

Glancing around the crowded lunch room, Alexa spotted an empty table at the far end and quickly hurried towards it before someone else could snatch it. Dropping her tray down gently onto the table and sat down on the bench, flattening out her skirt. She opened her bag that was slung carelessly over her shoulder and pulled out the celebrity magazine she'd bought earlier on in the day to entertain herself.

Even though she was a cheerleader, Alexa wasn't very high on high school food chain so most of her teammates avoided her life they avoided calories, opting to hang out with the Barbie wannabes on the team that enjoyed being center of attention.

This suited Alexa fine, because everyone knew what if there was one thing she hated it was having everyone's focus on her.

Being at camp meant she was away from her best friend Taylor and she was forced to be able to be alone for a whole week, not something she was used to using one hand to flick the page and the other to eat the warm chips on her plate, She began to read an article in the magazine. As usual it was an article about some celebrity couple who were adopting a baby from the third world. she was debating on whether or not to keep reading when she sensed the presence of someone standing beside the table. Looking up, she saw Carson Michaels towering over her. His dark hair was tussled as he swept his hand through it, smiling down at her. His chocolate brown eyes were smoldering and she felt herself becoming mermerized in their intensity.

"Are you Alaxa?" he asked, biting his lips sexily as she struggled to remain cool and collected.

"Yeah?" she replied blushing as her answer came out more like a question. why was Carson Michaels, the captain of the football team, talking to her? Sure, she was the head cheerleader but that was only because her mom's friend was the coach and coaxed her into trying out at the beginning of term to boost her social skills.

"I'm Carson" he smiled, sitting down opposite her, placing his large hands on the table in front of her.

"Yeah, do you wanna hang out tonight?" he looked at her hopefully before laughing at her shocked expression.

"Um..um sure..." She stuttered, silently kicking herself for doing so. It was just that she couldn't believe that firstly Carson Michaels was blushing and secondly that he was asking her out.

"Okay, meet me back here at eight he winked, before getting up and walking away with looking back. No sooner had he left the lunch room than a couple of girls from the cheer camp descended like vultures on the table.

"Did I just see Carson Michaels talking to you?" Killie snorted, a hint of jealousy in her voice.

It was common knowledge that Killie Evans had a 'thing' for Carson but he didn't seem to have any interest in her, which was surprising because everyone knew Carson Michaels was a walking STI, the amount of girls he'd slept with. Every year was the same, Killie would Flutter her eyelashes and hoist her skirt up as he passed but every year she returned home disappointed. It looked like this year was no different.

"Yeah, he was just asking me to hang out later." Alexa replied confidence washing over her, wiping the smug look off killie's face. "I said yeah, couldn't disappoint now could I?"

"Be careful, you know what a player he is!" Janie - one of the nicer girl at camp - smiled warily at her before turning and walking away, the remaining cheerleaders scurrying after her but not before sending glares Alexa's direction. Be careful? So everyone knew Carson Michaels was a major player, both here at camp and back at home. The player to be precise but she wouldn't let him hurt her, it was just a bit of fun and after all she went to school with him; She knew how exactly he was.

Alexa had decided to play it cool and turn up late for her "date" with Carson and as she walked casually towards the lunch room, she saw him leaning against the building, She noticed he'd changed his clothes from earlier. He was now wearing a pair of chinos, a tight white T-shirt and a pair of white Nike hi-tops . She had to admit he looked good and she couldn't help but stare longingly at his body.

"Hi" he smiled, noticing her coming towards him. he took a step towards her and her heart fluttered. That's the effect a guy like Carson had on a girl like herself. Next she'd be giggling like an airhead playing with her hair.

"Hey" She giggled as he grabbed her hand and dragged her into the games room next to the lunch room. " Won't we get in trouble for being in here?" She asked worried that she was going to get kicked off the squad, or least discipline.

"No don't worry about it babe" he flashed a grin, " I never got caught"

He'd just called her babe and her heart beat had speed relatively up, although the way he'd said it implied that he'd done this before. That meant he'd brought a lot of his conquests to this exact spot; how special...

Carson lead her to the far end of the games room where there was a large plum colored sofa. He sat down roughly on it and she followed his lead, sinking into the soft material. It was awkward at the beginning, after all she'd never spoken to him before in her life, but after a few minutes the awkwardness disappeared and she found out that he was pretty decent guy, who loved his sport and his friends.

It seemed like they'd been talking for hours which she felt his body shuffle closer to hers and she felt herself blush as his arm snaked around her shoulders. She leaned her head against his chest shyly and he kissed her forehead affectionately, be guiding her face to look at her to look at him and smashing his lips against her own, with so much passion that Alexa turned to mush.

Thirty minutes later, Alexa was scrambling to grab her clothes that were lying around the game room. One thing had lead to another and before she had the chance to realize it was going too far too quickly, she'd had sex with him. Sure it wasn't her first time but she definitely wasn't the type of guy to just sleep with someone she'd only known properly for a couple of hours, and in the games room at camp of all places.! It seemed though that Carson Michaels brought out the bad girl in her and she couldn't say she minded.

Alex's cheeks blushed crimson as she covered her bare chest with her arms, grabbing for her T-shirt which was hanging back of the sofa. Carson was lying back on the sofa, arm stretched behind his head, a smug look on his perfectly sculpted face. Pulling her T-shirt over her head, she breathed out a sign of relief. Even though he'd seen her naked when they'd been having sex, now that they weren't so intimate she felt extremely self-conscious, especially when his body was so God-like.

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