

It has now been a week since Kal arrived in Asgard, a week which was enough for him to realise Asgard wasn't what he imagined it to be.

From the sky looking down, it looked like a planetoid fit to be home to kings and gods with its size, beauty and magical feel, but on the ground…not so much.

The capital of Asgard looked a lot like something out of ancient roman times which the citizens of the upper class men and women wearing high quality togas while the middle to lower class wearing mostly worn out leather clothes.

The soldiers all wore shiny goldish armour carrying either a spear or a sword. Besides the upper class citizens, there were the most well-dressed.

"I guess that's why Asgard has a lot of soldiers, for the cool out fits"

Kal was now in his room in the royal palace laying his bed recalling a conversation he had with Thor.

"So what do people do here for fun?" Kal asked Thor.

"We hurt, eat, drink, fight and fuck…so much fun"

"You are joking right?"

"Nope…there is only so much to do on Asgard, why do you think we go to other realms to 'up hold the peace', because there isn't really much to do here" Thor replied with a smile but there was sadness in his eyes, life sucked especially with the Bifrost down, there was no way to leave and seek adventure.

With a sigh Kal sat up from his bed and walked to wards the window an looked out at the setting sun, which turns out wasn't really a sun but the sky enchanted to mimic the sun movements as Asgard doesn't have a sun.

He found that out the day after his exploits in the arena. He felt himself slowly getting weaker, so he flow up to the sky to find the sun and it wasn't anywhere to be found.

Thor later that morning told about the enchanted sky.

Kal knew without a solar recharge his 'goose was cooked', when suddenly just like the knowledge of the portal to earth, and answer to his problem was given to him.

He flow off in to one of the forests on Asgard were deep in an underground cave he found a tree that had golden apples growing on its branches. He picked an apple and with every bite he took, his strength returned.

After he finished eating the golden apple he felt full energised. He sighed in relief that he found a substitute for solar energy and after picking 10 golden apples he left the tree.

This was how he was able to survive a sunless Asgard.

With the stars now full out lighting up the night sky, Kal jumped out his window and flow off in to the sky.

He was invited to party that was begin organized by the warriors three.

He declined the invitation but Thor wouldn't take no for an answer.

"It going to be amazing. The warriors three know how to through a party" Thor said to convince him, which worked.

Kal came to float above the centre of an Asgardian town right above a huge water fountain which surrounded by people who had already began eating and drinking.

There were even some people dancing to the fork music being played.

A smile appeared on Kal face when he saw every one having fun as he too got infected by the party atmosphere, he want to eat, drink and laugh so began scanning to find Thor who promised he would come to the party.

It didn't take long to stop Thor as he was the one surrounded by a lot of beautiful women trying to win his favour.

"It good to be the crown prince" Kal said to himself.

Kal slow floated to his location, "someone is already having fun" he said as he came to land next to Thor.

A smile appeared on Thor face as he quickly left the women surrounding to put his hand around Kal shoulders.

"I am glad you came, let me introduce to my friends" he said as he quickly pulled Kal away from the women staring at them.

When they were out of the women's sight line, Thor sighed, "thank goodness you came when you did, Jane Foster is the only person for me and I didn't want to be rude by forceful chasing them away"

"Sure no problem, so who did you want to introduce me to?" Kal asked.

Thor led Kal to a table where the warrior's three, Lady Sif and Heimdall were having a private party.

"Thor, you finally made it" Lady Sif said with a smiled when he saw Thor.

"HAHAHA…you know I never miss these parties" Thor replied as he took a seat at the table next to Heimdall with Kal seating on the other side with the only free spot next to Sif.

When Kal sat down he could feel a drop in temperature as Sif looked at him with a death stare.

"I just sat down, what the hell could I have possibly done to annoy her" Kal thought to himself.

"I think the lady saved that seat for some else" Fandral (one of the warrior's three) said with a smile as he held back a laugh.

"Yeah she even wore her special dress to impress that person, but alas…" Volstagg added as he slowly shook his head.

"But the night is young, things might still work out for her" added Hogun.

Thor looked at Sif and smiled, clearly he understood what his friends were trying to tell him….not.

"So who's the special person you are waiting for?" Thor asked her.

Fandral, Hogun and Heimdall spat out the wine they had in the mouth while Volstagg nearly chocked on the food in his month, they then turned there gaze to Thor stunned at his obliviousness.

Sif sighed in disappointment, she then picked a wine bottle from the table stood up and left the table.

Kal felt sorry for her so he quickly stood up and followed after her.

"What wrong with her, is it something I said?" Thor asked

"Idiot" his friends all thought.

Thank you for reading

Lord_Drexcreators' thoughts
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