

Kal followed Sif up to a hill near the town were she took a big gulp from the wine bottle then mumble something under her breathe.

This was followed by the shuttering of tree trunks and rocks with her fist as she vented some anger, after all its health to vent anger instead of bottling it up.

After a while, she sat down in the grass on the hill side overlooking the town below.

On her face was a look of disappointment, this night wasn't playing out as she had hoped.

Kal approached her, "can I have a seat?" he asked her.

"Sure, why not?" she replied in a defeated voice.

Kal sat down next to her and quietly watched the lights shining in the town below.

Even from the top of the hill, Kal and Sif could still hear the music and the cheers from the town below.

"So how long have you had a thing for Thor?" Kal quickly asked because with every tune and cheer, Sif seemed to be getting angrier.

He hoped a conversation would clam her a bit.

Sif sighed, "Even you were able to notice how I felt and we have basically just meet, so why can't Thor notice how I feel?" she asked.

Kal looked at the sad female warrior and honestly, he had no words that could comfort her. In his 19 years of life, he has never been in love, crushes he has had but love never.

He was still thinking of something to say to comfort her when Sif spoke again.

"Am I fool to keep thinking of him instead of moving on?" she asked.

Kal sighed, "I am not good at giving relation advice but I can tell you this, Jane Foster and Thor will not last, you and he were meant to be"

"You think so?" Sif asked with a hopeful look.

Kal nodded his head.

Thor and Sif always end up together despite the presence of Jane Foster.

"Thank you for the support"

"Any time, I am happy to help" Kal replied.

"Now can we head back to the party?" Kal asked

"You go, I will come later" Sif replied as she went back to drinking from the wine bottle.

Kal didn't try to persuade her to come back with him, because he knew she probably didn't feel like being in the presence of Thor right now so he stood up and began making his way down the hill.

Reaching the road leading in to the town, Kal spotted a stunningly beautiful woman with long golden blonde hair wearing a green mini dress with black high boots walking towards the town.

"Wow" he thought.

Kal puffed out his chest and straighten his back and approached the blonde haired woman.

"Hey" he said to her.

The woman turned to him and gave him a beautiful smile which caused his heart to skip a beat.

"Damn she even more stunning up close" Kal thought to himself.

"Hello, is there something I can help you with?" she asked

Her voice brought Kal back to reality.

"I was wondering if you would like to go to a party with me"

The woman looked at the town which was about 5 meters away with people drinking, dancing and laughing, then back at Kal.

"Would it be that party by any chance?" she asked pointing at the town.

Kal nodded his head, "so will join me?"

She nodded her head and said "Sure, having a handsome man with me is bound to make this party a lot more fun"

"Awesome, my name is Kal El. What is yours?" he asked

"Amora" she replied

"Amora, such a beautiful name. So Miss Amora, shall we" Kal said as he held up his hand towards her.

Amora smiled as she held his hand and the both walked in to the town. They immediately stopped in their tracks as the town was now really crowded like a festival with people finding movement very difficult.

"So many people" Amora said as she looked at the crowd.

"How are we going to get through?" Amora asked Kal

An idea quickly came to him, "Do you trust me?" he asked her.

Amora nodded her head, "I know I just meant you but yes I trust you"

Kal smiled at her then pulled closer to him "hold me tight" he said.

Amora wrapped her hands around his waist tight and waited for what came next.

Kal began to slow float off the ground and then fly over the crowd towards the table he was at earlier with the warriors three, Heimdall, Thor and Sif.

During their short flight to the table, Kal got to feel how amazing Amora's body was with her breast against his chest, her arms around him as his hand capped her marvellously frim ass in his hands.

Landing next to the table, Kal let go of Amora's fine body but she didn't let go of him. In fact she planted her face in his chest and whispered, "You make me feel so warm, comfortable and safe"

Kal cleared his throat loudly which snapped her out of her trace. She pushed away from Kal and blushed making her look so adorable.

"Sorry about that" she said in a very soft barely audible voice.

"It's all good" he replied. He was happy that him made her feel warm, comfortable and safe.

Kal turned towards the table to find the warriors three, Heimdall and Thor giving him thumbs up to which Kal rolled his eyes and lead Amora to the table.

"Guys this is Amora, Amora these are the guys" Kal said giving a brief introduction.

"Nice to meet you all" she said to them.

"Now that we are all introduced, lets drink" Kal said. He then looked around for a free mug but there was none.

"Damn now I have to go and look for a mug" Kal said in disappointment.

"No need" Amora said. She then held out her hand and with a flash of light a mug appeared in her hand.

"Magic" everyone at the table said in unison.

"Yes, I am a sorceresses" Amora replied with a proud smile as she poured beer in to the mug and then gave it to Kal.

Kal took the mug from her and began chugging it when he thought to himself, a beautiful blonde haired woman in green whose a sorceress named Amora…

"Why does that sound so familiar?"

Then it hit him.

Kal quickly put the mug down then looked at the smiling Amora and one name came to mind…..Enchantress.

"Is everything okay?" Amora asked when she saw his facial expression change.

Kal nodded his head, "everything is fine" he replied.

The he smiled as he thought "It has been one week and I have already attracted the attention of someone so dangerous… looks like my life is about to get a lot more interesting"

So turns out i have a meeting on Wednesday that runs almost the whole day, so i choose to posted this today.

I hope can post again on Wednesday, if not then i will post a long chapter on thursday

Thanks for reading.

Lord_Drexcreators' thoughts
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