
Chapter 1

Keep going. That's all anyone can really do in this word, even one as unfair as this one.

Deep underground, hidden beneath the trees and rivers, there was a hideout. In that hideout were two men wrapped head to toes in pitch black cloaks.

"Cardinal Vernon, you have served the Dark One well for the last five years. He is pleased that you spread his glory and punished the heathens."

"All for the Dark One," Cardinal Vernon replied. He was a gruff man who shared a complexion with death itself. "Those who opposed our Lord will die as soon as we plunge a blade through the Saints chest."

"Indeed. It was thanks to your great contributions that we were able to get this far. We are all grateful. Because of that you'll be the one to resurrect the Lord."

"…I…I…thank you. It will be my pleasure." The priest smiled and walked away leaving Vernon alone. After making sure he was alone again his true emotions erupted. "Screw that geezer! Why the hell would I want to be involved in anymore of this?! Damm! They already took my money, now they want to take my chance at heaven?"

Cardinal Vernon, a man famous for his actions against the Holy Order. A man who like death watches with pale delight as he massacred villages, stripped paladins of their gold armor, and cursed their goddess.

Yes….Cardinal Vernon was a bad man, with a secret.

"Ahh! F*ck the Dark One and these losers! All I want is MONEY!!!"

Like a child angry that he couldn't get a toy he wanted Vernon failed around. Tossing his hands in the air as he cursed everyone in this damp cellar they call a place of worship.

Money for food, women, prestige, beer, and anything else pleasurable; that's all he wanted. That's why he spent most of his time in either bars or brothels. But after years of embezzling money from this cult and freeing the gold off of the backs of paladins meant nothing.

Instead of running off with their money he was forced to stay with the winning side. If he left now he'd be killed just like all the other non-believers.

Everything was over now, because the Holy Order lost now that the Saint was captured. The Saint would be bled on an altar ending the world, and things will get worse.

Holding back tears Vernon glared down at the dirt and said, "F*ck you."


In a dark corner in the room a young woman draped in a stained white robe sat. Her hands clutching the cross around her neck as she prayed to her goddess, hoping for a miracle.

"Soon, everything will be for nothing," she muttered softly to herself. Her faith beginning to collapse.

"That's right Miss Saint. It is over for the goddess Eclipsa and her followers." The man hung over her as he examined her body with a smirk. "Don't worry though, soon the two of you will be reunited. The slut goddess will welcome you and your brethren," he told her gleefully.

The Saint stared daggers at the man, refusing to speak to him. A follower of the evil god would not get any joy from her suffering; she promised herself this.

After a few more attempts at mocking the man was about ready to leave. Before leaving he turned to her and said, "Cardinal Vernon will be pleased to meet such a wonderful person such as yourself tomorrow. You are one lucky lady indeed, haha."

Now alone, the Saint gripped her cross and grit her teeth.


Followers of the dark god began preparing for the ritual. A large transmutation circle with a winged demon statue on top of the altar. With the Saint sprawled on the floor ready to be killed.

The door opened and a man in a dark cloak entered. He was thin and deathly looking, and with skin the color of pale oak. Cardinal Vernon had arrived.

Every member here felt pride knowing that they were able to stand side by side with such a great man. "Thank you for arriving sir, we are all ready."

Cardinal Vernon said nothing and strode past everyone. The man politely bowed and returned to his seat unaffected by being ignored.

"Begin," Cardinal Vernon said. His cold voice sent shivers down her spine.

Opening a jar they pulled out six obsidian seeds placing them next to the Saint. Once the blood started flowing the seeds would be ready to be watered.

A couple of incantations and prays were said and the Saint was ready to be killed.

Everyone watched as Cardinal Vernon slowly grabbed the obsidian dagger, twirling it around the air before getting closer to the Saint. The closer he got the more her shoulders shook as she tried to wrestle free. Some snickered at her movements. Vernon stared at her ashen face and lifted the dagger.

Their lord will soon be with them they thought. Many of them cheered as the dagger slowly inched closer and closer to the Saint.

But, just a few centimeters away from the throat Cardinal Vernon stopped. He stood there motionless not saying a word. Everyone in the room was confused.

"What are you doing?! Hurry and kill the Sain—" the Priest stopped his words and felt his body grow cold. He collapsed.

"WHA!" People screamed as they all began falling down.

"It's about time, damn. I got scared for a second." Cardinal Vernon said as he wiped the sweat off his brow. Had he not offered poisoned wine to everyone just moments before things might have ended differently.

Giving himself a pat on his back for manslaughter Vernon began dismantling the ritual under the confused and hateful gazes of his former 'friends'.

"What the hell are you doing?! We…we were about to—"

"Shut the f*ck up, Hal."


The priest, appalled that someone actually called him by his first name, cursed Vernon as he died. Hoping that their god would smite him.

The Saint watched shocked that her captors were collapsing while the man ready to kill her gave her a toothy grin.

"Hey miss Saint, Did you piss yourself or what?"

The pain from her wrists didn't hurt her as much as that comment did. "I-I did not do that!" Reeling back from that nasty comment and her near death experience the Saint scanned the room.

Aside from her and the man in front of her, everyone else looked like they were dead. Eyeing the man in front of her she asked him what he was planning.

"I just stopped the resurrection of the demon god and killed a bunch of cultists. There's no going back from that." He kneeled in front of her and with his best smile, "Let's get out of here."

Her mind was going in circles, as she wondered why he had saved her. But before she could decide to fully trust him she was dragged along through force.

"We can take my ride to one of my safe houses before meeting up with your people."

That's right he'd find her people, throw her their way and get the hell out of there before they kill him. He wouldn't bother addressing that part to her though…

Next chapter