of-all-trades? No, my agility is notably higher than most people, so perhaps I should just focus on burst type attributes? But this world has no such things as respawn, only if-…. Wait.'

"Is there any way to revive someone in this world?"

[*Currently, there is no magic related to revival. But reviving inside a Desolate Space after dying inside it is possible if the owner of the Desolate Space wills it *]

"Desolate Space?"

[*Desolate Space is a space generated by space stones, which generates a space that can be customized by its owner. But Desolate Space has some flaws, which is the time difference between the outside world and the inside of the desolate space. The example of the Desolate Space is the desert than the host has been before. *]

'Ahhh. So that's a Desolate Space, I kinda get the meaning here. So there are currently no ways to revive oneself outside the Desolate Space. Okay, I've decided. I'll be a defensive Fighter, this way I can ensure myself of not dying easily. Because I can still deal a lot of damage while ensuring my safety.'

'Okay then, let's choose a class.'

{Do you want to use the item 'Class Select'?}


{Please select one of these classes.}

{Speed Warrior}






'Hmmm? Speed Warrior?'

'Is this the so-called unique class?'

[Vahn Triaster] [XXXX]


40 Minutes Ago

[*Master, the results are out. *]

"Show them."

[*Understood. *]

Strings of blues immediately flew in front of him, making a blue-colored board.

[*The results have shown that from the remaining twenty-two participants, 3 participants have bodies incompatible to our system *]

"O? What is this? tell me, why is their body incompatible?"

[*Our system has detected that their body rejected the system completely, an unknown substance is suspected to be the main reason for this situation. extraction on one of the participants is advised. *]

"No. don't do that, what'll happen if the system is forcibly put to their body?"

[*The system's main program will suffer heavy backlashes from doing that. Termination for all the participants is also advised. *]

"Tell them that the system is not compatible with their body. Oh! And also, tell them that forcibly putting the system will make their body explode within 24 hours."

[*... Understood. *]

'This is interesting~'

Chapter 2~

Don't know what to say~

InsaneIksanecreators' thoughts
Next chapter