

The back of the Quinjet were Thor, Stark, Rogers, Loki and Kal were seated, was quiet as it flew off to meet the Helicarrier.

Kal had no problem with the silence as it gave him time to think.

Ever since he came to the Marvel-verse, he asked himself what he wanted to do with his life.

Absolute power, wealthy, women, universal domination and so on were probably the first things that would come to mind to somebody with his power capabilities, but that wasn't Kal.

Kal's dream was and has always been freedom.

Freedom from responsibilities, freedom from law and control and most importantly freedom from death.

So Kal being in a Marvel- verse with the powers of a being that rocked the DC multiverse forcing its heroes to surface a lot of their lives to stop him, was a gift, one he wouldn't waste.

To achieve his dream of freedom he would use the gift given to him starting with the Infinite stones.

They will give him freedom from anything that tries to hold him back.

Kal looked at his black ring and smiled, "the first stone, the mind stone is already in reach" he thought to himself.

Suddenly Kal felt like someone was staring at him so he looked around and found Loki looking at him with a smile on his face.

For some reason Kal felt really uncomfortable with the way Loki was looking at him.

And he had a legitimate reason to feel uncomfortable because, the thoughts going through Loki's head were, "once I put my staff on him, its power will put him under my control and the Earth be mine to rule for sure"

Kal couldn't concentrate any more with Loki staring at him, so got up from his seat and walked up front to the cockpit and stood next to the random SHIELD agent that was co-piloting the Quinjet with Natasha.

"Move" Kal said to him.

The agent turned to Kal and found red glowing eyes staring back at him.

The agent didn't think twice, he unstrapped himself from the seat belts and left his seat to the back of the jet, taking Kal former seat.

Kal took the pilot's seat and strapped in.

"Do you know how to fly a jet?" Natasha asked

Kal looked at her, "how hard could it be?" he said before he pushed a few bottoms in front of him then above him.

These gave him control of the jet locking Natasha's controls.

"What have you done?" Natasha asked as she tried to move the yoke of the jet but it wasn't responding.

"I am now in control" Kal said before he pushed the yoke forward causing the jet to drop in to a dive.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Is something wrong with the Jet?"

"Are we going to crash?"

Were just some of the words being yelled from the passengers at the back.

Kal immediately pulled the yoke back and began gaining altitude, then he turned the yoke to the left and the jet entered a barrel roll before he levelled the jet out again and slowly climbed back to the original altitude.

"I know I have the power to fly, but that was amazing." Kal said with a smile on his face.

"How about we go again?" he asked out loud.

"NO" said most of the people.

"Ahh, you people are no fun" Kal said.

"Can you give me back control of the jet?" Natasha asked.

"Nope, you will have to come and take it" Kal replied.

"Please" she said with the most adorable expression on her face.

Kal tried to be strong to her display, but he cracked and gave her back control.

Kal could feel Thor and Tony at the back of the jet shaking their head in disappointment and his weakness.

Kal at looked at the Natasha, who looked at him, smiled and wicked.

He sighed and thought to himself, "Don't let yourself get played, she might be a gorgeous mortal, but don't forget that is a super spy that was able to calm the Hulk, outsmart Loki and fight various invader without using super powers"

An hour later, the jet was flying above Canada approaching the Helicarrier.

When the jet landed, a team of SHIELD agents boarded the jet and took Loki away.

"Director Fury well be waiting for you all in the briefing room" an agent said before he left.

In the briefing room with Kal, Natasha, Steve, Thor and Banner, a video of Fury interrogating Loki was being broadcast to which Kal didn't pay attention.

He was going over what he needed to do next, which was to have alone time with the Chitauri Sceptre and access the mind stone.

"So what's his play?" Steve asked Thor after the video went black.

Thor looked around and replied, "He has an army called the Chitauri. They're not of Asgard or any world known. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the earth. In return, I suspect, for the Tesseract."

"An army? From outer space? Seriously" Steve said.

Thor nodded his head.

Banner then spoke, "So he's building another portal. That's what he needs Erik Selvig for."

"Selvig?" Thor asked.

"He's an astrophysicist." Banner replied

"His a friend" Thor said as he recalled when he first came to Earth and meeting Jane Forster, Eric Selvig and the third person who he couldn't remember.

Kal was amazed at how there interaction went on just like in the movie, he even chuckled at the part when Thor emphasised Loki was adopted.

He knew his chance to slip away was about to come and it came when Tony walked in with Coulson, then later followed by Hill then finally Fury.

With all the main cast in the room, Kal slipped away unnoticed and headed to the lad Banner was working it earlier.

When Kal entered the lad, a huge smile appeared on his handsome face.

"It beautiful" he said as he looked at the sceptre.

He approached the sceptre and examine it's blue sphere that housed the mind stone.

"So you're the one that is going to create Scarlett Witch, I say thank you in advance"

Kal then formed a fist with his right hand, the hand with the black ring, then pointed it at the blue sphere.

The golden "S" on the ring began to glow then fired a golden beam at the blue sphere.

The golden beam created a hole in the blue sphere then went straight to the yellow stone in it centre.

"Being siphoning protocol" Kal order the ring.

The black ring gave a little humming sound, then it began to transfer energy from the mind stone to a pocket dimension he created specifically to contain and process the cosmic powers of the infinite stones.

As the ring siphoned power from the limitless mind stone, inside the pocket dimension, the streams of power flowing in were being compressed in to a ball that kept growing as the ring siphoned power.

Kal watched the ball grow slowly by slowly until it was the size of Earth's Sun then he cancelled the power siphoning protocol.

"Being compression protocol"

The sun sized mind stone energy began to slow compress losing all its mass shrink down gradually until it turned solid and was now the size of a rice grain.

"It actually worked" Kal said before he called the grain sized stone out of the black ring.

The grain sized stone flew out of the ring and fused on the left side of the ring.

Kal smiled, he didn't need to take the mind stone, all he did was siphon some of its energy and created his own mini version mind stone.

"One down, five to go"

I wrote this chapter with a massive headache, so it might have a lot more errors than usually....

I am not apologizing, i am just saying....

Thank you for reading

Lord_Drexcreators' thoughts
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